New beta firmware released today.

  • Hi
    Just a warning
    I saw the new beta version and decided to install it.
    Everything looked fine and it started to reboot BUT then it got totally frozen.
    Not a button was working. Just the text KEMPER PROFILING AMPLIFIER on the screen.
    I could not even turn it off with the switch.
    I pulled the plug and it started booting again but - same procedure again - frozen.
    I hav e-mailed support.
    Anybody else had this problem with the new release?
    Anyone having the earlier firmware version since I can´t use my KPA until I manage to istall the old one. :wacko: :thumbdown:
    If so please e-mail me ( ) .
    Thanks in advance guys.

  • 1.0.5 works great - rig changing (up/down) is much faster now - jumps from letter A-B-C...

    It feels as if the latency is faster now.

    Noise gate still not able to deal with distortion and high gain amp setting+

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • I was getting some occasional noise pops that I didn't before. maybe it was something else, gonna see if I keep noticing it.

    This update makes this box 5 percent realer.. so it is actually now realer then the real amp.... ;)

  • Didn't get 1.05 running with my rigs.
    Had freezes or error messages after the update.
    Only thing that helped was intialization, so everything got cleared, then it worked again. Starting with no rigs inside.
    But when I tried loading my rigs back into memory (tried with restore and with loading them over import) I had freezes again while booting.
    I guess some of my rigs are not compatible to the updated FW.....but: How could I ever get out wich are corrupted? There should be around 1k rigs in my KPA and I can not try them one by one, when the unit starts to boot after every import.
    Gone back to 1.04, then restored, and it works again.
    I'll stay at 1.04 for now and wait.

  • 1.05 borked my Kemper. I also had to reinitialize, go back to 1.04 and then re-load my profiles. I understand we are using a public beta and we update at our own risk, but I'd prefer these updates be tested a little more prior to release, especially since they are mostly minor bug repairs. Public betas should not brick your unit.

  • 1.05 borked my Kemper. I also had to reinitialize, go back to 1.04 and then re-load my profiles. I understand we are using a public beta and we update at our own risk, but I'd prefer these updates be tested a little more prior to release, especially since they are mostly minor bug repairs. Public betas should not brick your unit.


  • 1.05 borked my Kemper. I also had to reinitialize, go back to 1.04 and then re-load my profiles. I understand we are using a public beta and we update at our own risk, but I'd prefer these updates be tested a little more prior to release, especially since they are mostly minor bug repairs. Public betas should not brick your unit.

    It seems like almost everyone is having problems with this update, I assume Kemper has a team of Beta Testers, if not they should! but they didn't do a good job on this firmware update. :) Back to previous version for me too.

  • Over 100 Kemper users here, probably 10 are having not "almost everyone". Agree that it shouldn't happen and the pop should have been picked up. The freeze is selective (most of people has updated without issues, including myself), probably something to do with failure in the file name translation from the old to the new format and linked to specific charachters/filename lenght.

    It sucks big time, but it has not wrecked all the units around....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Over 100 Kemper users here, probably 10 are having not "almost everyone". Agree that it shouldn't happen and the pop should have been picked up. The freeze is selective (most of people has updated without issues, including myself), probably something to do with failure in the file name translation from the old to the new format and linked to specific charachters/filename lenght.

    It sucks big time, but it has not wrecked all the units around....

    You could be right. maybe a smaller %, but since mine also had the pops, and from the posts read, it probably is more then 10 people, keep in mind many people probably haven't upgraded yet either, so it would be wise for KPA to just remove it from the web site for now, so others would not be aggravated with that update..we don't want a bunch of angry people here bitching about it, do we? :)

  • 1.05 borked my Kemper. I also had to reinitialize, go back to 1.04 and then re-load my profiles. I understand we are using a public beta and we update at our own risk, but I'd prefer these updates be tested a little more prior to release, especially since they are mostly minor bug repairs. Public betas should not brick your unit.

    How is this reinitialization done? Glad to hear there's a method to allow firmware downgrades - not all gear will allow you to go "backwards".


  • Here are instructions from another thread.

    Got it work again.

    First of all a disclaimer: I have no clue if the manufacturer likes it when users go to the maintanance menu. I would recommend not to touch anything where you feel unsure. I guess you could toast the unit that hard in there that you'd need to send it back to support. It's your own decision and your own responsibility when you do that.

    And that's what I did:

    Copied from Armins site:

    Note: ALL the rigs will be erased during this procedure!!

    Switch the main knob to off
    Hold the left/top soft-key above the LCD
    while still holding this key - switch KPA to tuner
    Maintenance Module will be started
    In the 'Maintenance' menu goto 'Memory'
    Use Memory FormatFlash and InitFlash (I pressed init here)
    Check if the KPA works (booting, tuner)
    Resinstall your rigs - I recommend to just install the stock rigs - in case you have corruped rigs on your USB stick
    Load additional rigs - check if all rigs work (Did not work with FW 1.05, freezed again!)
    Check all the KPA settings

    I then have put FW 1.04 back on the stick and downdated, then loaded my restored state and now I'm back FW 1.04.

    I'll wait for now until someone can say why the update failed.