Can we all agree on a list of 5 classic OD we would wish

  • I don't know if anyone will agree but I think that before any more OD's get implemented, the drives that are currently in the Kemper should be revised. I love my Kemper which I've have for over 2yrs. So far I don't think anything out there comes close to the sound quality and specially the feel. I am waiting for Kemper to come up with a Kemper pedalboard format so that I can sell everything I have and just have the Kemper lunch box in the studio and the Kemper pedalboard for the road. However, I haven't been able to get the drives to behave like my analog OD's. At this point the available OD's are plenty, they just need to get a little more attention.

  • I never was a OD/Dist-pedal guy..actually there were only two pedals I used back in the late 80s/early 90s--the Daniel D.-booster from Reussenzehn(only for a short period of time)..and a fantastic MXR Microamp built in the early 80s(I guess).

    I miss the latter a lot.The only pedal I ever used which kept my 2204 "open" and "airy" while it pushed it hard in the upper mids to sound very (very) mean while overdriven.I did not look if this pedal was mentioned here but as I said..I miss this pedal a lot.More than any Ts9 or Klon or fuzz or whatever.It even fitted very well to EL84 amps..made them sound a little bit more "agressive" while the "sweetness" was kept.

  • I can definitely give some reasons for the Liquid Blues.

    A super creamy OD that has controls for volume, drive and treble, plus an octo compressor and clarity controls.

    The octo compressor and clarity control really make this twin vacuum tube pedal sound the way it does. It's by the same guys who now operate Strymon, i.e. Damage Control.

    It is one big mother, but I like to think they needed that space for the good stuff they fit inside.

    I can post some demos running in front of the Kemper if you'd like.

  • if I can make a suggestion:

    Instead of just posting names of pedals, please elaborate the exact reason you chose one pedal or the other.
    What specific characteristics does said pedal possess, that cannot be created with the Profiler in it's current state?
    What is the musical application?

    Otherwise this is little more than name dropping, especially when considering that guitar players as a species tend to simply want pedals, more pedals, always... ;)
    I don't exclude myself from this at all (quite the contrary) ;)

    I can understand your reasoning for wanting more detail, but I don't really see how it's possible.

    For example, I would like there to be a Klon in the Kemper.

    How can I describe what a Klon has to offer that isn't already in the Kemper other than "The Kemper doesn't have a pedal that sounds like a Klon" - Which is implied by posting the name of the pedal in the thread.

    Different flavours of overdrive can't really be objectively described IMO. But when you say Klon, most guitarists know the type of drive you are talking about.

  • if I can make a suggestion:

    Instead of just posting names of pedals, please elaborate the exact reason you chose one pedal or the other.
    What specific characteristics does said pedal possess, that cannot be created with the Profiler in it's current state?
    What is the musical application?

    Otherwise this is little more than name dropping, especially when considering that guitar players as a species tend to simply want pedals, more pedals, always... ;)
    I don't exclude myself from this at all (quite the contrary) ;)

    Thoroughly agree :)

  • Would love for the Kemper to have:
    Marshall Guvnor (Early Gary Moore), Analog man King of Tone (Jim Weider), and last but not least a Tiki Drive

    Would be cool though to have an "open pedal" and by that a configurable OD/DIST that we could shape to our own tastes.


  • od820 is a very simple to use boost pedal that leaves more low end fatness to the tone. The od808 i feel cuts too much low end and theres no parameter to account for that. The SD805 has more params and thats fine. I dont have an 805 so i dont know how close i could get it, but i know many of my favorite profiles use an od820 as a boost. I have the airis savage drive which is a ts style boost but has a low end control. I directly compared the kemper od808 vs the savage and always preferred the savage, at least partially for the low end reason

  • i also have an airis solar flare, which is based on the klon centaur, and i love it. Its very transparent as far as pick attack and dynamics goes but sweetens up the distortion a good bit. So thats why i suggested it. Im sure others like its distortion as opposed to using it as a boost.

    I typically use the ods as boosts, but sometimes i like them to add a little comp and dirt. However its mostly the eq treatment to the tone i like. So if i can get one effect that is configurable eq wise and can also add a little dirt, that would meet my needs.

    Fyi, the mix param on the dist effects helps greatly for the green scream without losing too much low end. Without the real pedals on hand to compare i couldnt say how close i can get it.

  • the 805 is good. I like my airis effects savage drive as the ideal tube screamer esque boost but those arent as widely known

    Yeah the savage drive sounds killer and I would like to have one but importing it from Canada to Sweden would be pricey and after about a week a letter from the customs to pay tax for it.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • the pedals at the moment seem too fizzy for my taste and the fuzzy not really fuzzy ... so a very agressvie and a very creamy fuzz would be great ... a fuzzfactory like pedal would be great for that and i love the swollen pickle, or the rockett hooligan

    and the overdrives, hmm i don't know they are ...hmmm
    let me explain it like this when i use a real pedal in front of the kemper (i do that all the time) the kemper
    sounds more alive and thicker/denser with the buitl in pedals i don't know ...

    maybe it would be enough if the built in pedals alll have a parametric eq and a compression mode ... i don't know...

    i'll record a comparison ... i think that makes my discovery clearer

    oh and when it come to 5 favorite pedals
    -Red Llama
    -Swollen Pickle
    -Fuzz Factory
    -(and for the Bassplayers) the Darkglass Omikron

  • Best amp tones ever,, if they get the overdrives as good as they got the delays, Ill be one happy Camper,,

    Agree. It seems od, distortion and fuzz are far more difficult to make more realistic, digital, than delays.But I still hope for the solution of stompboxes profiled and can be loaded in the stompboxes section.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • From my experience I think most profiles are made to sound good on their own, To clarify if you get some profiles of and amp with a real stomp drive, if you disable the drive and make a profile that profile might be better suited for drives.
    Currently if I wanted to get decent tones out of the current drives, If I lower the definition significantly, it makes the character of the pedals modeled come through. Also if you find a clean profile with the drive at zero that also helps.

  • I agree,, I am using gained up amp tones for my overdrive, and isn't that the way its supposed to be, we only started using overdrive pedals when a 100 watt Marshall was too loud to get any breakup,But a Klon and a Timmy/ POT would be a GREAT START,