Define Midi Programm/Bank For Performance Slots

  • Hello guys,

    this may be discussed in the past but I didn't really found an answer yet.
    I want to control my Kemper in performance mode via midi commands from the Line6 Helix.

    So far I got this to work but I have to use this kinda weird approach where you have to calculate the slot positions.

    I the manual on page 179 "You could also use the following formula: (#Performance x 5) - 5 + (#Slot - 1)"
    I don't really need the previously mentioned #48/#49 and #50-#54 commands. Because I don't want to scroll
    through the Kempers performances.

    I use my Helix as master and the Kemper in the effects chain. So if I switch presets on the Helix or use footswitches to
    get different modes or channels I want to send the Kemper a command to go to a specific performance/slot.

    This works fine so far but its kinda confusing to have to calculate the slot numbers.
    This is more a convenience thing.

    Can I define a performance slot to be selected on a specific programm/bank command ?
    I'm pretty new to midi controlling things so maybe its a confusion on my side.

  • the bank select and program change number for every slot in a performance is shown in the lower left corner of the Profiler display.

    Yeah is saw that and tried to send this combination to the Kemer but it didn't react to these progchg commands.
    Do I have to configure the Kemper to do react to these. I found a ProgChg parameter in the settings but it still wont
    change to the slot I tried to trigger.

  • Have you defined same sending and receiving Midi Channel?

    You mean on the Helix or the Kemper ?

    Have you sent bank select controllers (cc0/cc32)prior to the program change?

    In the Helix i can send the cc but I still hadn't figured out what I am supposed to send there. I just sent the program and bank but no other cc messages.
    It might all be just confusion on my side. Like I said I never did this before and no idea what I am doing ^^

    Do I have to send the CC0 - Bank Select with the program and bank selection ?

    What would you say I have to send the Kemper in order to make it work ? maybe only program/bank isn't enough here.

    In the wiki i found this
    "Additional melodic instruments can be accessed by setting CC#0 to 121 and then using CC#32 to select the bank before a Program Change."
    Maybe i should try to send this with the program change.

    Edited once, last by ZSchneidi (May 29, 2017 at 2:40 PM).

  • At - support you can download documentation for the MIDI Parameter..

    Tanks I wasn't aware that there is a whole doc on the midi topic alone.
    But it still don't get me a hint on what exactly to do.

    As far as I understand this I have to send an CC47 to preselect a performance but need to send an additional CC50-54 to select
    and activate a certain slot. Am I right with this ?

  • Each slot is a midi program number. Starting from pc00-04 for performance 1 slots 1-5.
    pc05-09 for performance 2 slots 1-5, etc. So sending midi program channels is easiest.

    To send a CC you have to be in the right or current performance first. Then you can use CC50-54 to pick the slot. But if you need to be in a different performance say performance two and you are in performance one. You now have to first send CC48 to move up one performance slot and then cc50-54 to choose the the rig you want.

    I find sending one midi program change is easier, especially when you want to go from performance to performance and chose a rig.

  • Thank you so far.
    I am able to preselect a performance now but I'm not able the select a certain slot.
    But thats an issue with the Helix. I have to figure out first how so send two commands.
    the second one may come to soon or isn't even send to the kemper.

    The programm change command is indeed easier. But its not the most convenient way i think.
    I have to set up a bunch of different performances and patches on the Helix to control them.

    In that case I would find it easier to read in the setting if i select a specific performance and a specific slot.
    Not a seemingly random number which i have to calculate first. So its more that i can just set the performance number
    and I'm ready to go.

    I guess I come closer to what i need but the Helix isn't quite doing what I want from it.
    Maybe someone here did this before. I know there are users here that have both systems too.