High Gain Profiles sound very weak

  • Did i say that was a general rule? Did i speak representing everyone? Of course it is my experience and i don't know why should i explain myself everytime i post my opinion.

    Actually, pure cabinet was created to remove the mic characteristics and have a more guitar cabinet tone through a speaker, because most of the users who moved from guitar cab to frfr had difficult time to adjust to new sound because it is really different, that's why kemper team created this feature, to make the transition smoother. That's why i don't like it, it is something extra that it is not needed to have great tone. Besides it ruins my sound making it undefined, plastic and muddy. Also i think is really wrong that it is enabled by default, if someone wants it could enable it easily. I have already read a lot of people complaining about kemper's sound and when i told them to turn off pure cabinet they are finally satisfied by kemper's sound.

    If you say it is really important to turn off pure cab for "proper" metal tone, that is damn close to express a general rule ;)

    But what is really your problem?

    I read my post again and could not find anything offending? I just added my opinion to this. If you don't want someone to reply with another point of view, maybe you shouldn't post in a forum? And noone forces you to explain yourself (also noone keeps you off).

    But please don't make dubious statements why Kemper developed and introduced pure cab feature.

  • Hello everyone,

    Thanks for joining the discussion so far!
    The DI signal by Jimi would be really amazing..
    Some other profiles (for example the ReampZone Mesa Boogie Recto) sounded better than the Jimi profile with my Setup.
    Also thanks for the Sinmix profiles, they sound pretty good :)

    But I want to put the focus on comparing my sound with the Top Jimi profile to Jimis sound with his own profiles.

    I still dont see where the big quality difference is coming from:
    Its like yeah pickups matter, but Ive heard better recordings with the same pickups that I use.
    EMG 81/85 are even built into more expensive E-II models, which sound awesome, so I guess its not the major reason in my case.
    Turning cab mode on/off changes the sound a bit, but I have to say I went with Cab on and liked it more than Cab off.

    It feels like running in circles...I cant find the reason why Jimis sound example sounds waaaay better and tweaking all those small things doesnt lead to a major change :P

    Edited once, last by BoshiGuitar (October 26, 2017 at 4:55 PM).

  • OP: record DI Then send it to someone who has the same profile to run through his kemper. Then you can compare if kemper is the issue.

    I doubt top jimi used emgs to dial in these amps though (or did he?). So that could be a reason for some of the tonal difference for sure.

  • If you say it is really important to turn off pure cab for "proper" metal tone, that is damn close to express a general rule ;)
    But what is really your problem?

    I read my post again and could not find anything offending? I just added my opinion to this. If you don't want someone to reply with another point of view, maybe you shouldn't post in a forum? And noone forces you to explain yourself (also noone keeps you off).

    But please don't make dubious statements why Kemper developed and introduced pure cab feature.

    For my view of proper metal tone! Is it ok for your liking now? :) That's what i meant about explaining myself all the time, i didn't say that i was offended by you, it's just tiring to have to clarify things more and more, when it's obvious (to everyone except you i suppose) that what i say is only my opinion ;) I respect everyone's point of view and opinion, you can say whatever you want, but accept that you can be wrong sometimes. If you had just made the simplest thing and read the manual you would know the truth and you wouldn't insult me about making dubious statements.

    "Pure Cabinet

    Mic'ed cabinets often have an unpleasant, “phasey” sound in the high-end frequencies, that is not found when you listen to a cabinet directly, without a microphone. "Pure Cabinet" will gently polish the sound of the virtual (mic'ed) cabinet to bring it closer the sound of the direct cabinet. The fundamental character of the sound will still be maintained."

    Bold sentence is exactly what i said, nothing more nothing less. So about which dubious statements you accuse me for? And besided this, are you some kind of lawyer for Kemper team or something?

    So what you said, "If you don't want too much of the mic characteristics in your tone and want less "phasey" result, LOWER settings of pure cab will do the trick with high gain profiles too." is completely wrong. According to the manual, f you don't want this phasey result you should increase settings of pure cab to increase it's effect and minimize this phasey high end frequency and mic characteristics. The manual says it, not me ;)

  • Hi,

    I think the difference between your recording and our demo is likely pickups. We use PAF style pickups (specifically Lindy Fralin Pure PAFs) which have about 9.0K impedance in the bridge. They have a full sound with plenty of definition. It's a good neutral reference pickup to build profiles around, which we hope will make our profiles sound good to the largest number of people. I don't have as set of EMG 81/85's available to test with, but they probably have more of a mid-focused sound based on similar active pickups I've used in the past.

