[toneboxlegends] - Mesa Boogie Triaxis & 2:90 Power Amp

  • We started with the Triaxis yesterday - we ran it through a M/B 2:90 Stereo power amp using the 6L6 tubes - wow, this is one heavy beast!

    The studio engineer gave me the first test profiles of the TriAxis today - although I'm not a metal player, I'm having a real blast with them!

    You lads will love these!

    Edited once, last by RookGarner (December 30, 2017 at 12:03 PM).

  • Yehhh!!

    Try some tones from Inages and words!!

    One of our session guitar players who is heavily involved in doing the Triaxis profiling and testing is a total JP nut!!

    He brought in his 90s Ibanez JPM P1 and JPM90 HAM. The first one uses a DiMarzio Tone Zone and Humbucker from Hell (Images & Words) and the latter has the Steve Special and Air Norton (Awake and later) pickup combo.
    He was pretty adamant that we use these two guitars extensively for profiling with the Triaxis and the 2:90 Stereo.

    Edited once, last by RookGarner (December 30, 2017 at 12:03 PM).

  • We started with the Triaxis yesterday - we ran it through a M/B 290 power section using the 6L6 tubes - this is one heavy beast!

    The studio engineer gave me the first test profiles of the TriAxis today - although I'm not a metal player, I'm having a real blast with them!

    You lads will love these!

    If you have a Mesa Boogie 2:Ninety in the studio - is it somehow possible to make a few (1-3) profiles of it - separately?

    What I mean is poweramp-only direct profiles, without any preamp and no cab miced. Kemper Send to MB 2:90 and than just signal from di-box (between poweramp and cab) back to Kemper Return).

    I don't want to annoy anyone in the forum for coming up with "power amp only profiles" again :rolleyes::whistling:

    But I just can't understand why no pro-studio / seller offers this kind of rig(s). It should be easy and quick to make (cause it is a direct profile - no cab micing...) and some users have proved, that it is simple working. But somehow no seller is going for it?!

    The MB 2:90 would be too cool! With such profiles we could use our real preamps and preamp-pedals with the Kemper - just like some folks do with the power amp simulation in Two Notes Torpedo / CAB.

    So please think about it :saint:

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (December 30, 2017 at 12:11 AM).

  • If you have a Mesa Boogie 2:Ninety in the studio - is it somehow possible to make a few (1-3) profiles of it - separately?
    What I mean is poweramp-only direct profiles, without any preamp and no cab miced. Kemper Send to MB 2:90 and than just signal from di-box (between poweramp and cab) back to Kemper Return).

    I don't want to annoy anyone in the forum for coming up with "power amp only profiles" again :rolleyes::whistling:

    But I just can't understand why no pro-studio / seller offers this kind of rig(s). It should be easy and quick to make (cause it is a direct profile - no cab micing...) and some users have proved, that it is simple working. But somehow no seller is going for it?!

    The MB 2:90 would be too cool! With such profiles we could use our real preamps and preamp-pedals with the Kemper - just like some folks do with the power amp simulation in Two Notes Torpedo / CAB.

    So please think about it :saint:

    That would be possible to do and pretty easy as you just want direct profiles with no mics etc., so we would not even charge for it, just send you the profiles.

    Would you want that at a clean setting, or the power tubes driven hard and starting to distort? How about the setting of the Presence control?

    I'll be honest, I do not see much of a point at profiling just a 2:90 power amp myself - but everybody is different and you guys have your own tone formulas - so I'm the last person to turn down a favor - we'll do it and send you those!
    Just let me know what settings you want.

  • @RookGarner
    THAT would be the best (late) X-mas present this year :thumbup:
    As far as I know, on Mesa power amps the presence could be boosted and cut - so logically with Mesa: Presence at noon should be a kind of "neutral" setting that'll work for me.
    I'd like a rather clean or slightly driven setting of the power amp.

    And maybe one profile with Deep activated (should be possible with a standard switch?) and another one with with Deep, Modern and 1/2 Drive combined (with power tubes more driven).
    If you have any further approved settings in mind - I don't say no :D

    I'll really appreciate that you are trying out, man. So I will be thankful for ANY outcome. Thanks!

    By the way, when will the Triaxis pack be ready?

  • @Ibot39
    No worries, I will send you a couple of profiles of the 2:90 and you just tell me what works and what doesn't for you and we'll go from there until you are happy!

    Please give us a few days, as the New Year is coming up and everybody is running due to the festivities, family stuff - you know how it is... :)

    So we'll touch base with you early next week (let's say we can begin profiling on the 2nd of January) and hook you up with a few ones of the 2:90 to test and go from there.

    We pretty much covered the Lead 2 channel of the Triaxis and are doing the final testing of those.
    We just started on the Lead1 channel today and still have the Rhythm channel to do as well.

    So I guess we should be ready by next Thursday or Friday at the latest to release and focus on the next amp.

  • I'm happy to announce the release of our Triaxis & 2:90 profile pack!
    [Blocked Image: http://i64.tinypic.com/2hqzbr4.jpg]

    -47 studio profiles
    -21 direct profiles
    -46 merged profiles

    (Bonus profiles: John Petrucci 2001 and 2014 tour settings).

    Cabs used:
    1.)4x12 Recto Cab with two Celestion V30 and two G12T-75 speakers in a cross pattern
    2.)1972 Marshall Basketweave 4x12 cab with Greenbacks

    Price: € 8.99

    As always: PM me or email us directly at toneboxlegends@gmail.com to get our profiles.

    Thank you lads!

  • used to have this combo: triaxis with 290. Kept 290 for the kemper but sold the axis. I'm sure I'll find the sold sound with your profiles

    Hi Michael, it should be in there as we did a lot of profiles with the Triaxis and we always give direct profiles as well in our packs for use with real cabs!

    But tell you what, if you remember your exact settings, just shoot us a mail and we can profile the Triaxis with your settings!

  • to be honest I don't know how I setted up the thing. I remember I retrieved a setting from a Petrucci's rig pic I found somewhere. But however you set it much depends from the cabinet.

    I'm sure I can find the same sound even without having you profiling it with my setting. I'm confident you'll do a great job...

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • to be honest I don't know how I setted up the thing. I remember I retrieved a setting from a Petrucci's rig pic I found somewhere. But however you set it much depends from the cabinet.

    I'm sure I can find the same sound even without having you profiling it with my setting. I'm confident you'll do a great job...

    Hi Michael, that's cool!
    We've included the settings of JP of his 2001 tour and 2014 tour.
    We actually profiled the Triaxis through the 2:90 with 3 different speakers (in two different cabinets) - and direct profiling as well!

    Many thanks! :)

  • Great pack Rook, I just spent 30 minutes briefly going through the TriAxis set with my Highway 1 Strat. Very, very chewy tones. The cleans are beautiful as well. Thanks for being a generous business man, you know how to nurture loyalty.

    Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

  • Great pack Rook, I just spent 30 minutes briefly going through the TriAxis set with my Highway 1 Strat. Very, very chewy tones. The cleans are beautiful as well. Thanks for being a generous business man, you know how to nurture loyalty.

    Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

    Thank you so much, Marcus!
    So glad you like the Triaxis!!

    More to come soon! :)