• A video is always cool and helpful. I don't think that's the issue in this case. The profiles almost sound direct to me with no cab/room/mic but I know that's not the case. I may try swapping out the cab setup just to hear if that has an impact on the overall sound.

  • I just tested out the free LoG Solo profile. I took the delay off, because I don't like delay -- especially on rhythm. I didn't see anything wrong with that particular profile. It was bright, and cut through the mix well, when playing along with a drum track. Have you tried turning off the delay, to see if that helps? Also, I tried lowered the definition from 8.5 to 7.8. It still cut through really well, but wasn't as bright. Lastly, based upon the settings of the EQ in the X block, I can't understand why it makes this profile seem brighter, but dropping the volume on that EQ block, made it a little more mellow.

  • Hey Patrick, what guitar did you test the profile on? That particular profile could be "on a brighter side" depending on the guitar, but not really bright or harsh at all...

    Its strange that bringing the EQ volume down mellows out the sound... The eq volume should slightly boost the frequencies in between the low and high cut (80 to 5.5) but the volume itself shouldnt have any dramatic influence on the tone character, just volume.

  • Hey Patrick, what guitar did you test the profile on? That particular profile could be "on a brighter side" depending on the guitar, but not really bright or harsh at all...

    Its strange that bringing the EQ volume down mellows out the sound... The eq volume should slightly boost the frequencies in between the low and high cut (80 to 5.5) but the volume itself shouldnt have any dramatic influence on the tone character, just volume.

    I meant to put that in my original post, but forgot. I was using a Schecter C1 Classic, with a JB in the bridge position. I thought that the profile sounded fine either with or without the EQ. I did think that it sounded better in a mix than it did by itself. I find this with almost every profile that I like, though.

    I was also trying this at lower volume, using monitors. The person having the problem is using much nicer monitors than me, so I definitely don't think that is the issue. The only other thing is if he was playing a lot louder than me, the treble may be more accentuated. I'm sure that both of you guys know all of this, though, so I'm just kind of thinking out loud.

    I think that @amiller had a good idea, to test different cabs. Maybe, test a different pre with your cabs too, to see what the difference is. I've had issues similar to amiller before, where profiles that other people love, which I have heard awesome sound clips for, don't sound good with my gear. I really couldn't find a way to resolve that, other than using a different guitar or a different profile. Hopefully there is a better solution to this, but it is cool that both of you guys are working together to try to solve it.

  • I meant to put that in my original post, but forgot. I was using a Schecter C1 Classic, with a JB in the bridge position. I thought that the profile sounded fine either with or without the EQ. I did think that it sounded better in a mix than it did by itself. I find this with almost every profile that I like, though.
    I was also trying this at lower volume, using monitors. The person having the problem is using much nicer monitors than me, so I definitely don't think that is the issue. The only other thing is if he was playing a lot louder than me, the treble may be more accentuated. I'm sure that both of you guys know all of this, though, so I'm just kind of thinking out loud.

    I think that @amiller had a good idea, to test different cabs. Maybe, test a different pre with your cabs too, to see what the difference is. I've had issues similar to amiller before, where profiles that other people love, which I have heard awesome sound clips for, don't sound good with my gear. I really couldn't find a way to resolve that, other than using a different guitar or a different profile. Hopefully there is a better solution to this, but it is cool that both of you guys are working together to try to solve it.

    I test all of my profiles in the different mixes, and sometimes im absolutely satisfied with something, but it doesnt sit in the mix well, so i edit it a bit. And yeah, listening the sounds too quiet or too loud can sometimes accentuate some of the frequencies, mostly bass and upper part of the spectrum. I always try to edit in the studio environment but never ridiculously loud because you never get the real picture that way.
    Also NEW set of strings helps a LOT! :) When using the same guitar with a worn out set of strings, things can sound little fizzy and harsh, that can also be a problem, at least from my own experience...

