TinyBox4Kemper : extended MIDI possibilities and wireless status display for the Kemper Profiler

  • Long time ago I mentioned in this other thread that I had been working on a "wireless display" for the Kemper. That was part of a larger project for creating a smart MIDI extension box. After following quite a lot of dead ends I am finally entering the last stage of a product design. It will look a little different than what I had in mind, because I didn't want to take any risks with regards to reliability.
    So here's what the "TinyBox4Kemper" will be (it's a spin-off from a more general "TinyBox", which will be launched later on) :

    - programmable MIDI extension box : can be connected to the Profiler MIDI IN/OUT jacks, senses all rig and effect changes in Performance Mode, and triggers any number of extra MIDI messages for each rig or effect state. This works no matter how you control the Profiler: with UnO4Kemper equipped FCB1010, or with Kemper Remote.
    - "one-cable converter" for the FCB1010 : run 1 MIDI cable from the box to the floorboard, carrying 2-way MIDI plus power
    - accompanying : a (free) easy-to-use editor, running on Mac and Windows. New concept : type your MIDI setup in plain text, using a smart text editor with "code completion"
    - the software will also contain a webserver, hosting realtime status info of the Profiler. So you can open the browser on that same computer or on an iPad/smartphone which connects to the computer through Wifi, and display the current performance, active effects, tuner info etc. You can also remotely control the Profiler through the app.

    Still no release date or price estimate available. But I just launched a new website, you can leave your email address there if you want to stay informed about the status of this project.


  • Dear Gordius-team,

    assuming that there still is no release date available as I did not see any email distributed on this topic via your email distribution list, I was just wondering if the Tinybox4Kemper would also allow other apps to communicate with the KPA.
    I am using a setlist-app for my gigs and just thought about an option the other day which would make my life even easier... The app can send MIDI-commands so if it could use the "channel" the Tinybox establishes between the iPad and the KPA, I would be able to automatically trigger the needed profile by switching to the next song which holds the information of bank and switch that need to be activated.

    Is this something realistic or total non-sense?


  • hey,
    I'm kinda noob to midi, excuse me if this is a dumb question

    I see an interest for use with a FCB1010 i.e. easy programming for midi dumbs like me + and additional display
    but what's the interest for those who have a remote? extra screen?

    I've never been able pull the trigger for the remote because of the price. I understand that tinybox rises the FCB to the level of the remonte. am I right?

    I need to understand

  • Hi Chris and Pamplemousse,

    sorry, I don't watch this forum very frequently. Here are some answers :

    - indeed no status emails sent around yet, but I will do so soon now. I actually have almost everything available to officially release this product. Still working on a housing and other practical stuff
    - "tinybox rises the FCB to the level of the remote. am I right?" Not really, because the Remote is designed by Kemper as a dedicated foot controller for the Profiler : it is fair to say that no third party device will ever have the same level of integration as Kempers own product. TinyBox focuses on 2 use cases which currently are not the main focus of Kemper : controlling multiple MIDI devices next to the Profiler, and showing realtime status info on a large screen. These 2 features will be available for all TinyBox users, whether they use the UnO4Kemper equipped FCB1010 or the Kemper Remote for remote control. In both cases you will have the advantage of easy programming of the extra MIDI functionality.
    - communicating with other apps : that's an interesting scenario. It will not be supported at the moment of release, but definitely something I could look into later on, since it should be technically feasible.

  • Dear Gordius-team,
    thanks for the feedback and never mind about the delay :)
    To be honest, supporting 3rd-Party-Apps allowing them to use the connection between i.e. iPad and Tinybox4Kemper to send requests/actions to the KPA as well would be a definite "buy"-decision for me.
    Checked current options to get this working and it seems none really works for me... either the wireless MIDI-adaptor uses Bluetooth which I see critical as my footswitch for scrolling within the setlist-app also uses this standard (apart from the fact that I would need another MIDI-splitter to connect the FCB and the MIDI-adaptor). Or you need to use a cabled one which could be a real mess as my KPA is not always reight beside me mainly being the lead vocalist.

    Eager to get more details on the release date, pricing and future plans so keep us posted :)

    Best regards,

  • For me, the TinyBox makes no sense because younhave to connect it to a PC which offers WLAN.
    On stage I don‘t use (and don‘t want to use) a PC.
    If the TinyBox had an built in WLAN modul, it would make sense to buy and use it.

  • On stage I don‘t use (and don‘t want to use) a PC.

    If the TinyBox had an built in WLAN modul, it would make sense to buy and use it.

    In my original post I mentioned "following quite a lot of dead ends".. This was related to exactly that: building in the WLAN functionality was my initial plan. I tried several options but unfortunately I didn't find a solution which offered sufficient reliability at a low cost. When you talk about building in a web server which can interprete MIDI messages and turn them into a realtime status display on any mobile device - you are actually talking about an embedded PC. So you would be using a PC on stage after all - just small enough to be hidden inside a small black box...
    Anyway it is still on my TODO list to port the existing software to something like a Raspberry Pi, which is let's say slightly less expensive than a Macbook. I first need to get convinced of the reliability of such system. On the other hand by spending another 35 USD you could have a full backup system in your back pocket, so that wouldn't be too bad. To be continued.

  • it is still on my TODO list to port the existing software to something like a Raspberry Pi

    Done. The TinyBox4Kemper server software now runs on Raspberry Pi. You can make the server start automatically, which means you don't need a keyboard/mouse/screen connected to the rPi in order to use it. It just runs somewhere in the rack and you connect to it using your iPad or smartphone. I tested it succesfully with a Raspberry 1 Model B, Raspberry 2, Raspberry 3 and even with a Raspberry Zero W, which currently sells for an amazing 6 Euro - WIFI included. (with a size of 65mm × 30mm I could even build that one into the TinyBox, but I don't plan to do that)

  • Is it possible to connect the TinyBox directly to the Kemper, without any foot controller, and control the KPA via an iPad wirelessly? Thanks in advance.

    Yes, that's possible. You can see that in action in the demo video : http://www.tinybox.rocks/demo/demo.mp4 around 0:30. It works equally well with no foot controller connected.
    Major difference with regular MIDI apps is of course the 2-way communication with the Profiler, which the TinyBox provides. When you touch an effect button, the button doesn't light up because you touched it, but because the Profiler has reported that the effect is activated. When you touch a rig button, the rig gets selected but also the effect button states will get updated (along with the effect names) to reflect the current state at all time.

  • I wonder, what will be the difference to the regulary "TinyBox", and is the "JackBox" also for standalone (adding 4 expressions in different Midi Scenarios w/o Kemper or TinyBox)???

    Sorry aehaem, forgot to answer your questions.

    First question is answered in the mean time on our forum at http://forum.tinybox.rocks/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=292
    JackBox currently is not intended to be used standalone, because it cannot be programmed. It just sends a fixed CC number for each of the 4 connected pedals. The TinyBox programming adds all the power to it (although you could achieve the same thing by using a laptop with MIDI interface and some MIDI mapping application). TinyBox also optionally supplies power for the JackBox.

  • Dear team,

    just found this thread again as I was wondering what happened to the further development of the Tinybox4Kemper.
    Is the possibility there yet to have an app like Bandhelper (which I already use) send MIDI-commands right out to the KPA triggering different profiles?
