[Mattfig] code BF2018 gets 60% off Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Well Patrick, you just made my day sir! Thanks for the details and the review...

    I gotta say I'm relieved and excited....JMPee came out OK in my opinion but not great; It is a Marshall 1977 that was tricky to profile....Whereas JMPee2 is a 2013 and gave up its tone freely to the profiling process....What I'm trying to say is thanks and the best is yet to come in your JMPee experience! :)

  • Well Patrick, you just made my day sir! Thanks for the details and the review...
    I gotta say I'm relieved and excited....JMPee came out OK in my opinion but not great; It is a Marshall 1977 that was tricky to profile....Whereas JMPee2 is a 2013 and gave up its tone freely to the profiling process....What I'm trying to say is thanks and the best is yet to come in your JMPee experience! :)

    No problem. Thanks again for the opportunity to check it out. Hopefully I'll get a chance to give the second one a run through after work tonight.

  • Hi,
    I just tested the Motor City Maggie profiles and must say the work very well with single coils and humbuckers. They clean up very well also. With my Gretsch Billy Bo I get a fantastic dry ZZ Top sound.
    These profiles are very useful, thank you.

  • Hi,
    I just tested the Motor City Maggie profiles and must say the work very well with single coils and humbuckers. They clean up very well also. With my Gretsch Billy Bo I get a fantastic dry ZZ Top sound.
    These profiles are very useful, thank you.

    Thanks Leo2001! I am glad you liked them, the Maggie profiles were among my very first commercial offerings....Thanks for the review!

    Also, I am looking for some Acey30 video clip makers....Anyone wanna trade some vids for some tones?

  • I'd love to do vids, but I don't have the gear & soft , sorry !

    I'll do some clips & a review of the BE100, sent you a PM with my email.

    Thx !


  • The JMPee2 pack uses the same cabs as the JMPee pack -- Alnico Blues, Classic Lead 80s, Greenbacks, Lynchbacks, and V30s. I spent most of my time with Pack 2 using a Les Paul with 57 Classics. I also went back over the JMPee pack, with the Les Paul, and it sounds good with it, as well as the Schecter C1 Classic, with the JB and Jazz.

    For the first group, there are five profiles marked LG. They are at 2.8 on the gain level. These are all much darker than what I prefer. Even with my tone knob all of the way up, they sound like it is all the way down. If I turn the definition up to around 6, they are much more usuable, with my Les Paul. I'd still put them on the warmer side, though, maybe like an Orange. I would imagine that a brighter guitar would work better with the LG profiles, but with 57 Classics and JBs, they were too dark for me. There is also a discrepancy between the JMPee pack and JMPee2 pack, where in the JMPee pack, the LG tones are pure clean, whereas in the JMPee2 pack, the LG profiles have some more hair on them. I probably would have named the JMPee pack LG ones Clean, while leaving the JMPee2 pack named LG.

    The next set of profiles are the LG+. These are at 5 on the gain. All of these sound really good. They sound like they have more girth to them than then JMPee pack, while still cutting through the mix. These sound smoother and would most likely sound better playing the guitar by itself.

    As with the first pack, the HG profiles on the JMPee2 are what I think of when I hear JMP. They are at 4.4 gain. Rolling down the volume knob, and using the Greenback cab, I can get some great AC/DC style tones. With the V30 cab, if you take the gain up to about 5.5, there are some really good Slash tones in there. Like with the LG+, these ones have the "kerrang" and the nastiness that make me love Marshalls.

    The HG+ are at 6.9 gain, and sound very saturated. They are higher gain than what I typically use, but would work well for the Brown Sound and lead work. If I roll the volume down, I can get some good 80s metal tones out of the HG+ profiles.

    After going through both packs, I will have to agree with Matt. The JMPee2 pack sounds better to me, other than the LG profiles. I prefer having the pure cleans in the JMPee pack, to the darker LG profiles in Pack 2. They are both very good though, and having both amps in the pack will give you even greater variety.

    If you do any updates to these, my suggestions would be to add some brighter cleans for the JMPee2 pack and maybe some brighter low gain profiles, around 1.8 gain on both amps. Something between the HG and HG+ would be good too. That would make this one about as complete as it could be. The edge I'd give the Brown Eye pack over the JMPee pack, right now, is that the Brown Eye pack has a wider range of gain levels available. It's not a big deal, because I can use the volume knob and the gain knob on the Kemper, to get a huge array of sounds out of the JMPee pack, but it is nice having them immediately available on the Brown Eye pack.

    Really nice job on these ones. I'm going to grab the AC30 soon, as well, and I'll let you know what I think of that one, too.

