All my personal profiles - Marshall, soldano, dr z and others

  • But the Dropbox link was shared too.

    About Copyright, a lawyer friend adviser me about risks. I do not know about it, but i prefer do not assume risks. Is better share my profiles just with forum members and users that interact and contribute.

    Monkey_Man is correct. Your lawyer friend is wrong. As long as you receive no financial gain it is fine to upload those to the Rig Exchange. 95% of the Rigs uploaded there use the real names. Besides, you moving them to another download location wouldn't change anything if it really was illegal...

  • Yes I can confirm the awesomeness of these profile, even the classic30 sounds impressive on my gear :)

    Diogo, i fount some profiles that were not yours in the pack, you should remove them if you care a bout legal stuff.

    three or four first in the list

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • Gave these a long try. I agree that they are some of the best tones in KPA.

    But I cannot say I'm totally happy with them. The AFD profiles, for example, sound like there's a "wah wah" on.

    I have also profiled the AFD and got similar results, really. It's just not how the real amp sounds/feels.

    Just my opinion. Kudos for profiling and sharing.


  • There are some good profiles and bad too. This is normal. I use just AFD48 profile, is my favorite. I hate AFD V30 profiles, but my friends prefer v30. But i garantee that the real amp is identical. AFD have no clean tone, and the low gain tones are bad, thin.

  • I bought my kemper in december, 2016. I did not like initially. I played my entire life with my 3 amps: deville, rk and classic 30. My main amp is RK, a small fender combo with greenback (i use with a 609 mic). I just put pedals in front. I believed in kemper just when i profiled my own tone. When i profiled RK amp, i realized that my direct sound was just reasonable. The amp was wonderful, but the best mic tone was not the best amp tone. After 6 months, i love kemper. I was accustomed with my amp sound. Right now, i feel confortable with my mic sound.

  • Dimi84, can you send me your AFD profiles?

    I sent you a private message, because I think it's more conductive to talk that way. I'm tired of being called one thing or another in this forum for having differing opinions.

    Also: the effect I am referring to is relatively subtle (it depends on your standards, as said). If you are profiling the AFD and there's not such "wah" effect (even if subtle) for sure you are doing profiling better than me.

    In my own experience I could get close to the AFD. I had the amp for about a year. I know it quite well. In my profile there was a subtle "wah" effect which would change how the amp sounds and feels.

    It's a difference some will not think matters. This is why it's difficult to discuss about these things quite often. We get stuck about "what matters" and "what not" as if there's some magically objective standard of that.

    Anyway, I have Pm'ed you :) I will send you files to see what i'm talking about, just not of the AFD because don't have that amp anymore. If you really "dig in hard" while playing these differences tend to matter more.

    Thank you for the response ;) and your work here.

  • Just on the AFD thing - obviously, a wah pedal is a filter circuit with variable frequency. An amp tone stack is several simple RC filters combined into a network. It is quite possible that a particular tone stack design and the set of capacitors/pots used to build it could give you a subtle mid range peak that sounds like a wah pedal setting.

    If this bothers you, you could play around with the tone stack cap selection in the AFD and see if you get a better result. I was talking to ACY about his plexi style amp and he said he selected one particular critical cap from 12 he tried in that position. Bear in mind that all these sorts of amps are built to a price and the best components aren't necessarily the cheap ones used in mass produced amps built on PCBs.

    Values in these sorts of parts can be amazingly critical - esp considering the tolerances that parts are built to in many amps. Eg I have tuned speaker crossovers by ear and found that for the low pass filter on the woofer, just one single turn of a hand wound coil either side of the correct value (subsequently tested with a meter) produced an obvious peak in the mid range (~2kHz) which was clearly undesirable.

  • More fender the twin profiles with several pedals (boss od3, barber gain changer, fulltone OCD, Empower Burn Box, Bogner La grange, tech 21 3x double distortion, HK tube factor, Carl Martin plexitone, barber small fry, Blackstar HT Dual, Blackstar HT distortion and Zvex Box of Rock). This amp is very cool with pedals. The drive is useless, but the clean chanell is wonderful…