Kemper Performance Editor

  • Hi All,

    After spending a bit of time on the Kemper editor software request thread here: Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

    I have decided to start work on a Performance mode editor. The primary purpose of this editor will be to allow a user to:

    • Load all performances from the KPA into the editor
    • Modify performances manually
    • Save performances to disk
    • Save a Show (all performances) to disk
    • Link songs to performance names
    • Automatically create a show from a setlist
    • Download an entire show to the KPA

    I am starting with a requirements gathering phase. The first step is defining the GUI and the work flow desired. The link below is the first version of this tool. Please feel free to comment and add to the discussion.…201.0).zip?dl=0

    This is quite different from the Toaster editor by virango (although I may move over to Qt and share his MIDI library if he agrees). This tool will be for those of us who do live shows with our Kemper and want to simply press "Up Performance" for the next song all night ;)

  • Awesome idea @OneEng1 !!

    IMO the idea could be stripped down to be just a Performance Arranger/Setlist Editor program & it would still make the vast majority of us " 1 Performance Per Song" live users deliriously happy. Arranging setlists is easily my biggest annoyance with the KPA. Makes me mad before every show, haha. No idea why the current arrange feature is so limited. Being able to arrange and save multiple lists on a PC, (and being able select one of those lists and send it to the KPA) would be a huge step in the right direction. Ultimately I think all these lists should be stored directly in the KPA and recalled at the turn of a dial (similar to selecting an effect with the browse knob), but an external software version is really the only DIY option, so I thinks it a killer idea.

    A little confused by the additional "modify" features you're looking onto though. Very cool for sure, but personally, I'm not sure I'd use the editor buttons over the KPA faceplate buttons to turn things on and off when creating and saving individual slots. I guess I don't edit slots in the performance much once they are made. I'm probably not thinking deep enough into it. What is your workflow vision for that feature?

    It would be great to have versatile copy/paste functions in the software to aid creating new performances. Many of mine start off as a simple duplicate of a pre-existing performance, then tweaked to what I need with effects, gain adjustments etc, then just saved with a new name. Additionally being able to easily copy and paste individual slots between performances with a few mouse clicks would be awesome also.

    Love the direction the 1.0 GUI is taking. I have a few random ideas for it, but would be interested to see what others suggest before throwing them out there :)

    Again.. very cool stuff. Thanks for taking the time to look into this.. You've got some skills!

  • Looks like you know your stuff @OneEng1 - the layout is logical, it reflects the workflow.
    But before you go deep into it, I would suggest thinking about BROWSER part (not only Performance) - I know that you play mostly live, but I believe many many people use BROWSE mode. But it's your time contributed here, so no wonder that you start from what interests you most.

    1) Are you able to do effects management? Set some effects using your editor, than save it as effects preset and the reuse it in Performances (instead of tuning every single effect for particular performance)?

    2) Are you able to get to Cabinets and change it for current stack with a click of a mouse? Is it MIDI command?

    3) How do you store requirements to build this software? JIRA? Your Head?

    4) Are you going to test your development? System Tests (single funcionality), End-2-End tests (full use-case scenarios)

    5) Do you have any online ticketing system available, so users can send their suggestions / bugs found? JIRA, Asana, even GitHub would do...

    Good Luck and Thanks

    [Blocked Image:]

  • I am starting with a requirements gathering phase. The first step is defining the GUI and the work flow desired. The link below is the first version of this tool. Please feel free to comment and add to the discussion.

    What is your source for requirements @OneEng1 - you will use just working example = Kemper? Where will you store your requirements: JIRA, Asana, etc. It's good idea to have this keep things clean and tidy - suggestions/bugs in this thread is like working in a project where you build a software and most information goes through email. Believe me this becomes painful at some stage :)

  • Thanks all.

    First, if we make it through a feasibility stage, I will setup a joint web project so that anyone that wants to contribute can.

    Second, after reviewing the existing MIDI implementation chart, there are some missing pieces of information.

    In order to manage the performance slots, it will be necessary to have access to the performance "Arrange" selection, and then have access to the "Move Up" and "Move Down". It will also be necessary to be able to read out the performances.

    If all I do is make a performance manager, I think that these functions alone would allow this functionality to work.


    Yea, I am thinking that you are exactly right. Let the utility focus on being a great show manager. Perhaps I will change the name to "Kemper Show Manager" to reflect this scope. I have sent in a support request to the Kemper team to see if it is possible to access the parameters I need to do this work. If not, then perhaps they would agree to expose these parameters in a future revision so this work can be done.


    If I could find some FREE program/project management cloud software to utilize for this program, then I would be open to using it. Since I am doing this on my own time and my own dime, I am not looking to put any money into the program (as I currently don't intend to sell the program when I am done anyway).

  • In order to manage the performance slots, it will be necessary to have access to the performance "Arrange" selection, and then have access to the "Move Up" and "Move Down". It will also be necessary to be able to read out the performances.

    If all I do is make a performance manager, I think that these functions alone would allow this functionality to work

    Yep. Without access to those simple features is see no way for you to move forward and address dated and clunky KPA performance arrange functionality.

    As far as I know, the majority of the send/receive features are not accessible remotely with the current FW, so I genuinely think your going to be out of luck making this work. Makes me sad tbh as its such a simple thing to implement if the required inputs were mapped. With full KPA access, its basically just a glorified Excel spreadsheet, but obviously much more challenging to implement as a limited access DIY solution. Sill confused as to why this isn't in the official Rig Manager.

    None the less, I did a mockup of what I imagine a functional PC performance editor/manager GUI would look like and need.

    Really really hope this project can make it to a release. Much needed imo.

    [Blocked Image:]

  • Yep. Without access to those simple features is see no way for you to move forward and address dated and clunky KPA performance arrange functionality.

    As far as I know, the majority of the send/receive features are not accessible remotely with the current FW, so I genuinely think your going to be out of luck making this work. Makes me sad tbh as its such a simple thing to implement if the required inputs were mapped. With full KPA access, its basically just a glorified Excel spreadsheet, but obviously much more challenging to implement as a limited access DIY solution. Sill confused as to why this isn't in the official Rig Manager.

    None the less, I did a mockup of what I imagine a functional PC performance editor/manager GUI would look like and need.

    Really really hope this project can make it to a release. Much needed imo.

    [Blocked Image:]

    Got word back from the fine folks at Kemper. These features are not currently supported in the firmware. They - of course - can not commit to future feature dates (which is completely understandable).

    Your moc-up is very much what I had in mind! Nice work ;)

    If anyone on the kemper team is monitoring this, please take this request in mind for a future release (I will be watching the release notes).