STL Tones profiles??

  • More marketing fluff than anything if you ask me. From the sample I've tried and the sounds I've heard, it's no better (and sometimes worse) than others making profiles. They hang their hat on having "official producer/artist packs", but that doesn't mean anything if the profiles aren't either good or even better than you'd find elsewhere for that price. Hell, most of my go-to's are freebies shared here or on RE, and I've bought a decent amount of commercial packs.

  • got the bulb bundle...previewed the profiles for half an hour or less and so far I'm disappointed with wasting the cash. I could be wrong though because I didn't take the time to actually compare them and stick with the one(s) I like, but with my gear everything sounds cheapish and muddy.

  • Interesting that no one is raving about these profiles as at the cost they charge I would expect them to be great. David Bendeth has made thousands of great sounding records and knows how to make/create a great guitar sound, so I wouldn’t expect his profiles to be mediocre. I’m just reluctant to shell out nearly £100 for a profiles pack

  • I would imagine part of the cost will be a royalty to the ‘name’ as it happens I’ve pre-ordered the Bendeth pack ...I’ll let you know what I think ;)
    I have the Crummett pack and like them for the ‘mix ready’ ness of them ...and some interesting fx laden presets ...that just ‘work’ ...TAF/RZ/MBritt/Tonejunkies have all done equally great profiles and cheaper ...but they are very useable ...if a bit pricey imo

  • Interesting that no one is raving about these profiles as at the cost they charge I would expect them to be great. David Bendeth has made thousands of great sounding records and knows how to make/create a great guitar sound, so I wouldn’t expect his profiles to be mediocre. I’m just reluctant to shell out nearly £100 for a profiles pack

    And that's kind of the point. Honestly, there's so many great freebies and affordable, known commercial sellers to choose from. Perhaps you can say they attempt to recreate a precise signature sound that you're after, but I doubt they are any superior to profiles you'll find elsewhere. When you start auditioning profiles and hear how similar many of them sound, are they really going to give you something to justify the cost?

    Was kind of bothered with the David Bendeth promo, how he compared the original tone to the Kemper profile and suggested nobody could possibly hear the difference, and even mocked those who would suggest they could. Well, I and several others did straight away even with the delay between playing them both. That's not to say it's bad, but that kind of sales etiquette from people means one of two things:

    • They hear the difference but are counting on the dishonest power of suggestion to make you think there is none so you to buy their offering
    • They genuinely can't hear the difference, which calls into question their ear and attention to detail

    Both aren't really appealing options for me, so no thanks.

  • I would imagine part of the cost will be a royalty to the ‘name’ as it happens I’ve pre-ordered the Bendeth pack ...I’ll let you know what I think ;)
    I have the Crummett pack and like them for the ‘mix ready’ ness of them ...and some interesting fx laden presets ...that just ‘work’ ...TAF/RZ/MBritt/Tonejunkies have all done equally great profiles and cheaper ...but they are very useable ...if a bit pricey imo

    yeah I would be very interested in your view on the Bendeth Pack. 4 of the amps profiled in the pack where the ones used on the riot album, now that album has great production and is one of my all time favourites

  • I love the Crummett and Benson pack . I've tried a few from a couple of other packs they were not to my liking. They are like any other commercial profiler...some are great and some have less use (at least for me). Definitely more of a mix ready/home recording set of profiles. I pre-ordered the new Bendeth pack as it sounds super promising.

    I didn't love the free profiles but the ones I've purchased have had some really great ones (some of my very favorites on my Kemper). The Crummet pack has some of my very favorite Marshall, MB Recto and Friedman BE100 profiles available (especially for recording). The Benson pack has a couple of really killer Wizard amp profiles as well. Value of these profiles will differ from player to player but I really like them for my use. I'm working on some clips but it will be a little while as I am swamped at work.

    I am a huge fan of MBritt, Ton(e)hammer)/Deadlight, RZ, TopJimi and a few others and these have their place in that grouping for me.

  • Is this not the pack where he mentioned having a tape machine in the chain? :S
    Reminds me of the Joey Sturgis IR pack that was shot with compressors and some fairly in the know people even questioned that (also samples didn't seem well received either).

    I'll give them 10/10 for marketing but unfortunately that seems to be the case for many things these days all style and lacking substance.

    Kinda pisses me off with the "The WorldWide Authority on Kemper Profiles" handle also

    The market is truly over saturated these days....

  • There is some marketing bluster going on with their ads. I see a lot of it with several commercial profilers to be fair as well.

    Well and truly saturated!!!! I watched the video on there website of David talking about the profiles and yes a tape machine was used. Damn I wish these profiles were £30 or less I’d just dive in and take the risk

    I will definitely spend time with the pack and report back. I feel like I have a pretty good reputation here and I have no affiliation to STL or any other commercial profiling business. I will make some raw clips and report back with my unbiased opinion. Let me know if there are specific types of clips you want to hear. I typically like to make "in the mix" clips but if you want them without backing! I'll say this in advance...I can't or won't give my opinion on the tape reel aspect of the profiles. I believe it only has to do with the way it captures the amp signal in the profiling process. I'm just hoping for really good quality recording rock guitar tones.

  • Kinda pisses me off with the "The WorldWide Authority on Kemper Profiles" handle also

    Yeah, that is super annoying. They're not even close to being seen as a foremost commercial seller. I actually commented on a Facebook ad that they forced on me with the "Worldwide authority" tagline. I think I wrote something like "Worldwide authority? C'mon guys...". Noticed they deleted my comment and restarted the campaign. Meh, I wasn't really planning on giving them my business before, but I'm definitely not now.

    I'm curious how they used a tape machine (if you even can) during profiling...

  • Many vendors, say Britt, Bert, Andy, etc do not show off, and some of them, say Mick from TMS, even encourage us to try freebies and give feedback about them. It's the buyers and not the sellers who may say that some pack is the "ultimate" one or whatever.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • I'm not a fan of their marketing. First, the whole "authority on kemper profiles" is nonsense. Sorry, but they are no authority. There are free profiles equally as good (if not better) than most of theirs.

    Also there was a video posted recently with a producer suggesting nobody can hear the difference between profile and amp. And the attitude was kind of condescending, as common as it may anyway be.

    It's hard for me to believe he doesn't hear a difference. And if he does not, well, I cannot with confidence trust how carefully the profiles are made, if I'm being honest and not sugar coating things. I wouldn't say anything if it wasn't for the attitude.

    Also just because there are slight differences -- discernable ones -- it doesn't mean kemper sounds bad. But that is besides the point.

    I also think sellers who are "authorities" on profling should do better tests... IF any at all. I know my tone is not the friendliest, but at some point you get tired of the same narrative.

    Also just because someone has produced records does not by defintion mean their tones will be tones you want. I think any producer would agree with me on that. If stl has tones of some producer that you yourself enjoy, and that would work with your pickups, cool.

    If not, there's no way I would be spending as much money for profiles, and with the marketing, I definitely wouldn't anyway.

    Edited 4 times, last by Dimi84 (November 16, 2017 at 12:40 AM).