In ears question! Tone, comfort, all that stuff.

  • I am going to start out saying banana HAHA!

    Anyway... I run in ears, play live with my kemper rig every week. As you continue on with this you, learn more and well.... you want more too, right!?

    So here it is...

    3 issues
    I like cabs on in my ears

    I like cabs on FOH

    I don't like cabs on for my Powerack hitting my 4 12's (we do a lot of backlining in small/mid bars and that is actually part of the mix that works for us) It feels like a cab on a cab and gives it a line 6 feel if you know what I mean.

    Is it an all or nothing game or can I do some cab on/off routing. I basically would like to have cab on for everything, but kill cab for power-rack monitor send hitting my standard 4-12 cab.

    It's not the end of the world if I can't do this, but if it can be easily done, I would love to know how.

    PS: I would really like to have a preset hit my ears and another seperate preset hit my cabs, but we will save that for another day HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Want/wish in one hand and $h!t in other and see which one fills up quicker!!!
