No sound from kemper after it sits unplayed a few minutes

  • This has happened twice now...

    I play at rehearsal or a gig and everything works great. Come back after a few minute break and everything is lit up appropriately on both the kemper and the remote, but when I go to play there is no sound.

    After I shut down and reboot everything works fine. Not sure which OS I have but I downloaded the latest about 4-5 months ago...

    Thanks for any ideas.


  • Does the Input LED still indicate a signal?
    Does the Output LED still indicate a signal?
    Where is the level of Volume Pedal -can be checked in the System Settings?
    Does the issue affect both inputs (Front Input and Alternative Input) with Input Source set accordingly?
    Does the issue affect all outputs and what is the output volume of the affected outputs - not Master Volume but for example Monitor Output Volume?
    Any MIDI equipment involved?
    Possible, that any crossing of Tuner Mode activation took place e. g. activating Tuner Mode via Tuner Button on Remote, then putting a Volume Pedal in heel position (while Tuner@Volume 0 is activated), then deactivating Tuner via Tuner Button, then cranking up Volume Pedal?
    5.4.1 Release installed?

  • Not sure on most of your questions as I didn't look at those issues specifically at the time of the problem.

    My setup is the head, remote and Mission Engineering expression pedal. Nothing else...

    The OS I am running is 5.3.1 so I will update to the latest.

    The "crossing of tuner mode" thing you described is possible. Can you explain this more fully please? Is there a certain order of using the tuner button and the volume pedal that I need to be aware of? FYI, the problem has only occurred when the pedal was hooked up for a gig. When I use at home I normally don't connect the volume pedal or the remote.

    Thanks so much for your help Burkhard!


  • For me, both times it was while jamming at my drummer's studio and after taking a break. It looked right, but there was no output or response from the controls on the KPA. A reboot fixed it both times.

    I'm pretty sure 5.4.1 wasn't out yet and it hasn't happened this year so far.

    I was straight into the KPA, with 2 x XLR cables into the PA. My Mission pedal has a TRS into pedal 5 and a TS into pedal 6. It all works exactly as I want.

  • I'm aware, that we have had several scenarios where the Tuner Mode had not been left correctly or completely e. g. tone still muted. The Tuner Mode can be triggered in different ways:

    - Tuner Button on Remote
    - MIDI CC#31
    - chicken head on front panel
    - Volume Pedal at heel (if "Tuner@Volume 0" is selected)
    - MIDI CC#7 value 0 (if "Tuner@Volume 0" is selected)

    If you use more than one method simultaneously e. g. press the Tuner Button on the Remote plus Volume Pedal at heel and release those in a specific order e. g. pressing Tuner Button first followed by cranking up the Volume Pedal, there could still be an issue. We have solved a few. But I cannot outrule, that there is still a scenario, where tone stays muted although the display is indicating something else. You can try to use the chicken head to activate and deactive Tuner Mode again. I guess, best is to just use one method to activate Tuner at a time and not combine these methods. It is also possible to unselect, that the signal gets muted if the Tuner Mode gets activated via Tuner Button or chicken head, or if the Tuner gets activated if the Volume Pedal is in heel position.

  • For me, both times it was while jamming at my drummer's studio and after taking a break. It looked right, but there was no output or response from the controls on the KPA. A reboot fixed it both times.

    I'm pretty sure 5.4.1 wasn't out yet and it hasn't happened this year so far.

    I was straight into the KPA, with 2 x XLR cables into the PA. My Mission pedal has a TRS into pedal 5 and a TS into pedal 6. It all works exactly as I want.

    Unfortunately a reboot resets a lot. You should check the status of Input LED, Output LED, Volume Pedal, specific output volume, when it happens.

    As both of you are reporting the issue happened after a break, also see my hint regarding the crossing of various Tuner activation methods. I'm assuming you might be activating the Tuner in order to mute the signal during the break.

  • I can reproduce the following scenario:

    1. Pressing Tuner Button - activates Tuner Mode with Mute Signal
    2. Moving Volume Pedal to heel - switches to Volume Pedal Tuner Mode screen
    3. Cranking up Volume Pedal - display switches to normal Play Page, but Mute Signal isn't released!!!

    Workaround: Press Tuner Button twice or move Chicken Head to Tuner Mode and back to Browser/Performance Mode.

    General suggestion: Don't mix the various methods to activate the tuner. Either deactivate Mute Signal or Tuner@Volume 0.