    Tnx for Your time and your input man, its appreciated! :thumbup:

    Love the sounds!

    Im always looking for versatile profiles and there's plenty there so thanks Nick.

    I've just placed an order.


    Tnx Claudio, feel free to leave a comment when you try the pack! :thumbup:

  • Nll, ya know, this may just be a case of me having a different setup than you. Also, I'm a huge Andy Timmons fan and that's the type of tones I gravitate to.

    I'm work on getting you the clips you asked for but it will take some time...I got a day gig and I'm in the middle of working on an instrumental CD. Finding time is always tough...but, I really do want to determine if there's something inherently wrong with my setup/procedures or if it's just a issue of different taste and process.

    It might me helpful to let you know the M Britt profiles work very well for my setup. I've heard some folks complain that those profiles are way to dark. I find them right on the mark FOR ME.

    Edited once, last by amiller (July 27, 2017 at 2:39 PM).

  • Nll, ya know, this may just be a case of me having a different setup than you. Also, I'm a huge Andy Timmons fan and that's the type of tones I gravitate to.

    I'm work on getting you the clips you asked for but it will take some time...I got a day gig and I'm in the middle of working on an instrumental CD.

    Yeah, that could be it... Still i want to "help" you if i can (not that you need help).

    For instant Andy Timmons tones you should try "The Fat Whip" and "Modern Crunch solo" those two are my personal favorites in the pack for that fat, lower gain, bluesy type of solo tone...

    Huge AT fan here 2! That guy is insane! :)

    If you can share some recordings that would be great, no rush, i just want to hear what you hear.

    EDIT: When im finished with the pack, and im satisfied i test it on at least 3 or 4 different guitars and in as many setups as i can (studios, home recording setups, even computer speakers, in ears, phones, phone earbuds lol) just so i can eliminate the profiles not translating well to other listening and recording setups as much as possible...

  • Hey guys, here is a complete playthrough of the pack with Paul Reed Smith SC245 (should be in the ball park of Gibson Les Paul, but beefier and a tad darker).
    I didnt edit the profiles at all, i wanted for you to see how the pack is handling two totally different guitars in terms of construction, pickups, wood, hardware etc. Some of the profiles would probably need some small editing, but some of them absolutely shines with PRS.

    I did edit the profiles for myself, and usually i got the tones dialed in in couple steps (bringing up the bass cut to maybe 100 or even 120hz, backing off some bass or mids because SC245 is really boomy in the lower frequencies compared to Music Man Luke 3 or Music Man JP6 that i own).

    Enough talk, here`s the video... :thumbup:

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  • @amiller It would be great to post some clips dude, I myself am a fan of a 'darkish', rounded off sound, rich in mids and with just enough high freqs to cut through nicely. That being said, these profiles from Nick fit my needs so much that I didn't even touched the EQ on most of them. And I'm sporting an alder Suhr that is pretty brightish/hi-fi right off the bat. It's a head-scratcher.

  • Sound great to me :thumbup:

    Tnx man, its not the usual type of guitar i like and play, but i cant say that it doesnt sound juicy and huge! :D Just a few knob turns away to being absolutely superb... :):thumbup:

    @amiller It would be great to post some clips dude, I myself am a fan of a 'darkish', rounded off sound, rich in mids and with just enough high freqs to cut through nicely. That being said, these profiles from Nick fit my needs so much that I didn't even touched the EQ on most of them. And I'm sporting an alder Suhr that is pretty brightish/hi-fi right off the bat. It's a head-scratcher.

    Tnx man, glad you like the profiles! I would also like to hear some clips, as you said its a head scratcher...

  • Hey guys, im in the middle of the profiling ENGL Savage 120, almost finished profiling with ENGL Pro V30 box and it sounds HUGE! Sounds tight, modern, juicy and ballsy... :D8) Here is a short preview, i want to know your opinions, ofc these are still work in progress but the character of the amp is NASTY! :thumbup:

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