    When we do our demos, it's just Kemper SPDIF out into the DAW so it's as pure as possible, just like you're doing. So the Kemper sound should be the same.


  • For my view of proper metal tone! Is it ok for your liking now? :) That's what i meant about explaining myself all the time, i didn't say that i was offended by you, it's just tiring to have to clarify things more and more, when it's obvious (to everyone except you i suppose) that what i say is only my opinion ;) I respect everyone's point of view and opinion, you can say whatever you want, but accept that you can be wrong sometimes. If you had just made the simplest thing and read the manual you would know the truth and you wouldn't insult me about making dubious statements.

    "Pure Cabinet

    Mic'ed cabinets often have an unpleasant, “phasey” sound in the high-end frequencies, that is not found when you listen to a cabinet directly, without a microphone. "Pure Cabinet" will gently polish the sound of the virtual (mic'ed) cabinet to bring it closer the sound of the direct cabinet. The fundamental character of the sound will still be maintained."

    Bold sentence is exactly what i said, nothing more nothing less. So about which dubious statements you accuse me for? And besided this, are you some kind of lawyer for Kemper team or something?

    So what you said, "If you don't want too much of the mic characteristics in your tone and want less "phasey" result, LOWER settings of pure cab will do the trick with high gain profiles too." is completely wrong. According to the manual, f you don't want this phasey result you should increase settings of pure cab to increase it's effect and minimize this phasey high end frequency and mic characteristics. The manual says it, not me ;)

    I really considered not to answer, but your post is very mean and twisting the truth, if you have closer look.

    I have not read anything from you before. I don't know why and I don't care if you think you have to explain yourself "all the time". But no big problem for me, this is called conversation. Maybe its just a language barrier, but you seem to be easily pissed, with no reason. And then you get vicious.

    With "dubious statement" I refer to this: "...that's why kemper team created this feature, to make the transition smoother". Pure cabinet is a unique key feature from the Kemper, that I simple love. Has nothing to do, if one is used to cabs and need some kind of "transition" to miced cab sound or something.

    Quote from Kemper: "Kemper collected a lot of feedback from professional guitar players from around the globe regarding their take on the Pure Cabinet sound. They all love it and would not switch it off anymore." So it seems, that at least a few other people are still hanging in transition mode :thumbup: EDIT: It's of course nonesense to say Kemper developed the feature only because the (stupid) user needs some kind of transition. But for sure you can tell us, where you have your information from. Could it be, they created that unique feature, cause it enables the user to get closer to pure cab tone on recordings...

    And no, I am not the lawyer of Kemper team. That's really childish way of talking to each other.

    So you are saying I have not read the manual and have to accept that I am wrong? Am I wrong, really? Let's find out, boy!

    The sentence from me, that you declare as wrong simple is not. You are trying very hard to misconstrue, aren't you? What I said in the context is, that you can get the same benefits from pure cab on high gain sounds (like many use on lower gain settings) if you be careful and use LOWER settings. So as I have written: "...pure cab will do the trick with high gain profiles too." Of course you get less microphone character and less "phaseyness" with higher settings, but compared to pure cab off, lower settings still do, what I have written (the word "too" at the end of the sentence is helpful here for understanding). Very easy to understand, hope you get it now.

    Anyway you should try to calm down, your way of writing is a bit belligerent. But I think I will stop here, good luck with your attitude in real life...

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (October 26, 2017 at 7:21 PM).

  • Thanks for answering @Jimi71 , thats pretty cool!
    I should try different pickups then.
    Ill get a friend over here and test with another guitar.. my pickups are about 7 years old.
    I switched the battery right before I recorded this but I read that active pickups lose quality over time.

  • I just heard that active pickups in particular lose sound quality, maybe its not the same with passive ones and maybe its not even true.

    Back to the point:
    I cant afford changing my pickups right now and Im sure I dont have to do it in order to get a better sound.
    I know I am not a professional and I must be doing some mistakes which make my sound quality underwhelming.
    Do you have any tips for getting the best out of my setup? Maybe a short guide or something that might help.
    Im sure a lot of guys right here have a similar setup with EMG pickups and record via SPDIF just like me and get more out of it.

    That would be so great,
    Cheers :)

  • I just heard that active pickups in particular lose sound quality, maybe its not the same with passive ones and maybe its not even true.

