Official profiles from manufacturers - The next wave? Dr Z has some

  • Sad,, but not much diff from guys opening up a tube head and repo building one, part for part,( Trainwreck,,Dumble,Vox,,),not to mention the whole KLON thing,,ever stare at the little black plastic blob inside a Klon, and wonder whats under it??? ,, thats piracy as well,, no?
    been going on for years ,saddly, ,As bad as they are,,chibsons have not put Gibson out of biz,,they tried to stop it,,but on it goes,A band came in my studio , guy had a beautiful gibson goldtop ES,, I said how much I liked it, he laughed, and said ,, " it was $385 on Trade Tang", so sad,,,he had to replace everything on it,,,befoer it woulp play and sound good,,
    IF real amp makers put out their own profiles, I'll buy the real ones from them,just like the Good Doctor did,I bought his amps, I bought his profiles,I bought a Friedman pink taco,, Id buy his profiles,etc,,If we support the real guys, they will make cool stuff,,if we all buy bootleg crap to save a few pennies, then we will all be stuck with,,,, bootleg crap,,
    worth pennies,,,,,,just my 2-cents,,,,

  • I'm sure he has your best interest in mind and he's not trying to tell you what you can say or can't say but he's giving valuable advice.that even though you know you meant it as a joke, it's not unexpected that others might not have an option to consider it a joke depending on what they do for a living.

    Woah, "everybody" should lighten up. When I said, "can somebody lend me a gun hahaha?", I said it in reference to people like Kim Dotcom and hackers who steal money from poor people, and also pricks who steal and sell profiles. That's pretty tongue in cheek, even if you have to rely on the "hahaha".

    Is this what the net has boiled down to today? Like someone erroneously quoting Zappa to a musician: "You can't do that on stage anymore".

    I assumed Lex81 thought the statement was an incitement to violence or request to assist in violence. So I quoted a famous line by someone who blew his head off without hurting anyone.

    I don't see where this bit about "someone without an option to consider it a joke" is coming from on forums like this. Seriously, are you serious?

    I suggest everyone go watch some bugs bunny vs Yosemite Sam or Elmer Fudd and chill out.

    I'm not the one supplying ICBM technology to North Korea, that's China. Nor am I supplying US hardware to "moderate" rebels in Syria who despise anyone who's not Sunni/Shi'ite/Kurdish, that's the US and European military-industrial complex. Nor am I looking the other way while gangs sell drugs to kids, that's every intelligence operation out there, perhaps the people with "some jobs".

    If the people "with jobs who have no option" were actually worth the toilet paper they write reports to their seniors, poor folks like me would not be worried that we'd be conscripted to fight and die any one of these days.

    I demand to have my "black humour" (hyok hyok) moments every now and then. Freedom of speech has limits, I concur, but if Johnny Depp can jokingly say he's going to assassinate Donald Trump, I am sure every one of those doomed to a normal, ordinary, staid life can relate to what I said about shooting someone/oneself.

    Back on topic please, we were discussing Dr Z's official profiles, thanks.

  • ...Woah, "everybody" should lighten up.

    ...I demand to have my "black humour" (hyok hyok) moments every now and then. Freedom of speech has limits, I concur, but if Johnny Depp can jokingly say he's going to assassinate Donald Trump, I am sure every one of those doomed to a normal, ordinary, staid life can relate to what I said about shooting someone/oneself.....

    ...Back on topic please, we were discussing Dr Z's official profiles, thanks.

    Cathy Griffin and Johnny Depp are being investigated by the secret service for their Jokes.Carry on and please disregard the advice given, this is not about right or wrong, it's about pragmatism.

    Getting back to topic those Drz are pretty good.

  • First of all: It could be damaging to the 'third-party profiles' Kemper users, when someone uploaded hundreds of MBritt & SinMix profiles into the RE.

    But... that is no reason to write on a (Kemper) music-forum about: "Can anyone lend me a gun, hahaha?"

    This went too far.
    Its not even funny.
    It implies violence.
    Why is this so necessary to you?

