Problems using midi program changes when using MFC-101 (Hopefully Fixed)

  • Hi there,

    My KPA has been working flawlessly since I had it. Today I had a rehearsal and set up my Fractal MFC-101 to control the KPA (which was a breeze BTW!). Everything works as expected however I would say that every one in 5 program changes resulted in the KPA crashing. I've not had a crash from an IA change or from my wah etc.. only on program changes. I resulted to switching rigs manually in the end as the reboot time is so long.

    I'll send support an email with the fault code but I just wondered if anyone had any tips on using the MFC with the KPA?

    I'm running the latest FW on both units (1.0.3 beta on KPA) I have switched off AxeFX mode on the MFC. I've only switched the IAs that I use to global, not sure if I need to do this for all of them?

    I'll probably do a factory reset on the controller and set it up from scratch when I get chance.

    I hope that it's not booby trapped to crash the KPA! ;)



    Edited once, last by XpennoKPA (February 16, 2012 at 12:06 AM).

  • HI I found a bug with MIDI we have several people with this problem and that with different MIDI board (ex: mfc 101)the bug is when you change profile the sound of the profile is called do not come right away and there are cuts of its after there are many times when you change the profile of Kemper freezes and nothing works( REBOOT ) the screen displays a message that says "assertion error etc, etc) thank you for repair SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH


  • Some more midi-gear I own has problems with the MFC. The data-stream of the MFC is very full when you use the factory-settings. It is sending a seperate pc-command for every channel instead of sending one command on the omni-channel. Additional a stream of CCs follows. Even when you set the receiving gear to one special channel, the midi-in still has to read and filter the full stream wich is too much for some. The KPA works very stable with other midi-controllers. I'd recommend to ged rid of overfilled streams and delete all unneeded commands in some of the MFC presets and try if it works stable then.

  • Some more midi-gear I own has problems with the MFC. The data-stream of the MFC is very full when you use the factory-settings. It is sending a seperate pc-command for every channel instead of sending one command on the omni-channel. Additional a stream of CCs follows. Even when you set the receiving gear to one special channel, the midi-in still has to read and filter the full stream wich is too much for some. The KPA works very stable with other midi-controllers. I'd recommend to ged rid of overfilled streams and delete all unneeded commands in some of the MFC presets and try if it works stable then.

    Thanks for the info, I'll try a factory reset tonight and clear out as much as I can to see what happens.



  • hm now I'm a little bit confused.
    Im using the KPA and the MFC for about four weeks together.
    I never had a crash in this time. Everthnigs works after I made a reset on the MFC an configured ist for the KPA.

    The only thing I recognized in Stomp Box mode, that you have to hit the Delay and Reverb switch sometimes twice before they react. And I think that I read about this in the forum yesterday

  • hm now I'm a little bit confused.
    Im using the KPA and the MFC for about four weeks together.
    I never had a crash in this time. Everthnigs works after I made a reset on the MFC an configured ist for the KPA.

    The only thing I recognized in Stomp Box mode, that you have to hit the Delay and Reverb switch sometimes twice before they react. And I think that I read about this in the forum yesterday

    What configuration did you do on the mfc 101 so it works well with KPA ? thank you ;)

  • The only thing I recognized in Stomp Box mode, that you have to hit the Delay and Reverb switch sometimes twice before they react. And I think that I read about this in the forum yesterday

    Yes, thats my post. Good to know that I'm not alone with this problem :)
    Does this happen just sometimes? In my case I always have to hit the switch three times. MIDI Implementation still seems to be buggy.

  • I tried a factory reset on the mfc and it still crashes. Tomorrow I'm going to do a factory reset on the kpa and see if that's the problem. I've been through a few firmwares and never reset. Support mailed to say that they are looking at this as well.

  • I do not have an MFC, it not possible to program it to send ONLY the necessary #CC and #PC and cancel the rest? I would also choose a single midi channel instead of leaving the MFC in omni mode. Just my 2 c...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • hm now I'm a little bit confused.
    Im using the KPA and the MFC for about four weeks together.
    I never had a crash in this time. Everthnigs works after I made a reset on the MFC an configured ist for the KPA.

