For millionth time... Why is Kemper profiles so trebly/fizzy??

  • I agree with you guys completely… When I first do a profile and listen to the reference amplifier and the kemper profile they sound incredibly close, and sometimes I do a refiine, sometimes I don't ... but it doesn't matter. From this point something changes, everything goes downhill drastically… Either way, when I save the profile and pull it up in browser, it sounds like absolute crap until I cut the definition in half, then it starts to get close, but I'm not certain it EVER gets to the tone when profiling and A/Bing while hearing the 'reference and kemper' (while still in profile mode.)
    Does anybody else experienced the same thing? While in profile mode, the two tones sound incredible, and extremely close, sometimes exact, pretty much... then something happens… I find this very odd,
    Hope this makes sense

    Edited once, last by SQUAREHEAD (October 18, 2017 at 10:09 PM).

  • I agree with you guys completely… When I first do a profile and listen to the reference amplifier and the kemper profile they sound incredibly close, and sometimes I do a refiine, sometimes I don't ... but it doesn't matter. From this point something changes, everything goes downhill drastically… Either way, when I save the profile and pull it up in browser, it sounds like absolute crap until I cut the definition in half, then it starts to get close, but I'm not certain it EVER gets to the tone when profiling and A/Bing while hearing the 'reference and kemper' (while still in profile mode.)
    Does anybody else experienced the same thing? While in profile mode, the two tones sound incredible, and extremely close, sometimes exact, pretty much... then something happens… I find this very odd,
    Hope this makes sense

    Sounds odd, maybe some setting in your output section, e.g. Pure Cab. If you can't figure it out you could export your profiles, then do a factory reset to set all the parameters back to their defaults see if that fixes it for you.

  • Are you sure your global Pure Cab™ setting is that it's switched off and not just turned down to 0.0? I'd check the Rig-specific Pure Cab™ setting too in the Cab section, just to be sure.

    I'd not expect the drastic change you alluded to, but there's an impact nevertheless...

  • I had this really strange experience when profiling once. It was at home, so at really low volume. The kids were in the room adjacent being rowdy whilst the UFO noises were being transmitted through the amp. Once the profiling was finished, there was a loop of the kids voices in the noise signature of the profile! Only a split second, but it was definitely there. Something like that I find extremely interesting, so I saved the profile. Once I'd saved it however, it was gone. Now I know this will spark all sorts of conspiracies, so I haven't talked about this before, but experiment for yourselves and see if you get something similar. I put it down to a freak accident and haven't tried to replicate it again, but maybe I should...

  • So-interesting, Sam!

    I wonder what would happen if one made, say, non-pitched voice noises into the mic whilst Profiling. The idea being that pitched ones would likely tar every played guitar note with the same brush and therefore not be desirable.

    I'm thinking hissing from the back of one's throat, for instance. Just my knee-jerk thought process...

  • I had this really strange experience when profiling once. It was at home, so at really low volume. The kids were in the room adjacent being rowdy whilst the UFO noises were being transmitted through the amp. Once the profiling was finished, there was a loop of the kids voices in the noise signature of the profile! Only a split second, but it was definitely there. Something like that I find extremely interesting, so I saved the profile. Once I'd saved it however, it was gone. Now I know this will spark all sorts of conspiracies, so I haven't talked about this before, but experiment for yourselves and see if you get something similar. I put it down to a freak accident and haven't tried to replicate it again, but maybe I should...

    During profiling the Kemper records background noise and hum as a loop that it keeps playing underneath in order to help you AB more easily, however this is not included in the final saved profile (because who wants a more noisy profile?). I’m not sure if this is in the manual though but I remember Christoph explaining it on the forum once.

  • During profiling the Kemper records background noise and hum as a loop that it keeps playing underneath in order to help you AB more easily, however this is not included in the final saved profile (because who wants a more noisy profile?). I’m not sure if this is in the manual though but I remember Christoph explaining it on the forum once.

    Ahhh that explains it, then. Good to know! Thanks for clearing that up, Per.

  • I'm really surprised with guys wanting to sell the Kemper due to fizziness in Kemper tones. I don't have that issue at all. I use mostly low gain/clean amp profiles with drive pedals in front, and use the Studio EQ, with low/high cuts (generally at 90hz/8.5khz), after the amp and Stereo FX loop stomp. The fizzyness is just over 10khz, so the cut at 8.5khz pretty much kills it. Without the EQ, I get exactly what you guys are saying, but with it, it's gone. I can turn on all three drive pedals and not have any fizz (Morning Glory>Klon KTR>TS808). My live tone is full and meaty, but still cuts through the mix without being harsh or shrill.

    EDIT: The Kemper profile I use the most is MBritt's Matchless SC30 BC R4 from Rig Pack 1.

    Edited once, last by boyce89976 (October 25, 2017 at 6:36 PM).

  • Thanks Nicky! Just edited the spelling in my posts to r_u_sirius (really great profiles for Free ;) ). I'm gonna try to give it a shot if I get home at a reasonable hour anytime this week.

    Went hunting for these profiles and found nothing. Thankfully searching by the profile name got me to this R_U_Sirius.... But as Monkey_Man writes above you need to search instead for: " r.u.sirius ". By doing that you will find all the profiles by him and there are a lot of them. Even if you just go with the ones rated 4.8 or higher you are looking at well over a dozen plus! I am away from the Kemper at the moment but can't wait to give some a spin.


  • Hi,Went hunting for these profiles and found nothing. Thankfully searching by the profile name got me to this R_U_Sirius.... But as Monkey_Man writes above you need to search instead for: " r.u.sirius ". By doing that you will find all the profiles by him and there are a lot of them. Even if you just go with the ones rated 4.8 or higher you are looking at well over a dozen plus! I am away from the Kemper at the moment but can't wait to give some a spin.


    You can download them all directly from HERE.

    I previously had gone through them all and the only ones I kept were a few fuzz profiles for my bandmate (I hate fuzz). Some profiles were ok, but none were better than what I found elsewhere. Of course, YMMV.

  • Depends what you are looking for. Feel free to drop me a PM with the kind of stuff you are out for and I'll give my personal feedback as to what works for me.

  • But are there any Kemper profiles that sounds more like the original tracks here?

    Almost every profile pack I buy have a trebly bass-less sound

    Really, forget about the treble part of the tracks.

    Compare the low-end.
    There's a lot of low-end missing in the Kemper profile (and lots of other profiles)

    That low end is meant to be cut, I know that, but it's still weird that I've almost never found a profile that has that low-end to begin with!

    Have not read about progress made (or I just don't remember).

    But considering you have amps and know how to profile (again if I remember)

    How about dialing a tone relatively close to the recorded tone you want? Profile the amp. Then just run the recorded guitar (a single guitar) you want the profile to emulate through kpa during refining.

    Refining is quite powerful. You'd have to be careful with the volumes though.

  • Put your ears where you stick the mic when profiling. Then you’ll hear hiw fizzly/trebly the sound you profile really is.

    Solve it by using a slot in the post amp section for an eq. High cut at 6500 hz and then you will get how your sond is where your ears normally are in comparison to your cabinet.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Also (and I held out a long time on this... wish I hadn't) start looking into IR's for the cab(s)/speaker(s) you are trying to profile. I just got the Redwirez Matchless ESD2x12 IR packs and they made a huge difference with the Matchless profile I'm using. I don't even need the Lo/High cuts after the amp anymore for recording. I keep the EQ there though, and use it live at 85hz/10khz so my place in the mix is a little better defined.