Using External Balanced outputs to Outboard Preamps and getting weird "phasing"

  • Hey all - about 2 weeks with this Kemper and having been a tube amp guy, I see (and hope for) so much out of this Kemper, to the point that I can sell my Bassman amps - but I've run into one issue that's a biggie. I'm expecting this is solvable by asking here as so many (if not all) of you have so much more experience with this.

    When recording (Presonus Studio 1, V3 Pro), I run 3 outs from the Kemper into 3 channels (to get, play with and mix) 3 different tones. One out is the SPDIF out to the interface (1818vsl), stereo channel - no issues there. The other 2 outs are the left and right out from the Kemper, each using balanced outputs, one goes to a Vintech x73i (line in), then a Distressor, then a line into the 1818vsl interface using a line input - the 2nd output goes to a Universal Audio 6176 (pre/compressor both being used) then to the 1818 vsl interface using a line input

    What I'm experiencing is a weird and VERY obvious change in sound while playing and or recording. It sounds like a phase shift but so much louder and obvious - is there a setting on the Kemper I'm missing to get this signal to be "clean" / not changing? Is it not advisable to use the outboard pre amps? Is is something with the compression settings? I've been on YouTube, all through the in Depth User manual, and turning knobs on the pres for days now and cannot figure out why this issue is happening.

    Thanks for any help you might be able to provide

  • I would suggest for testing purposes, connect the balanced outs of the Kemper directly to 1818 instead of connecting to additional preamps first and see if the issue goes away. It can be that the separate preamps and compressor different coloration on Left and right signal is causing the phasing issue.

  • Guys, thanks a MILLION for all the thoughts. Jarrydee, your suggestion was the magic bullet. I tweaked the DAW to "unapply" the monitoring, and that was the issue. Now to conquer this new Kemper Profiler pedal (and profile a few of my old Bassman heads). Thanks again guys

  • uggh - I spoke too soon. By shutting the "monitoring" I don't hear the "phasing" but when I listen back to the recording, it's still there. I just tried going direct out (balanced XLR L/R) directly to the interface and with that I have no "phasing" - so there is something going on when I go KEMPER -> PREAMP -> COMPRESSOR-> INTERFACE.

    Edited once, last by SLAPPADom (March 12, 2018 at 5:37 PM).

  • the signals from the analog outs and the spdif might have a minimal delay - when layered you experience a comb filter effect.

    record a very sharp attack (clean sound, 'popping' the string, as in slap bass)
    zoom in a lot on this attack and see if you can make out a difference in timing or in phase.