Fractal Axe Fx 3

  • Some developers discontinue or abandon older hardware when an upgrade is released, whereas the Axe FX II and AX8 will still be updated with algorithms that are shared with the Axe FX III, though undoubtedly the developers will have to make some compromises.

    What about the FX8? I had literally bought mine used when Mark II came out and I lost equity, but I really dig it. Will FX8 Original be unsupported at a known point?

  • What about the FX8? I had literally bought mine used when Mark II came out and I lost equity, but I really dig it. Will FX8 Original be unsupported at a known point?

    Cliff has stated the following, which I believe is applicable:

    "I don't believe in planned obsolescence. We will continue to support products as long as it is practical and not a huge financial burden. Hopefully this creates loyalty so that customers are more inclined to buy our future products."

  • I’ve owned an Eleven Rack, Line 6 Amplifi 150, Kemper, a Helix, a Mesa Triple Crown plus Suhr Load Box, and a Fractal AX8 now. Tried the Kemper, it’s awesome but couldn’t quite find my tone. I grew tired of trying different profiles and that requires time to get used to brand new tones each time I switch. The Helix has great effects but I liked Kemper approach better for effects. Kemper effects try to keep the core tone intact while Helix tries to mimic stomp boxes completely, coloring the tone. Routing in the Helix is awesome. It’s all there as far as I’m concerned but the the amp feel is artificial out of the box. I haven’t tried tweaking extensively and wouldn’t know what to do if I did. Up to that point, it always sounded better with a short cable into my Mesa TC. I tried 4cm but it is not the same. I went Mesa into Suhr Reactive Load and it was revolutionary. Cab IRs is a great thing in my opinion. I tried miking and profiling in the Kemper but something is always off. I’m not a sound engineer but I am a Aeronautical engineer so I am not inadept at researching and analyzing and trying different methods. I found my favorite sound came from miking the speaker slightly off center cap with a SE VR1 mic. Still, it didn’t hold a candle to putting the Triple Crown through the Suhr and a properly selected professional IR like OwnHammer. That boils down to an amateur recording chain vs a pro recording chain. What are you really capable of? Recently, I found the best solution is guitar to AX8>Mesa amp>Suhr>AX8. I simply use the Fractal AX8 for effects and cab IRs and the sound is amazing. I don’t know if there’s a better sound with the ultra res cabs but It is definitely more roomy to me. Or it can be if you choose.

  • I’ve owned an Eleven Rack, Line 6 Amplifi 150, Kemper, a Helix, a Mesa Triple Crown plus Suhr Load Box, and a Fractal AX8 now. Tried the Kemper, it’s awesome but couldn’t quite find my tone. I grew tired of trying different profiles and that requires time to get used to brand new tones each time I switch. The Helix has great effects but I liked Kemper approach better for effects. Kemper effects try to keep the core tone intact while Helix tries to mimic stomp boxes completely, coloring the tone. Routing in the Helix is awesome. It’s all there as far as I’m concerned but the the amp feel is artificial out of the box. I haven’t tried tweaking extensively and wouldn’t know what to do if I did. Up to that point, it always sounded better with a short cable into my Mesa TC. I tried 4cm but it is not the same. I went Mesa into Suhr Reactive Load and it was revolutionary. Cab IRs is a great thing in my opinion. I tried miking and profiling in the Kemper but something is always off. I’m not a sound engineer but I am a Aeronautical engineer so I am not inadept at researching and analyzing and trying different methods. I found my favorite sound came from miking the speaker slightly off center cap with a SE VR1 mic. Still, it didn’t hold a candle to putting the Triple Crown through the Suhr and a properly selected professional IR like OwnHammer. That boils down to an amateur recording chain vs a pro recording chain. What are you really capable of? Recently, I found the best solution is guitar to AX8>Mesa amp>Suhr>AX8. I simply use the Fractal AX8 for effects and cab IRs and the sound is amazing. I don’t know if there’s a better sound with the ultra res cabs but It is definitely more roomy to me. Or it can be if you choose.

    Check out Universal Audio's OX Amp. To my ears, it sounds outstanding.

  • I would also add that using a amp minus power section for a stomp is amazing. Its what I love about stomps minus that certain something that stomps take away. It’s probably just a preference thing. I find it more plugged straight into amp like. Again, my setup is a modified 4cm.

  • Check out Universal Audio's OX Amp. To my ears, it sounds outstanding.

    Right! That looks cool. UA does amazing things. My problem is it’s expensive, looks like I’ll need some sound engineering experience, and not very flexible as far as plug and play. I don’t want to deal with microphone placement and compression and what not. I just want a great sound. The room sound is interesting though.

