Aux in for backing tracks

  • Hi!,

    I'm trying to configure the aux in to play backing tracks through the profiler while I'm playing. 'Im using the alternative input and he return input as recommended but I found that when I play the voluem of the backing track is lowed to a very low volume so it's impossible to obtain a good mix with the guitar sound. I haven't been able to figure out how can I solve this problem, do you have any idea?

    Thank you!

  • That doesn't ring a bell ... are you really using Return and Alternative Input in their capacity as Aux In or have you activated a Loop Stereo and basically feeding your backing tracks into the effect loop returns controlling the Mix with the parameter in the effect loop? Aux In level is controlled in the Output Section. Which output are you using?

  • Hi Burkhard,

    I'm using Return and Alternative Input as Aux in. I'm controlling the level of the signal in the output section parameter "Aux in Level". I can hear the sound really well but when I play the guitar the volume automatically is being reduced. When I stop playing the volume of the aux in raises again up to the initial level.