Favorite profiles for James Hetfield's older sounds

  • I was looking at grabbing a few sets of profiles for some older Metallica-like tones. I'm really looking for profiles from the Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, and And Justice for All time period. I'm guessing that would be at least one set of Jose Marshall's profiles and a set of Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+, but I'm not certain.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for any of these types of tones? Thanks.

  • for ride the lighting : check this out

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    There is a link for his profile in the youtube description

    Also check the djmass profiles (also free)

  • Thanks Christophe. I tried both of those. The tone in the video sounded very good, but it was too high gain using the JB on the guitar I tested it with. I'll have to tweak it some, when I get a chance. I can probably get some goods sounds out of those ones. It would probably sound great with some of my other guitars.

    I got all of djmass's stuff downloaded. I think that I liked the stuff in his Bud Spencer pack better than the Crunchberry (Hetfield) pack. A lot of the Crunchberry ones seemed really boomy with my setup. I hadn't tried eq'ing it out, yet.

    I'd still like to find a good, professional pack of the Mark iic+ and a good Jose Marshall for some of the earlier stuff, that have some good profiles for rhythm guitar.

  • It's not uncommon for this kind of questions. The truth is you won't find that sound. It all comes down to: 1. Hetfield sounds like Hetfield does no matter what amp or guitar he uses. 2.The way it sounds on those records is becuase how the whole songs were mixed and mastered.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I got all of djmass's stuff downloaded. I think that I liked the stuff in his Bud Spencer pack better than the Crunchberry (Hetfield) pack. A lot of the Crunchberry ones seemed really boomy with my setup. I hadn't tried eq'ing it out, yet.

    As far as i remember, he makes his crunchberry profile with IRs converted with cabmaker .... I never be fan of that. So, i agree, i got better result with the bud spencer bundle (and with his old but removed profiles :( )

    There is also this ; https://sellfy.com/p/W8By/ (they were free long time ago) .... For AJFA tone, I really get a good result by using the cab of this pack with some djmass profiles

  • It's not uncommon for this kind of questions. The truth is you won't find that sound. It all comes down to: 1. Hetfield sounds like Hetfield does no matter what amp or guitar he uses. 2.The way it sounds on those records is becuase how the whole songs were mixed and mastered.

    I'm not looking for the exact sound -- just some similar tones. You are right though, Hetfield always sounds like Hetfield. He's always been one of my favorites.

  • As far as i remember, he makes his crunchberry profile with IRs converted with cabmaker .... I never be fan of that. So, i agree, i got better result with the bud spencer bundle (and with his old but removed profiles :( )
    There is also this ; https://sellfy.com/p/W8By/ (they were free long time ago) .... For AJFA tone, I really get a good result by using the cab of this pack with some djmass profiles

    Thanks again. I'll have to look into the Silent Underground Studio ones.

  • Thanks again. I'll have to look into the Silent Underground Studio ones.

    I'm still pretty new to the Kemper - but the $55 Silent Underground Studio profile pack has been far and away my most disappointing purchase to date. I watched all their YouTube videos and was intrigued but the majority of them are *extremely* thin-sounding.

    I have read some good things about them and am curious what adjustments people have made...

    Can't really stress how sorry I am I paid $55 for these.

    Edited 2 times, last by tomjonesrocks (March 6, 2018 at 4:03 PM).

  • I'm still pretty new to the Kemper - but the $55 Silent Underground Studio profile pack has been far and away my most disappointing purchase to date. I watched all their YouTube videos and was intrigued but the majority of them are *extremely* thin-sounding - at least in comparison to all the other profiles I've purchased (I have made some select purchases from MBritt, Dr. Z , Big Hairy Profiles, Choptones).

    I have read some good things about them and am curious what adjustments people have made...

    I've checked out so many profiles that it is hard to keep them all straight. If I remember correctly, the SUS ones were done with different gear than the original tones, and tone matched, somehow. I could be remembering incorrectly, though. I also don't think I could find samples from them, so I ruled them out.