Fractal Axe Fx 3

  • Fractals effects are not the BEST. They don't have convolution reverb, and they certainly can't compete with a Bricasti The other effects aren't as good as top of the line Eventides either. Their built in stuff isn't even as good as Strymon for that matter.

    So let's see, Kemper has amps that sound as real as real amps, Fractal dosen't, and Fractal effects are not the BEST, so what does Fractal have to offer, nothing, unless you are happy with mediocrity, which apparently one Fractal obsessed person in this forum obvisouly is haha. This is a Kemper forum, you are never gonna get any of us to like Fractal the way you do. Give up. Nothing you can say about Fractal will convert any of us or change our opinions in the slightest even.

    I think the Fractals effects are better than the Kempers effects, but both units effects suck, and I don't use the Kemper for effects, and the Fractals effects aren't good enough for me either.

    As far as the mentions of Metallica... Metallica are has beens, they haven't put out a good record since Burton died. Although Justice and Black were listenable, they weren't no Puppets or Lightning. What a band uses live means very little, live sound dosen't matter much to anyone. I doubt Metallica actually RECORDS with their Fractal units.... but then again, perhaps they do, that would partially explain why all their records sound like more Loads of carp haha.

    And yes I also want to point out this little gem too about the Axe FX, it's supposed to be so powerful but yet Cliff Chase still cannot for the life of him figure out how to get the Fractal to do a proper Klon Centaur hahahaha!

    The only person I've heard that made the Fractal sound good was Mark Day, but then again he makes everything he plays sounds good, maybe it's because he uses so much gain.

    I've bought a lot of profile packs from the Kemper, they all have sounded real good to me, I have not toyed with trying to use any of them with a seoperate cab profile, I don't even know how to even go about doing such a thing, but they sound good to me as they are. The only ones I bought that I had a hard time bonding with are the packs from Top Jimmy, they all seem to have a odd frequency in them that is always present that I just don't care too much for.

    People that like Fractal are a strange bunch, they are very, very much like some sort of Jim Jones cult.

    And yes Cliff and the mods at Fractal Forum ban people for no good reason still to this day. I've been banned there countless times, once just for saying I don't like John Mayor or his music.

    I have nothing good at all to say about Fractal or the man that created Fractal, and I will spread that word until my dying breath, I will preach for as long as I live buy Kemper, not Fractal. Anything that I can possibly do to convince anyone to buy Kemper over Fractal I will do. Cliff caused a lot of bad blood with me personally, and I am sure that during the last few years I have done things to cost him potential sales and $$$. And I will continue on until I'm dead.

    I am a hardcore Kemper user now and nothing will ever convince me that anything Cliff ever produces is on par or above the great Kemper.

    I'm a hardcore Right Wing Republican, a Christian and a Traditionalist... and I mention that because research has been done to show that most people that own Apple/Iphone technology believe in the opposite things that people like myself believe in that own Android/Windows, like totally opposite, and my own experiences have shown me time and time again that 9 times out of 10 Iphone users are progressive/liberals which are totally the opposite of my far right extreme conservative views....

    I mention this, because, I've owned the Kemper about a year and been on the Kemper forum about a year, and the people on the Kemper forum are soooo much cooler than the people on the Fractal forum ever were! I mean I feel much more comfortable here in the Kemper forum than I ever did in the Fractal forum, it really makes me think that I bet in general, the personalities/attitudes/beliefs of Kemper users vs. Fractal users are VERY different, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

    I love Kemper, and I pray to God that Fractal one day goes out of business and one day everyone that works for Fractal is out of a job.

    If I didn't have my Kemper, I'd probably buy a used YJM100 head and use that, but you couldn't pay me to ever go back to Fractal products.

    I hate everything about that company.

  • Well, there's this thing called confirmation bias. Suggestion is a powerful thing. People hear all sorts of stuff yet often can't validate their perception in blind A/B tests.


    Regarding the AXE FX II having crappy mid gain edge of break-up tones there's no confirmation Bias from me, you simply can't point me to any mid gain clips anywhere of the AXE FX II doing mid gain, edge of breakup that sound have decent which illustrate the reason why many like me hear the harshness in the AXE FX II because it's very evident in the edge of break tone, that's why many who chose the Kemper don't go for the AXE FX II.

