audio interface headphone out - tone suck?

  • So I had this problem too but after leaving my interface headphone level at full (not adding or removing volume) and keeping the interface volume at unity, with the kemper volume being the only thing pushing gain, it sounded much closer to the kemper's headphone out. Essentially the same, though I kind of hear a slight difference in bass response.

  • ...
    So my conclusion here is that its hard to find an interface that is representing the Kemper headphone
    out as good as the Kemper does. Don't know what amp they build in there but it sound absolutely amazing.
    Even better than everything coming out via Main/Monitor out on the Kemper.

    You're not taking into account that the Kemper has space parameter enabled on headphones only by default. So what you hear from the Kemper Headphone out is not just the pure signal as you would on any other interface. There's an added space effect similar to room reverb. Not saying Kemper headphone out isn't good, but if you need that seem sound on the interface, you need to add a similar reverb to the one applied at the Kemper headphone out.

  • This solved my problem: Headphones output is awesome

    Still it could be argued that the clarity is a notch better when headphones are plugged to the KPA. But I think this is good enough to go.

    Good luck

    My current problem with the Interfaces headphone out is exactly that the representation of stereo effects are not the same as on the kemper.
    But i already going with two xlr cables and main output set to "master stereo" but still dont get the sound right on the interface.

    I guess i have to double check the signal chain and processing maybe somethings still messing up my signal.

  • My current problem with the Interfaces headphone out is exactly that the representation of stereo effects are not the same as on the kemper.But i already going with two xlr cables and main output set to "master stereo" but still dont get the sound right on the interface.

    I guess i have to double check the signal chain and processing maybe somethings still messing up my signal.

    Check the mixer settings for the interface, using two inputs usually doesn’t automatically give you a stereo signal.

  • My current problem with the Interfaces headphone out is exactly that the representation of stereo effects are not the same as on the kemper.But i already going with two xlr cables and main output set to "master stereo" but still dont get the sound right on the interface.

    I guess i have to double check the signal chain and processing maybe somethings still messing up my signal.

    Perhaps stupid of me but have you tried connecting your Kemper to your interface with TRS or spdif cables? XLR should be conveying line level signal. You want instrument level signal instead.

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  • You want instrument level signal instead.

    Actually, you'll get line level from the 1/4" jacks you suggested. "Instrument level" is what you get from the DI out when set to "Git Analog".

    ... have you tried connecting your Kemper to your interface with TRS or spdif cables?

    There's no need for TRS (TS is appropriate) as the outputs are unbalanced.

  • Perhaps stupid of me but have you tried connecting your Kemper to your interface with TRS or spdif cables? XLR should be conveying line level signal. You want instrument level signal instead.

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    Wait now i'm totaly fucked up ???
    What ?
    Does XLR on the Kemper transport another signal than the TRS ? Others mentioned earlier that the XLR might convince my interface to interpret the signal wrong.
    Although i think my interface should handle that correctly but i can switch the type of signal on my inputs.

    What would you guys recommend to use ?
    TRS or XLR ? I can't monitor spdif like the normal inputs as far as i know my interface up to now.

    Are there differences in signal level on the outputs of the kemper ? Man i have so many questions now wtf. ;)

  • The main outs deliver a hotter signal than the rest of the outputs. If you find that your interface cannot handle the incoming level please use the -12dB function in the output menu. It will attenuate the signal accordingly. Some interfaces will automatically switch to microphone sensitivity as soon as you plug something into their XLR outputs. If your interface has no function to change that to line level you should use the TS main outputs.

    Master L and R Outputs:
    XLR balanced, ¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: XLR +22dBu, TS +16dBu
    Monitor Output:
    ¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: +16dBu
    Direct Output/Send:
    ¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: +16dBu
    Output Dynamic Range:
    >108 dB
    Dedicated Headphone Output:
    ¼ inch TRS stereo, 33Ohm

  • Thanks mate...

    So maybe i should try different variations to see if i get the signal to sound a bit more present.
    Don't get me wrong the sound i'm getting from my interface sound perfectly fine and loud and everything.
    My interface doesn't suck or anything.
    But there are these last 5% i feel i'm missing compared to the headphone out on the kemper.

    These are my options.

    [Blocked Image:]

    I could use the XLR/TRS combi inputs what i'm currently using via XLR because i like to use balanced cables.
    The Kemper can only deliver TS compatible signal no TRS like you confirmed.
    But i guess that is fine because i only need short patch cables and have the ground lift on the kemper which eliminates the hum.

    Or i could use the spdif outputs but i couldn't figure out how to direct monitor these inputs yet.
    Maybe switching from XLR to TS make a difference. I can set the input leven from instrument to line on demand.
    And maybe monitoring the kemper from the Monitor output or direct output makes a difference.
    Thomas Dill did a tutorial on exactly that topic and his results sound amazing although are a but more complicated.

  • A subtle difference in the perceived sound quality can also be caused by the fact that your interface has to convert the analog signal coming from the Profiler to digital and back again for the monitoring. You can avoid this partially by using the SPDIF connection but even then you will still use the D/A converters of the interface to send the signal to your monitors.
    There is no difference in the quality of the direct and monitor outputs compared to the main outputs in the Profiler.

  • You shouldn't hear any difference switching from the XLR to TS outputs, but you could try it anyway; it'd help rule out that there's anything wrong with the XLR outs a least.

    Thanks to HJS, I'm going to edit my previous post - I thought he XLR outs were mic-level.