• I tried it this way first, base on your earlier post. And yes it works, but still not the way I'd like to be able to use the box. it just may not be possible with the Kemper with its current limitations.

    I also set the HX Effects up through Kemper's Effect Send/Return and got it to work, the problem is, when the Kemper Stereo Effects Loop is engaged, there is a significant volume drop once a Kemper Stereo Effect is engaged.

    I have it setup the following way:

    Kemper Output/Send to HX Effects Input/Mono

    HX Effects HX Output Left to Kemper Alternative Input

    HX Effects HX Output Right to Kemper Return Input

    I create a Stereo Effects Loop x Spot on the Kemper and Engage

    I get all of the HX Effects Stereo Effects as expected. Obviously using the Compressor/Boost/OD/Distortion plugins are not effective as they are meant to be inline before the Guitar Input of the Kemper, so I loose all of this effects within the HX Effects. All the other typical Stereo Effects like Modulation/Tremelo/Delay/Reverb work as expected.

    Sp lets say I want to use an HX Effects Stereo Delay and a Kemper Stereo Reverb, as soon as I engage the Kemper Reverb, the level drops down considerably and I can't figure out why. From a pure listening perspective, it comes across as , use one on the other, the HX Effects or the Kemper Effects but not both. My goal to setting it up in the Kemper Send/Return, was be be able to compare the HX Effects quality agains Kemper's Stereo Effects Quality.

    What am I doing wrong setting things up this way???????

  • IIRC, it could be that the signal level of the loop is high, so you think the Kemper is lowering the volume, when it is actually the normal volume without loop. Adjust the loop volume in the mono/stereo loop and see if the problem goes away.

    Yes, this way, you will not be able to use the HX ODs, DSes, etc. If you explicitly want the Helix in the loop of the Kemper, try the signal chain I suggested instead. Otherwise, Amaze-B has got a very nice and simple way of getting them to play nicely together.

  • Yes, you can have a delay in A to D, but like you said, they're mono. I believe the hope was that CK and team would make a fix for stereo delays and reverbs in those slots. Thanks for the clarification nightlight

    A "fix" wouldn't involve the signal's passing through the amp block in stereo 'cause the Profiles and cab are mono, as they should be.

    If anything, and I think this is what they're doing, they'll make it possible to instantiate delay and 'verb in these slots.

  • IIRC, it could be that the signal level of the loop is high, so you think the Kemper is lowering the volume, when it is actually the normal volume without loop. Adjust the loop volume in the mono/stereo loop and see if the problem goes away.

    Yes, this way, you will not be able to use the HX ODs, DSes, etc. If you explicitly want the Helix in the loop of the Kemper, try the signal chain I suggested instead. Otherwise, Amaze-B has got a very nice and simple way of getting them to play nicely together.

    barryjohns2126 I agree with nightlight that it sounds like your FX Loop Level is too loud. You have to get the volume close to the volume in the Kemper. Check out page 182 of the Kemper Manual where it talks about the audio settings for the FX Loop Level. Good luck!