Goodbye from Dimi

  • So much info on beer. Great. I will be doing an A/B, blind comparison between some of the ones mentioned. Lets see if German beer is the best, just like KPA in the amp modeling world ;)

    For me freedom of speech has great value. Only in the absolute worse cases, where there are clear incitements to violence, would I advocate for legal limits; that's just necessary if "freedom of speech" is to be maximized, sustained. This doesn't mean it's moral to say A nonetheless. There are distinctions between law and ethics, even there being a connection.

    Without turning this into politics (and risking being banned for derailing my own thread! -- just kidding) there are strong global movements, in UK as well, against freedom of speech that are presented as having "good intent" but themselves have questionable ends.

    In regards to online bulling and texting: it's an unfortunate part of the Internet "bringing people closer" (or more far apart, in some ways -- I doubt anyone would talk to me like that once they saw me in person). I strongly believe in grassroots responses to such cases, not so much legal ones either. I write politics, to a bigger audience before and had gotten used to hate mail mail, all kinds of threats as well. It was just normal on that front. There's just something weird when some of it is triggered due to.... gear :D

    To be clear: my intent in starting this thread was not starting some kind of a witch hunt, so I didn't want to single anyone out even if I have my suspicions. Not that there's no moral value in standing up against such harassment; there definitely is. And I'm glad people's responses here have been as classy and mature, measured.

    Cheerios and have a nice week ;)

    PS: no more crazy ass texts from weird accounts after this thread got responses, as I said before :) Thanks

  • Enjoy the Kemper and use whatever else you own.

    This are all only tools.

    I love the KPA for developing this much - compared to the box I bought some years ago - and constructive criticism is always helpful imho.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • Oh Dimi you'll be missed here :/ i think i absolutely know what you are going through and i understand your choice ...
    just remember not everybody here sucks :D i share your opinion and feelings man ...

  • Even if I'm not with you at each and every point I always appreciate(d) your passion for sound and this device.

    People like you combined with an open ear at the developers side help products (the KPA) getting better.

    I'm very glad to hear you decided to come back to this forum and made peace with all of the unneccessary comments blowing at you.

    Keep your attitude and stay objective and polite, as you did the whole time. Do not change yourself because of some trolls. I think this thread shows the appreciation for your work and time, even how valuable your feedback is for the developers. These trolls do not get that your research makes their device better ... but they will never understand. Just keep doing what you did. :)

  • Even tho we have fun joking about it, drinking only a max of 6 beers every weekend night has been my plan for years and it wont change ;). Drinking the turmeric drink daily, mainly sticking to a plant based menu and doing a smoothie /juice 28 detox each year (to detox) is superior preventative medicine and has worked for years in many, we all need a preventative menu now days to ensure that we will enjoy the kemper for the most amount of days.

    The Environment is more toxic now days plus we have less minerals in the soil because of the Mono culture farming.

    So Yes, Drinking organic Millet gluten Free Beer on a max of six a night only on the weekends is still not healthy unless you put it together (holistically) with all of what i mentioned :)

    Turmeric daily means your joints wont get saw playing guitar either BTW...Try it


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • The road to hell is paved with temptation same as above ^^

    My turmeric recipe is to sprinkle some over my daily egg whites with Tabasco hot sauce. I keep thinking of mixing it with olive oil and lemon to for a quick salad dressing but I haven't tried that yet.

  • Hi Guys, its really important that you prepare the turmeric the way they show you in this video (pre heating it then storing in fridge and using it with in a week, then adding a fat after its cooled).

    (Dont use soy or cows milk, use almond, oat etc)

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    USE STEVIA or HONEY to sweeten.

    If you dont heat the turmeric up (then let it cool and use that with in a week) basically you will absorb about 1% of the goodies as opposed to 12%, its even in the mainstream literature about needing the heat and fat :)

    Remember even WebMD will tell you that you need BORON to make the calcium /magnesium work (this prevents arthritis etc), even tho they cannot tell you WHY, they admit that you need it, BORON and turmeric (made from that video) means your FINGERS will last...So treat the need for Boron (every one is deficient in Boron as well as magnesium) as just as important as needing turmeric.

    The turmeric does more than protect your fingers, we had to research how many uses, it even stops the neurotoxicity of the king cobra..i am not going to test that :D . I can believe beer has Boron in it, shame that it turns you into a Moron :D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.