    As we are all aware, Johnny Depp was not joking at Glastonbury Festival, when he talked about assassinating the president of the USA.
    Johnny is no stranger to violence: Even to his wife

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    Its great news that Johnny will be investigated :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by Lex81 (July 5, 2017 at 2:36 PM).

  • It's not funny because it implies violence? Really?


    IMHO some of the funniest movies out there are Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, and there's a lot of violence in them...

    For some of us, Black humour is so necessary because we like it. Actually it might not be so necessary, but the freedom of speech is in fact quite necessary.


  • A movie is not real....You should know that.
    So, a movie comparing to writing on a musicforum is aburd.

  • Aren't we all exaggerating things a bit? Nightlight's sense of humour may not be up to our taste, and I agree that there are plenty of folks with no sense of humour who do not recognize a joke or irony however good it may be, so saying "lend me a gun" may be misunderstood, as Dean_R has stated, especially now with all the paranoia terrorism has created. But silence caused by fear? And how many of us have said something stupid because we were angry or drunk, or because we just wanted to be funny and failed? Probably many. We must be careful when we talk, and when we listen, too. And the context matters. And yeah, this forum is not the place for political debate or silly jokes about murdering an anonymous offender. Still, there's a storm in a teacup here. Let's go back to the subject of the thread, please. :)

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • Aren't we all exaggerating things a bit? Nightlight's sense of humour may not be up to our taste, and I agree that there are plenty of folks with no sense of humour who do not recognize a joke or irony however good it may be, so saying "lend me a gun" may be misunderstood, as Dean_R has stated, especially now with all the paranoia terrorism has created. But silence caused by fear? And how many of us have said something stupid because we were angry or drunk, or because we just wanted to be funny and failed? Probably many. We must be careful when we talk, and when we listen, too. And the context matters. And yeah, this forum is not the place for political debate or silly jokes about murdering an anonymous offender. Still, there's a storm in a teacup here. Let's go back to the subject of the thread, please. :)

    Well said!

  • That would make the search on the rig exchange completely useless. It also wouldn't be any consolation to those guys selling profiles, right now you can get a Marshall or DrZ or any number of others from multiple sellers, each doing their own take on what they think is the best possible micing technique and recorded sound of each amp, maybe some of them will be much better than the ones the manufacturers themselves create, but they'll have a really hard time selling them and recording what was actually used to make the profile. Most people buying commercial profiles want a specific amp, hard to sell that if you can't talk about what specific amp is used.

    Majority of commercial sellers name them differently anyway.

    Marshall - Michael
    Peavey - PVY
    Mesa Boogie - Messy Buggers etc. etc.

  • I know first hand that quite a few amp company people see kemper in a rather negative light. Does releasing an official pack of kemper profiles imply that these are your exact amp tones, now in kemper? People are afraid of loosing sales, somewhat understandably, because of this. The mindset of "I have the profiles so I don't need the real amp" seems relatively common (even though I find this to be rather misdirected).

    And on the other hand how much money would you make as an amp manufacturer, from kemper, or profile sales, provided that anybody out there can profile your amps.. in some cases perhaps even better than you? Is it worth proceeding making your own "official" profiles, considering all this, unless there is some great monetary reason offered by kemper themselves? (which I am told is not the case anyway).

    There's the possibility that people like a profile enough to want the "real thing" of course. But the promise of kemper is that it gives you the "identical tone of your amp" -- a snapshot of the "real thing" through whatever cab, mic, ect, ect. That is not the promise of most other modelling units.

    So I understand that it gets a bit tricky for those making amps. Where you see amplitube doing a pack of, say, fender, there is a direct business deal there between the companies as well; it's not up to fender to sell amplitube packs, which is also something to take into consideration. It does have a few implications.

    I think it's a nice idea to have "official" profiles. Personally I don't really care that much, because I have certain people I trust who I am confident produce profiles that sound like more what I want anyway. And if there is something they don't offer, I can either ask them to do it or I'll proceed to do myself anyway (I've been profiling a lot this year to begin with).

    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (July 12, 2017 at 1:19 PM).