  • @patrick2099 Pat are you sure you didn't leave any thing out brother? LOL :D
    Now thats what i call a review!! Pat just wanted to say thanks for a great job man! :)

    Dam i have been putting together some reviews for rig packs, after reading that i realize i better go back and change shit LOL :D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Patrick, your thorough reviews are so valuable to me sir. Thank you so much.

  • New video from a http://www.mattfig.com supporter! :)

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  • I'm not gonna lie, the JMPee pack confuses me....They profiled VERY differently than any other amps I've worked with....The results are unlike anything I've come across but I don't know if I like it or dislike it....lol

    I sometimes get the feeling I was pushing these amps too hard instead of letting them breathe a bit more....

    There will likely be updates to this pack...

    Thanks for all your support guys.

    AND I STILL NEED SOME VIDEO CLIP MAKERS for ACEY30! ;) I'll give ya the profiles, you just shoot the vid... Thanks!

  • here is my review of The FriedMan BE100 I was offered to test , I think some clips are better than a long text review !

    The clips come in 3 parts, as I used a les paul with pearly gates , then my 90's jackson on duncan distortion and finally my beloved semi hollow on P90 handwound PU.

    I won't use the cleans for my recordings as we have many more options with fenders, dumbles etc... but they are fine enough to do the job. I swapped the cab to Matt's AC30 on the second clean clip ( in third part)

    But as far as you need marshall tone , this BE100 is killer .

    We all know that if you want good profiles , you'll need good amps, and this friedman really stands out in classic marshall tones. I'm impressed by the variety of tones and the subtle differences in channels . The switches and options on the BE give you extra punch and bite not found on classic marshalls expect the few ones that really have something special ( like the JCM800 from TAF).

    You've got all marshall tones from 70's to now as far as I know, and that modern punchy vibe that make you feel happy when playing your favorite guitar.

    I had to choose best options for each of my pickups/ guitars, but that was pretty straightforward, I did not touch definition and advanced parameters, but only gain and my guitar vol & tone, as I do on real tube amps.

    I did not test the DI , but it's really great to have them in the bundle, The BE100 is a 4000€ amp !! I think you've got all the channels and options covered here ( 35 different profiles + the same DIs)

    now for the clips, no mix , no EQ , some raw spdif and panning. Most clips have : single track, then double track, drums and solos in mix context ( but still no post EQ or FXs). I play most of my leads with the KPA two tap delay and a hint of chorus on some parts. Sorry for playing the same sloppy boring licks , but I'm in a post Xmas lazy mood ;)

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    thx for listening and many ones to Matt for this superb collection.

    PS :

    LP clips = JCM , then plexi, the HBE
    JAckson is HBE
    P90 = clean chime, then plexi fat , then JCM fat , final lead has a real fuzz in front.

  • Very good demo. Having the single track, double track, solo, and mix is VERY useful!

  • Thanks a million for these demos! Fantastic stuff....Wow!

  • Thanks a million for these demos! Fantastic stuff....Wow!

    Very good demo. Having the single track, double track, solo, and mix is VERY useful!

    you're welcome ! The BE100 records very well , single & dble track show some interesting differences, and the mix adds another dimension , that's a fine way to have a second look at a profile.

  • you're welcome ! The BE100 records very well , single & dble track show some interesting differences, and the mix adds another dimension , that's a fine way to have a second look at a profile.

    you're welcome ! The BE100 records very well , single & dble track show some interesting differences, and the mix adds another dimension , that's a fine way to have a second look at a profile.

    It shows the BE100 in a different light and I love it!

  • I disagree a bit with you Matt and would say the Jmpee pack (1977) is the one that shines a little more than the Jmpee2 pack. It's more raw and has the aggressive midrange and the crisp clean as well. Hopefully I can see how these take pedals at some time in the near future as well. The clips are very in your face, no phasey sounding mics, not too much room sound but doesn't sound like it's on top of the cone either, also not Boomy like some other Marshall profiles i have. My favorites:

    Clean: JMPee LG LB
    Low Gain (+): JMPee LG+ AL
    Hi Gain: JMPee HG V30
    Very Hi Gain: JMPee HG+ LB (had more lows and low mids than the rest)

    1. What cabinet is "Carl"?
    2. What does the + signify? A boost on the amp, high gain input, boost pedal?

    1. Hopefully you can upgrade with some DI's? :)

    Will collect my thoughts and post later on the JMPee2 pack (still fighing back pain here). Thanks again for letting me take a test spin.

    Here's a rambling quick test of of the JMPee (1977) with some Sloppy Noodling and 80's riffs tossed in.

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    (these are with an Ernie Ball silhouette Special with stock humbucker and Fralin single coils). The humbucker is not very high gain, so if i were using my Axis it would probably be more gain (though that guitar is tuned down to C for a project i am working on)...this guitar is either in Standard or Eb on these clips.