MIDI Control Question - One last try

  • I have posted this in several sections of the forum and still am at a loss. I'm taking one last stab to see if anyone has advice or a solution.

    At the moment I am using a Line 6 M5 and an Eventide H9 with the Kemper. I am using the Remote and sending midi from the KPA to a Midi Solutions Thru box to the M5 and H9, which are mounted in the back of the rack. They are wired in series in the KPA loop.

    Here is an example of how I would like to use them in Performance mode...

    • In Performance slot 1 I am using an H9 shimmer effect.
    • In Performance slot 2 I am using an M5 seeker effect
    • In Performance slot 3 I am using an H9 delay.

    So, breaking it down even further...

    • In Performance slot 1 I want midi to turn on the H9 and select the shimmer effect. That uses the 2 midi messages I can send from the KPA.
    • In Performance slot 2 I want midi to turn off the H9 and turn on the M5 as well as select the seeker effect in the M5. That would require 3 midi messages. I only have 2.
    • In Performance slot 3 I want midi to turn off the M5 and turn the H9 back on and select the delay effect in the H9. Again 3 messages.

    With other controllers like the GCP or RJM Mastermind I could send all of those midi messages and make all of those changes. The Remote does not send midi so it seems you can only program 2 midi changes per performance coming out of the KPA using the Remote.

    Maybe I'm missing another way to control these devices using the Remote and KPA. I've posted several questions about it on the forum and still have no answer on how others are controlling multiple outboard devices in this manner. There has to be something I'm missing. Possibly there is a device that can go between the KPA and the 2 external devices that can make these changes or it is just not possible with the Remote.

    I'd rather use the Remote because the button assignments are listed on the screen and it's so easy to set up. Maybe I will throw adding a 3rd midi message in Feature requests.

    One thing I considered is looking to see what the on/off PC messages are on the M5 and using the reverse on the H9 but then I could never use them in tandem which I do once or twice. I believe this would require running both with the same midi device number which I always was told wasn't a good this to do. Not sure the truth to that.

    In a perfect world I would not even use the M5 but the seeker effect is an integral part of a song I've recorded with my band and I cannot get the H9 or the KPA to fully replicate it yet. Also the square wave trem in the M5 is the best of the bunch for my needs (the KPA doesn't even have a hard square wave). The M5 activates the second you stomp on it so if you have good timing you can get it trem to sync very well. The H9 has a lag when you activate it, so getting it to sync is hit or miss. Our drummer plays to a click and my presets within the H9/M5 match the bpm. So if I can hit it right on the 1 I can play the whole song and never have the trem get off with the M5.

    Any advice is welcomed. As I said, maybe I am over thinking it and just missing something very simple.

    Music is my religion.

  • On each external device, create a preset that is "dry" (no effect) - that will give you the same sound as if the effect was bypassed. Assign a PC number to the preset on each device, and have the KPA send that PC number when you want the device to be bypassed.

    I will give that a try. See, that's what I'm talking about... never even thought of that.

    Music is my religion.

  • +1 on the Blank Preset. Works for me.

    FYI. For even more flexibility, your H9 also has it's own internal preset mapping feature, which allows you to map your H9 presets to any received midi program #. By default, the H9 preset midi map looks like this:

    Midi Program Change 1 from Kemper calls up Preset 1 on H9
    Midi Program Change 2 from Kemper calls up Preset 2 on H9
    Midi Program Change 3 from Kemper calls up Preset 3 on H9
    Midi Program Change 4 from Kemper calls up Preset 4 on H9
    and so on................

    But you can re-map your H9, for example:

    Midi Program Change 1 from Kemper calls up Preset 8 on H9
    Midi Program Change 2 from Kemper calls up Preset 15 on H9
    Midi Program Change 3 from Kemper calls up Preset 1 on H9
    Midi Program Change 4 from Kemper calls up Preset 1 on H9
    and so on................