Dual Amp setup

  • Hey guys,

    I'm just curious. Is there a way to get a dual amp setup out of the Kemper.
    Meaning that I want to send my guitar signal into the Kemper running it through the processing of two different profiles and want to merge them before the output.

    You guys know if the Kempers processors would be even capable of doing something like this ?

  • Welcome along ZSchneidi.

    This has been discussed before but apparently the capabilities aren't there in the processor.

    There are a few dual amp profiles floating around though but the amps were profiled simultaneously so you're stuck with the mix as one sound if that makes sense..

  • Hey thanks ma mate ;)

    Thats kinda what I expected. This would be the holy grail but who needs it if ya got a Kemper sitting next to you.
    This baby is perfect as it is so I can still enjoy it.

    I'm running my Kemper into my Helix so i could still use the Helix amps to get this kind of sound but i don't
    wanna mess up the perfect Kemper sound with the Helix models although they are not even that bad.

  • Considering that the Line6 Vetta was released around 15 years ago had the ability to run dual amps and each with their own signal/fx chain I find it hard to believe that the Kemper processor isn't able to handle it.

    If running dual amps isn't a viable future option I do think that there should at least be more options with regards to parallel signal chain i.e running some stomps on both paths

  • Well, the L6 and other modellers employ entirely-different approaches / paradigms where modelling is concerned. They're ground-up modellers, whereas the Kemper stands alone and nobody knows exactly how it reproduces the tones that're Profiled.

    What we do seem to be able to assume is that running the algorithm/s appears to demand more horsepower.

    As for it not being a viable future option, I'd have to say that it surely is... when more CPU grunt is available, either in a later model or upgraded (optional, hopefully) existing one.

  • I am currently at the point where i want my rehearsal rig profiled. I am not 100% sure how i can get the best results.

    Here is the rig:

    [Blocked Image: http://c-philipps.com/rehearsal_rig.jpg]

    Signal Chain: (guitar) --> Tuner --> TS9 --> Decimator --> Morley ABC -->
    A Engl --> 4x12
    B Mesa --> 2x12

    When i want to make a studio profile i think it is clear that i have to blend the two (or more) microphones with a mixer and profile that chain. The Decimator will be bypassed of course.

    But is it possible to get a direct profile somehow? If i use two DI boxes to blend the signal from both amps together? I currently only have one and think about getting another for that purpose. But if the final result will be bad i can save that money on beer and a new set of strings :D

    Has anybody ever done this?

    - Chris

  • hi, is it possible to run one path for guitar to one output and the other path with an octaver effect for simulating a bass to an other output?

    like the royal blood set up

    - reiso13

  • hi, is it possible to run one path for guitar to one output and the other path with an octaver effect for simulating a bass to an other output?

    like the royal blood set up

    - reiso13


    Rig Menu Parallel Path lets you sen one signal through the first 2 stomps then straight to output while the main signal goes through Stomps C and D then Stack and FX as normal.