Rig specific input select / assigning rigs to either xlr or jack outputs

  • Hi, loving KPA - it's totally changed my life as a working musician -

    A couple of things - is there anyway that KPA could be updated to allow connection of a second guitar to the Alternative input as well as a first guitar to the main input? Then there could be an input select on the 'rig' settings - this would really be useful for having an electric and acoustic for example permanently connected -

    Also would be great to be able to specify monitor out or main out on the 'rig' settings so I could have patches made for acoustic guitars coming out of the monitor out and the electric patches coming out of the main out... currently I get around this by using panorama to pan acoustic patches hard left and electric patches hard right so I can give FOH (sound guy) two independent sources - of course this means I can lonly run mono effects which is an acceptable compromise to be fair.
    Are these changes possible or is there a hardware limitation with regards the input select for example?
    Thanks again and keep up the good work

  • A couple of things - is there anyway that KPA could be updated to allow connection of a second guitar to the Alternative input as well as a first guitar to the main input? Then there could be an input select on the 'rig' settings - this would really be useful for having an electric and acoustic for example permanently connected -

    Whilst most users You can unlock the INPUT section - in this case you have "per rig" input selection. The input section is actually stored in the rigs, but the LOCK does prevent you from getting the input settings from other users when using Rig Exchange etc.).

    Note that the LOCKs are separate in BROWSE and PERFORM mode.

  • Just to clarify:

    The following parameters of the Input Section are stored in the Rig: Clean Sens, Distortion Sens, and Input Noise Gate. These become "global" if the Input Section gets locked.

    Others are always global and not stored by Rig: Inputs Source, Reamp Sens. So, It's not possible to switch the Input Source by Rig.

    Conceptually we try to avoid infecting Rigs with settings reflecting user specific environments and preferences which compromise the compatibility when exchanging Rigs amongst users. Imagine you preview a Rig via Rig Manager and settings like inputs, outputs, pedals, switches,... all don't match your setup and might cause, that it is completely dysfunctional in your environment at the beginning. We are considering to introduce a capability to select inputs by Slot in Performance Mode in a future OS revision. I think, that is where such a user preference belongs, not in a Rig.

    • Input select in slot settings would be amazing - and would achieve the same thing in my scenario - I find myself using KPA for electric and acoustic a lot these days and for quick guitar changes this select ability would be really useful.
    • Do the main outs ie. the two pairs of xlr's and trs have to be linked by necessity? Or could they be selectable by rig or slot? The ideal scenario for me would be to be able to leave an electric and an acoustic plugged into KPA with both input selection assigned to a patches in performance mode and stereo output selection / one pair for electric patches - one for acoustic patches

    Thanks for the replies so far - Adam