Volume drop! Powered head + cab

  • Hi fellow KPA owners/users/readers,

    There are so many threads that searching didn't work out as I expected...

    So, my issue is the next:

    I was creating an acoustic performance for some upcoming shows, after this was done, I disconnected the KPA from the PC and the day after I went to rehearsal (electric guitar)
    Normally I need to turn the master volume to 4-5 max so everyone can hear me. Now, my sound just started at 4.3 so I had to crank it up badly..

    The thing is, I did not change a single parameter in the output settings and normally when I practice at home, the sound is at 2, but now it starts at 4.3...
    How is this possible? Should I apply a factory reset (which is scary, afraid to lose every setting...)?

    Thank you!

  • the master volume scale from 0 to 10 is a relative one. You probably have linked the master volume knob to more than one output and one of them was set to a much higher value than the others.
    You need to set the output levels in the output menu for each of the outputs to similar values if you want to use the master volume knob for more than one output or simply deactivate the volume links for all but one output.
    This has been addressed in the latest version of the Profiler OS where you see all output levels instead of a scale of 0 to 10 when you turn the master volume knob.

  • After updating the KPA I was completely in shock..my volume just did not responded at all...
    I sat down and noticed the changes in the menu and tried a couple of things. Now my volume is hearable from 0.2 and I have the idea that my KPA is sounding better than before.

    Case Solved

    INFO: Issue happend with OS 5.1.1 and after update to latest version, solved.