Tragedy (Hard Rock) Opinions & tips

  • Hello there,

    after several months of only reading in this forum I finally got the self-confidence
    to post something myself.

    I would like to know from you guys what do you think about my track?

    Tragedy (Demo) *Working Link

    It was a "over night" thing with this song.
    First I had the intro riff and shortly after just everything was tracked..
    The result is now online and it would be amazing to get some feedback.
    What is good, what could have been done better (besides the clean guitar part).
    I am learning everything on my own, play guitar, bass, programming drums and this whole DAW part...

    So please, let me know what you guys think ^^

    Edited once, last by Rockstreber (December 13, 2017 at 12:44 AM).

  • Hello

    it's nice to hear some new musicians writing their own stuff :)

    my 2 cts :

    I'd suggest to beef up the bass both in your playing and mixing, I can't hear it ATM. I would also had some delay to your leads , I cannot really record a lead track without delays, or a least a longer verb.

    Your track would also benefit from some fills in the background , like clean arpeggios , pads, swells and little solo lines.

    check my pad tones on the rig exchange, they were designed for this purpose.

    It's also a long track , adding vocals would be great to enhance it, if you're a singer.

    Good luck on the DAW !

  • That are some nice tips, thank you!

    I will take a closer look at the mentioned missing fills and will try out your profiles.

    In case of vocals: I´m no singer, but its meant to be on top ^^ (in case I find some folks willing to play this music).

    Maybe I got some time this weekend to cover the problem spots.
    I will update this thread when there is any progress worth noticing ^^