• Everyone raves about KM"s 5150 profile. Am I the Only one who finds it just.... Mehh???? Just sounds like a single sm57 closed miced on a v30 in front of a 5150 to me, which is fine and works great: but compared to ampfactory profiles it just doesn't have the full spectrum and full bodied tone of ampfactory 5150 profiles...

    this is for all the newcomers here: I could say the same (see above) about the commercial profiles. I haven't tried'em all but I've bought a few and none of them has been useable to me. II'm not saying they are bad, they just don't fit my taste and/or my style of playing. I've found all of my favourites at the rig-exchange for free. There are loads of "professionally" made profiles to be found there, and I suggest you give'em a try. If you can't find your tone there, by all means try the commercial profiles out..just don't dismiss the rest because they are free.
    no offense to the producers of the commercial profiles...

    happy new year :thumbup:

  • The vast majority of profiles I like are all from free user uploaded profiles. Some are also from stock and a few more are from commercial ones. Lots of players know how to mic an amp to make it sound great, there's no black magic involved.
    Charging a price for the work doesn't matter, it's all different flavors and we all like different sounds.

  • Whats this about! 8o


    I just finished that Rig Pack for Kemper Amps. I made about 50 different amp profiles in the past couple days. I settled on 15 of the best ones to send them. It's tones I used on my last EP, YouTube vids, etc. Pretty gnarly high gain tones in there, modeled from the amps/gear I have here in my studio. Fun times! :P - Keith Merrow

  • Some fantastic playing and composition by Keith Merrow and Jeff Loomis in these videos with their band Conquering Dystopia.

    Conquering Dystopia- "Autarch" (Guitar Play-Through) Jeff Loomis, Keith Merrow

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