    The only thing I recognized in Stomp Box mode, that you have to hit the Delay and Reverb switch sometimes twice before they react. And I think that I read about this in the forum yesterday

    Yes, I have the same using a Behringer FCB 1010 and have to hit the switches twice before KPA reacts....

  • I do not have an MFC, it not possible to program it to send ONLY the necessary #CC and #PC and cancel the rest? I would also choose a single midi channel instead of leaving the MFC in omni mode. Just my 2 c...

    I set it to single midi channel and that didn't help, I disabled the the first 10 or so IAs as I don't use them, I will disable the other 20 or so and see if that helps.



  • You could connect the mfc to your computers midi-in and record the midi-strings with bomeSX or any other software that can capture incomming streams and look what's inside. Maybe there are some unwanted sysex-commands in the stream or you something corrupting the normal strings. Information about midi-commands are in the net, but it's not that easy. A riddle sometimes to find out what the messages mean...

  • Hi guys,

    I think I might have fixed the problem. I performed the following steps from Armin's website and I've not managed to get the KPA to crash even whilst pressing midi buttons for a couple of minutes, it's early days but I'm keeping my fingers crossed here.

    To reset the (corrupt) System settings do like this:
    (Note: All your system settings will be erased - but not your rigs)
    Switch the main knob to off
    wait a few seconds
    hold the 'System' key
    while still holding the 'System' key - switch KPA to tuner and wait for it to say resetting system settings (or similar)

    Booted up went through the first time setup menu then

    Reset the (corrupt) Midi settings do like this:
    Switch the main knob to off
    wait a few seconds
    hold the 'Quick' key
    while still holding the 'Quick' key - switch KPA to tuner and wait for it to say resetting midi settings (or similar)

    I also set my KPA to run on midi channel 1 only which is mirrored on my MFC. The MFC had a factory reset and all of the IAs/Expression pedals disabled so it's not a full test yet but it was crashing with this setup on the MFC before.

    I'll test again tomorrow when I'm not getting grief from the missus for clicking my MFC buttons whilst she tries to sleep :D


  • Hm ....
    I have to update my last post in this thread.

    I didn't had any problems up to Firmware 1.02
    Yesterday I hat the first rehearsal with 1.04 (I didn't check it on 1.03), and I had at least 2 chrashes together with my MFC 101 (actual firmware)
    So over the weekend I will try to find out more abaout this behaviour


  • Hi Guys
    I have similar problem with my FCB1010 Midi controller..I'm not able change presets ,cause after few changes I get strange noises from my KPA's autputs and after this it's silent..It says DSP ERROR !!! WTF ??? I was gonna use it live on stage..It doesn't look good...Help Please !!! ?(

  • Hi Guys
    I have similar problem with my FCB1010 Midi controller..I'm not able change presets ,cause after few changes I get strange noises from my KPA's autputs and after this it's silent..It says DSP ERROR !!! WTF ??? I was gonna use it live on stage..It doesn't look good...Help Please !!! ?(

    I may be speaking too soon, but haven't had that problem yet, I'm using a Roland GFC-50 controller, I'm assuming you're using the latest firmware on the KPA? Strange that some units do it and others don't..or with only certain controllers, kind of scary if you need to use it live.

  • I may be speaking too soon, but haven't had that problem yet, I'm using a Roland GFC-50 controller, I'm assuming you're using the latest firmware on the KPA? Strange that some units do it and others don't..or with only certain controllers, kind of scary if you need to use it live.

    Yes it,s 1.04... Looks like DSP can't handle switching over presets.. ?( It's not scary..It's useless in my case if it has to be like this.. X(..

    Maybe it's problem with my switches are a little scratchy (old bustard) and while I press the buttons it sends midi command few times in schort time and it's to much for KPA's DSP..I will have to check other FCB1010 of my friend's today and will see...

    It's fixed now :) .I had on all my patches on MFC1010 "Note Direct Select"activated and this was causing problems..I switched it off and since to single problem anymore :)
    Did I say ,that this unit sounds ubelivable..After three days I'm still floored.. :)