    Back to the point:
    I cant afford changing my pickups right now and Im sure I dont have to do it in order to get a better sound.
    I know I am not a professional and I must be doing some mistakes which make my sound quality underwhelming.
    Do you have any tips for getting the best out of my setup? Maybe a short guide or something that might help.
    Im sure a lot of guys right here have a similar setup with EMG pickups and record via SPDIF just like me and get more out of it.

    That would be so great,
    Cheers :)

    One thing to do is look for profiles that have been done using pickups similar to yours. Typically people dial in amps differently for different pickups. So it's not surprising if the end result is not optimal if you use pickups very different to the ones the person profiling took into account when dialing in the amp.

    Other than this -- play with distortion sens and use the least gain possible while having just enough for a given tone. Lots of profiles have a lot of gain to begin with and your emgs are fairly compressed pickups. Not the best match.

  • I know I am not a professional and I must be doing some mistakes which make my sound quality underwhelming.

    Do you have any tips for getting the best out of my setup?

    First, there's a major difference between the level of your sample and TJ's. Second, TJ's sample is in stereo and yours sounds like it was recorded in mono.

    So, first, boost the volume of your recording by about 9dB or 10dB. Second, record your samples in stereo.

  • I just heard that active pickups in particular lose sound quality, maybe its not the same with passive ones and maybe its not even true.

    Back to the point:
    I cant afford changing my pickups right now and Im sure I dont have to do it in order to get a better sound.
    I know I am not a professional and I must be doing some mistakes which make my sound quality underwhelming.
    Do you have any tips for getting the best out of my setup? Maybe a short guide or something that might help.
    Im sure a lot of guys right here have a similar setup with EMG pickups and record via SPDIF just like me and get more out of it.

    That would be so great,
    Cheers :)

    What I did on a comparable guitar / setup: Swap the EMG 85 to the bridge (and EMG 81 to neck position). I also did the quite popular 18V mod. Using rechargeable batteries I am a bit lower, but still benefit from a less compressed tone.

    EMG 85 is warmer sounding in that position than the 81 and less " thin, narrow, one-dimensional". In both positions I get a more balanced tone for my liking.

  • What I did on a comparable guitar / setup: Swap the EMG 85 to the bridge (and EMG 81 to neck position). I also did the quite popular 18V mod. Using rechargeable batteries I am a bit lower, but still benefit from a less compressed tone.

    EMG 85 is warmer sounding in that position than the 81 and less " thin, narrow, one-dimensional". In both positions I get a more balanced tone for my liking.

    True that could also help. Personally I am not a big fan of that set up as 85 wasn't tight enough. But it's a worth experiment to do by all means. I do like 85 for leads.

    Also I don't see any reason why an active would loose sound quality over time (reason that is unique to actives other than battery dying of course). Magnetic pickups can loose charge but that is not unique to passives.

  • Also I don't see any reason why an active would loose sound quality over time (reason that is unique to actives other than battery dying of course). Magnetic pickups can loose charge but that is not unique to passives.

    I've heard that the magnets in active pickups are weaker to start - but I don't know if that could be a factor.

  • I've heard that the magnets in active pickups are weaker to start - but I don't know if that could be a factor.

    If not exposed to massive physical shock (with damaging the material) or a strong magnetic field, there won't be any noticable "aging". Especially with the EMG 81, that uses modern, permanent ceramic magnets - they won't loose any magnetism after a few years, don't worry!

    EDIT: Added link:

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (October 27, 2017 at 1:45 PM).

  • Hey Boshi,
    Personally, I think your tone is outstanding considering the pick up you have used… I dislike active pick ups, extremely… If you can get that kind of tone out of them, you're going to love passive pick ups, and your tone will be absolutely stunning!
    Have a great weekend brother! :thumbup:

  • Hey Boshi,
    Personally, I think your tone is outstanding considering the pick up you have used… I dislike active pick ups, extremely… If you can get that kind of tone out of them, you're going to love passive pick ups, and your tone will be absolutely stunning!
    Have a great weekend brother! :thumbup:

    Can sound great with these emgs but it depends on the signal chain. Plenty of actives do very dynamic tones too, much more than these.

    And as said it matters a lot how the amps are dialed in which is why using profiling done with similar pickups is often important. You could even ask sinmix for such profiles and he may he able to help you out (referring to the OP)

    He is quite helpful and does do profiles using These emg as well (refining and dialing in the amp)

    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (October 27, 2017 at 7:45 PM).