Would you be interested in a test profiling amps at different volumes?

  • .. Really not sure in which category in forum to ask this!

    But yea, would there be interest in seeing something like this? Difference is I'd be profiling the amp as I increase master volume and then comparing to profile.

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    It will be much more time-consuming than this video I did, but if there's interest I will proceed :)


    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (May 16, 2017 at 5:38 PM).

  • Not entirely related but I'd be very interested to see a similar video on something like a Marshall non master volume amp with a reamped loop being captured by the mic and then the profile. Whilst I love my Kempers I still have this slight question over how well it does pure power stage tube saturation and that lovely squishy thing a power tube does when its been driven to within in an inch of its life

    Some years ago I used to own a non master volume head which for recording I would run to a Palmer PDI03 and then into IR's in Protools. The tones were comparable to some vendors offerings but the sustain was just much greater from the real amp with its volume set between 8 & 10, you could almost create a sustaining note from nothing just with vibrato some which for me at least is less apparent with the Kemper.

    Anyway just a thought

    Edited once, last by Duncan (May 16, 2017 at 8:17 PM).

  • Not entirely related but I'd be very interested to see a similar video on something like a Marshall non master volume amp with a reamped loop being captured by the mic and then the profile. Whilst I love my Kempers I still have this slight question over how well it does pure power stage tube saturation and that lovely squishy thing a power tube does when its been driven to within in an inch of its life

    Some years ago I used to own a non master volume head which for recording I would run to a Palmer PDI03 and then into IR's in Protools. The tones were comparable to some vendors offerings but the sustain was just much greater from the real amp with its volume set between 8 & 10, you could almost create a sustaining note from nothing just with vibrato some which for me at is less apparent with the Kemper.

    Anyway just a thought

    Thanks for the suggestion. I don't have a non master volume amp in Finland. But this is also very interesting ,more so.. I will see if I can find such an amp :)

  • This video (from here in fin too) has a fender somewhere there where they have issues profiling with high volume. I think.

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    But it's not a test that detailed to identify where issues begin in that case.

    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (May 16, 2017 at 7:58 PM).

  • Yes I did catch that video some weeks ago, around 6.20 - 6.40 on the time line was where it becomes very apparent that the Kemper is reacting differently in its interpretation of the power stage.

    I don't know what he was saying in his commentary but I guess he must have noticed it too

  • Yes I did catch that video some weeks ago, around 6.20 - 6.40 on the time line was where it becomes very apparent that the Kemper is reacting differently in its interpretation of the power stage.

    I don't know what he was saying in his commentary but I guess he must have noticed it too

    Yeap, that's what he's saying: that Kemper cannot profile the amp cranked like that.

    I've had more success with cranked power stages. It's usually when the power stage starts to sound like fuzz when Kemper runs into issues. But most modern amps don't react that way, at least not as much as in the video, not even when power stage distorts.

    So in these cases you can usually "get away with it". Don't know about the single Channel Marshall though. If anything profiling at every turn of volume knob should better show what differences they are.

    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (May 16, 2017 at 8:55 PM).

  • I profile LOUD. Speaker drive doesn't exist if you don't.

    I cannot say this isn't the case but I remembered an old SOS article where some big wig at Celestion was discussing speaker excursion and breakup, quite an interesting read http://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/und…guitar-speakers.

    His premise seems to be that once the speaker/cab combinations gets into working range the effects of driving the speaker harder and the difference we as the listener perceive has more to do with how hard the amp is being driven. I suppose to really test the theory you would need a clean channel with masses of headroom and a mic that responds in a linear fashion regardless of signal input, if such a beast exists.

  • From the article:

    "There are some level-related effects that come into play, but they're not the ones we've been talking about up to now. As the level goes up, the voice coil does heat up naturally. That will cause some compression and it could cause some other things to change slightly as well, so the sound will change a little bit as the speaker is driven harder."

    The sound I refer to is more a compressed growl, like the speaker it meeting its limits.

    I believe this is part of why many profiles do not translate well to live volume.

  • I did a test relevant to this recently.
    6505 at different volumes.

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  • An ultimate Kemper would be such that it would have multiple "probing points": After stomp boxes, after pre-amp, after power-amp and after the miked speaker.That way distortion generated in different stages would be profiled correctly.