  • I will summarize by saying that the ultimate rig for the average joe tone snob would be the Helix’s routing, Kemper’s profiling of amps, and fractals effects and cabs. Add that to a proper stereo FRFR and all that’s left is left is up to you.

  • Right! That looks cool. UA does amazing things. My problem is it’s expensive, looks like I’ll need some sound engineering experience, and not very flexible as far as plug and play. I don’t want to deal with microphone placement and compression and what not. I just want a great sound. The room sound is interesting though.

    It's expensive but it sounds amazing. Select a cab, mic and away you go. Like the KPA, compression and other effects are optional. Unfortunately, you need a Mac or iPad to use the downloadable interface. Windows isn't supported, yet anyway.

  • Is that true? Well that IS an impressive feature!

    8×8 USB with Superior Performance

    The Center of your Music Workstation

    A 16-core, 500 MHz microcontroller provides 16 channels of flawless USB audio (8 in, 8 out) allowing the Axe-Fx III to be the center of your music workstation. The audiophile-grade signal path components and converters provide better audio performance than most dedicated USB audio interfaces. With 8×8 channels you can record multiple tracks of processed audio, DI signals, etc., while monitoring backing tracks, auditioning stereo reamps in real-time, and more. A USB audio sound source can even be placed on the grid with its own dedicated block. Windows 7/8/10 drivers are included, and the Axe-Fx III requires no driver on a Mac running 10.7.4 or newer.
    USB In (from Axe-Fx III to Computer)

    1+2: Output 1
    3+4: Output 2
    5+6: Input 1 (DI for reamping)
    7+8: Input 2 (for general use)

    USB Out (from computer to Axe-Fx III)

    1+2: Routed to physical Output 1 L+R
    3+4: Routed to physical Output 2 L+R
    5+6: Routed to the Grid via INPUT 1 block when its source is set to USB
    7+8: Routed to the Grid via the dedicated INPUT USB block

    From fractal website.

  • You mean you would like to say that the "average rock musician" today has more skill than the rock musicians of 1985-1995;;

    If so..yes,,we have very different impressions for sure.No problem at all though..

    I wasn't just talking about rock musicians, I meant in general.
    I find a lot more good young rock and pop musicians and folk musicians in my environment today than I did back then, although or maybe because it's harder to get a gig today than it was for us in the late 60s and early 70s.
    I don't want to judge the quality of old rock heroes comparing today's musicians. Although they influenced me a lot and still inspire me today.
    They were different and still there are some alive, thank God.

    For me, my own taste is not a measure of quality. I don't believe that everything was better in the past, although I can't and don't want to follow much of what is happening nowadays.
    I find the music business today to be more complex, varied and short-lived, but I think that this depends more on the zeitgeist and economic influences than on the quality of the musicians.

  • Sorry but I have to point out that this feature has been around for all hardware effects for quite a while now in most if not all DAWs as far as I know. and you don't necessarily need USB for that.

    I think the great thing is that it is done over USB here. 8x8 is a lot of inputs and outputs to add to your existing rig.

    If the quality of the FX also improves beyond computer based solutions, that is a very tempting proposition, saving resources.

    And it looks like you can also add an audio source over USB to your signal flow.

  • The whole KPA vs Axe-fx II or Axe-fx III reminds me of the PS4 vs Xbox One arguments. If you have already bought the KPA then why not buy the Axe-fx III to increase your tonal options. It really does not have to be one versus the other. I love my KPA rack but I am on the wait list for the AXE-fx III. If and when Kemper comes out with a new rack I will get that too. :thumbup:

    I think you have musical G.A.S ;)

  • As much as the AxeFX III will be an amazing piece of gear (and it WILL), I can't see myself ever purchasing one. The AX8 was plenty for me, but after this announcement I'm glad I sold mine... and for a profit even. The FAS ecosystem is amazing and pretty much dwarfs anything else out there but there were two things that turned me off: first, the frequent FW updates that needlessly (IMHO) made changes to the modeling algorithms that didn't affect some presets, but ruined other presets; and second, the bazillion deep parameters were great and all, but it still wasn't as good as the KPA on the tones front and I don't see the AxeFX III (or AX8 II) changing that. FAS claims the algorithms are getting closer and closer to plug'n'play, yet the number of folks creating and selling packaged presets tells a different story.

    In a lot of ways, the FAS ecosystem is far better than the KPA, so I can't begrudge anyone for choosing FAS. But I missed my KPA...

    So I just picked up a KPA rack (I've had 2 toasters going back to 2014 or so) and am thoroughly enjoying it.