DI profiles clipping problem

  • I recently started some di profiles and a few came out amazing and then I couldn't get any to come out without severe clipping. They are just on the verge of breakup, clean amp settings. Checked connections, input and output gain/volume(lights stay green). I'm stumped and bummed as the few I did get were spot on perfect profiles. I can't get anything to come out without sounding like a di profile with no cab on.

    Any ideas?

  • Same Problem here.
    tried to get an di amp profile of my hughes& kettner tubemeister 18 today.
    the distorted are good, but the clean will end in output clipping, when profiling finished.
    before the profiling all levels are good, light is green an no clipping in sight.

    when i put the clean channel a little bit into breakup, then the profile is ok.
    only the very clean setting won't work.

    didn't found somthing about on the forum yet.
    and nothing about in the profiling manual.

  • Are you using DI boxes with an attenuator for the DI out (and have it engaged)? I can't think of another reason for the profiling process to fail. If f the finished profile clips, what happens if you lower the Volume (not Master Volume)?

    francisco jent - 2 powered toasters & 1 remote

  • there is an attentuator.
    0, -20, -40 dB
    while the tm18 is not very loud, the 0 and -20dB work well with the distorted stuff.
    before profiling i dial the input gain on the profiler between -20 to -10dB.
    the green light is on, the yellow an red never, even when i hit the strings hard.
    so before profiling all seems well, test signal starts, no error comes up, when finished and playing the guitar, it clips very strong.
    so, no idea.
    have the profiler for 3 years, and did a lot of profiling yet.

  • I'm curious, are you guys using the XLR or 1/4" Return Input on the KPA? When doing DA profiles the output of the DI box can be pretty hot and if you are using the XLR input it could be over driving it.

    From the manual: Use the quarter-inch input to take a
    line-level signal from a digital amp, speaker simulation or subgroup of a mixing desk. Use the XLR input
    as appropriate, for instance with a microphone.

    Hope that helps.

  • I'm curious, are you guys using the XLR or 1/4" Return Input on the KPA? When doing DA profiles the output of the DI box can be pretty hot and if you are using the XLR input it could be over driving it.

    From the manual: Use the quarter-inch input to take a
    line-level signal from a digital amp, speaker simulation or subgroup of a mixing desk. Use the XLR input
    as appropriate, for instance with a microphone.

    Hope that helps.

    I'm using the XLR, as that is what the Kemper DI box is set up to use. It worked for a few sessions then went rogue on me. The input and output lights are green when profiling, so the signal should be good.

  • I'm using the XLR, as that is what the Kemper DI box is set up to use. It worked for a few sessions then went rogue on me. The input and output lights are green when profiling, so the signal should be good.

    I had the same problem and switching to the 1/4" input fixed it for me. The 1/4" is balanced so you only need a cable that goes from XLR to 1/4" TRS. It's worth a try...

  • I'm curious, are you guys using the XLR or 1/4" Return Input on the KPA? When doing DA profiles the output of the DI box can be pretty hot and if you are using the XLR input it could be over driving it.

    From the manual: Use the quarter-inch input to take a
    line-level signal from a digital amp, speaker simulation or subgroup of a mixing desk. Use the XLR input as appropriate, for instance with a microphone.

    Hope that helps.

    Hello Tim,

    Just curious...I could not find that wording in either the Reference Manual or the Profiling Guide. Did you cut and paste these instructions from some other manual?


  • Hello Tim,

    Just curious...I could not find that wording in either the Reference Manual or the Profiling Guide. Did you cut and paste these instructions from some other manual?


    Hi John,

    Yes, I did copy and paste from "The Basics & Profiling Guide 2013". It is in the description of the back panel. Search for "Return and Alternative Input". To me the text indicates that the XLR has a mic preamp whereas the 1/4" does not (and this makes sense), so it would be easy to overdrive the XLR input with anything other than a mic. This makes me wonder why Kemper used an XLR out on their DI box.

    Anyway, I know that switching to the 1/4" fixed my problem, I'm curious if anyone else can test this to see if it fixes their problem too.

  • Hi John,
    Yes, I did copy and paste from "The Basics & Profiling Guide 2013". It is in the description of the back panel. Search for "Return and Alternative Input". To me the text indicates that the XLR has a mic preamp whereas the 1/4" does not (and this makes sense), so it would be easy to overdrive the XLR input with anything other than a mic. This makes me wonder why Kemper used an XLR out on their DI box.

    Anyway, I know that switching to the 1/4" fixed my problem, I'm curious if anyone else can test this to see if it fixes their problem too.

    Ah, thanks Tim. I didn't have a copy of the 2013 version of the "Basics & Profiling Guide". I thought I might be missing something.