    Regarding CLiff Chase stating the he believed that audio convolution is more accurate but went with algorithmic, the source is me, and I don't make things up, I read it on the gear page.

    I invite you as a member of the Fractal community to ask that question and I don't doubt that CLiff or someone from Fractal will tell you today what they've known years ago, Dynamic convolution is more accurate than algorithmic, they can't deny scientific facts.

  • Cliff sells a lot of snake oil.

    Funny thing is that when I had a Fractal owner at the time I would have never believed Kemper was going to be this good. Kemper is lightyears above Fractal.

    At first I thought Kemper was a joke before I bought one, just because of how the profiles were made and because they look weird....

    I'm the kind of guy that hates tweaking. I like to set it and forget it. When I used to own real amps I put them in a sweet spot and thats where they always stayed. I turn it on, plugged in a guitar, and I played.

    I do the same thing with Kemper.

    That's why I love Kemper.

    Its no different than plugging into the amp of your dreams and simply playing.

  • Regarding the AXE FX II having crappy mid gain edge of break-up tones there's no confirmation Bias from me, you simply can't point me to any mid gain clips anywhere of the AXE FX II doing mid gain, edge of breakup that sound have decent which illustrate the reason why many like me hear the harshness in the AXE FX II because it's very evident in the edge of break tone, that's why many who chose the Kemper don't go for the AXE FX II.

    I'm pretty sure if you direct me to a free profile that has the tonal characteristics you're referring to, I can likely reproduce it in the Axe FX, that is assuming the amp in the profile has an equivalent model in the Axe.

    Regarding Cliff Chase stating the he believed that audio convolution is more accurate but went with algorithmic, the source is me, and I don't make things up, I read it on the gear page.

    Well, find the quote and post a link to it. If Cliff posted it, it should be archived at TGP.

    I invite you as a member of the Fractal community to ask that question and I don't doubt that CLiff or someone from Fractal will tell you today what they've known years ago, Dynamic convolution is more accurate than algorithmic, they can't deny scientific facts.

    I'm not the one making assertions about what Cliff said, so why not ask him yourself?

    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (February 6, 2018 at 3:42 AM).

  • I am a hardcore Kemper user now and nothing will ever convince me that anything Cliff ever produces is on par or above the great Kemper.

    Since you're convinced the Axe FX is inferior to the Kemper, you should have no trouble identifying it in the samples below. Can you tell which is which?

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    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (February 6, 2018 at 3:42 AM).

  • I'm not the one making any assertions about what Cliff said, so why not ask him yourself?

    Well it's enough to say that he was being truthful that day because no one can argue with science. I don't have to ask him because I know I read that post of his. I also read many of his negative fabrications about the Kemper that I won't get into, but it completely turned me off from Fractal. For that it's simple, If you're a member on the gearpage, you can quickly skim through his posting history, also on the Fractal forum about hypothesizing about how the Kemper works.

    The responses of the many of the bobble heads in the fractal forum to CLiffs negative fabricated assertions is still there for everyone to read and that should leave no doubt in anyone's mind with basic English comprehension that Fractal malicious insecure unfair unprofessional unacceptable unethical methods of competition doesn't go unnoticed by everyone and it costs them customers.

    Regardless of all of this I still don't see anything that indicates that AXE III will catch up with Kemper. any time soon or ever. That's the price of choosing Algorithmic over dynamic convolution knowing first hand which is more accurate.

  • Well it's enough to say that he was being truthful that day because no one can argue with science. I don't have to ask him because I know I read that post of his.

    That's fine. Please post a link to it.

    Regardless of all of this I still don't see anything that indicates that AXE III will catch up with Kemper. any time soon or ever. That's the price of choosing Algorithmic over dynamic convolution knowing first hand which is more accurate.

    The Axe FX II's amp modeling is already on par with the KPA's amp section. Listen to the samples I posted above. FAS just needs to improve the stock cabs, though they may have already done that in the Axe FX III.

  • Both of those samples sound like crap to me. I never said that the Kemper couldn't be made to produce a crappy tone. So I don't care if they are both the kepmepr, both the fractal, or 1 is kemper 2 is Fractal or vice vera, both samples sound like dogcrap to me when it comes to tone. and i'm listening through a pair of adam a7x monitors as well as dt 880 pro headphones fyi. and both examples you posted sound like crap regardless of which unit produced the tone.

