Kemper vs Attenuated Real Amp

  • I guess that I may get a biased opinion on this forum but here goes anyway :)

    I'm a bedroom guitarist but still obsessed with sounding as good as possible. I'm thinking of:

    a/ getting a Vox AC30HW Head and Cab and a Rivera Rockcrusher attenuator. I'm sure that will sound awesome and give me to option of taking it to gigs in the future.
    b/ getting the Kemper and running it through studio monitors at home.

    I'm guessing the Vox will sound better, but how much better? Any ideas?


  • I guess that I may get a biased opinion on this forum but here goes anyway :)

    I'm a bedroom guitarist but still obsessed with sounding as good as possible. I'm thinking of:

    a/ getting a Vox AC30HW Head and Cab and a Rivera Rockcrusher attenuator. I'm sure that will sound awesome and give me to option of taking it to gigs in the future.
    b/ getting the Kemper and running it through studio monitors at home.

    I'm guessing the Vox will sound better, but how much better? Any ideas?


    No real A/B experience with a Vox, but based on other amps...3-5% is my guess. Just keep in mind the through studio monitors is going to sound like a cranked/mic'd amp instead of an attenuated amp. If you want to get the "amp in the room" feel then you need an FRFR stage monitor and some more volume.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • A great real tube amp is fantastic - all modelers and even the KPA's goal is to replicate this sound.

    If all you need is this Vox sound - try one in a shop or order with money back - and if you like it very much - get the real thing.

    There is no such thing available to capture the entire cranked amp and cabinet "in you room" sound 100% - in best case will we get the same sound as the microphone captured.

    -The amp will not sound this great in case you play with very low volume.
    -It will not sound like a cranked amp when attenuated - for the real thing you need some air to move via the speaker.
    -If you are after a miked AC30 sound (as known from recordings) - then the KPA can get about the same sound

    If I would be forced to play at very low volume - then I would use the KPA any time.

    It's even more true in case you need effects or like to use other amps as well.

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    Edited 3 times, last by Armin (February 11, 2012 at 8:52 PM).