    I've never heard ANYONE get good tone out of a Fractal other than the videos of Mark day pplaying Autograph Turn up the Rdaio and Van Halen Somebody Get me a Doctor on youtube. Those are the only two audio examples I've ever heard where the Fractal sounded good, oh and there's also a guy named Tyler or Durden on Fractals Forum that got some decent SRV tones out of it, but aside from those rare instances, I've never heard the Fractal sound good.

    Where with the Kemper, I am blown away buy AMAZING tone with almost every profile I buy... INSTANTLY.

    I'm sure Mark and that Tyler guy or whatever his name woulda sounded even better through a Kemper.

    If it wouldn't have ben for Mark Day posting those two specific videos I would have never even bought the Fractal Axe 2.

    In Fact, I sold a handwired tube Marshall and a Fender amps to buy the Axe Standard when it came out twelve years ago or whatever, and it didn't live up to the hype at that time, so I started using real amps again.
    But I was impressed with Mark Day playing those two specific songs and thought well maybe the Axe 2 has finnally got its act together, but to my disappointment it didn't.

    Then to spite Cliff I bought a Kemper and instantly got everything that real amps used to give me, and I finnally got that RECORDED tone I hear on all my favorite CDs.

    A great player is gonna sound like a great player though regardless of what gear they use.
    Just lioke the YNGWIE Ballad in D by the youtube user Panos, he played that on a POD Bean, but that tone is even better than the real tone Yngwie the man himself even gets (so is the playing actually).

    The Fractal is just not there, it's not on the same level as the Kemper.

    Even if it is possible to tweak it to be as good as the Kemper, I wouldn't want to have to spend that time tweaking, when I can instantly get ANYTHING I want with the Kemper.

    Also Kemper has profiles for EVERY amp practiaclly, Fractal only has two or three hundered amps.

    All I care abouty is the amp tones.

    I don't care about bells and whistles like displays, editors, effects, etc.

    I also do not care about live use or in the room type of amp tone.

  • Both of those samples sound like crap to me. I never said that the Kemper couldn't be made to produce a crappy tone.

    For your information, one of those is a profile from Guido Bungenstock. If you think his profiles sound like crap then you've lost any credibility you might've had with me. You're trying to wiggle out of guessing which one is the Axe FX sample because you don't know.

  • Regarding the AXE FX II having crappy mid gain edge of break-up tones there's no confirmation Bias from me, you simply can't point me to any mid gain clips anywhere of the AXE FX II doing mid gain, edge of breakup that sound have decent which illustrate the reason why many like me hear the harshness in the AXE FX II because it's very evident in the edge of break tone, that's why many who chose the Kemper don't go for the AXE FX II.

    This. x10.
    As mentioned, S-Gear is the only other thing I own which sounds as good as the Kemper. The Axe has rough edges especially evident when playing double stops. I almost bought the Axe FX just before hearing the Kemper and even convinced one of my friends to buy the Axe FX.
    He likes it and I have had played through it. It comes close, but sounds unnatural to me.
    For metal and other extreme styles, I understand why some would prefer the Axe.
    Not my cup of tea.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • For your information, one of those is a profile from Guido Bungenstock. If you think his profiles sound like crap then you've lost any credibility you might've had with me. You're trying to wiggle out of guessing which one is the Axe FX profile because you don't know.

    Not at all, you couldn't be further wrong.... I own Guidos Big Pack as well as most of his other profiles, I stand buy that sample you posted sounds like dog crap, maybe its just the amp itself, or maybe it's the horrendous excuse for guitar playing, either way it sounds like dog crap. I use Guidos YJM100 Profiles if that tells you what kind of tone I like. I'm old school, I'm not one of these homo millenials that like Djent dogcrap tone.

  • Not at all, you couldn't be further wrong.... I own Guidos Big Pack as well as most of his other profiles, I stand buy that sample you posted sounds like dog crap, maybe its just the amp itself, or maybe it's the horrendous excuse for guitar playing, either way it sounds like dog crap. I use Guidos YJM100 Profiles if that tells you what kind of tone I like. I'm old school, I'm not one of these homo millenials that like Djent dogcrap tone.

    I could care less whether you like the tone. You're making excuses because you don't want to be wrong.

  • Anyway, back on topic. Another Axe III demo:

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