Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • Announcements have a very special property - they are just announcements.

    As far as I recall KPA was introduced at last years NAMM and was expected to be shipped soon afterwards. It became 2012 until significant numbers became available.
    Now the FX people ANNOUNCE profiling will be available in the future. What does that mean except the "marketing department" expresses the intention of implementing something likewise. It is not even certain how this can be done given the particular hardware specs and layout of the fx.

    IMO it is a simple judgement call. What do you wanna do now?
    I have stopped taking people seriously who base their actions on marketing announcements about features that may become available in the future.

    The axe is an incredible piece of equipment and well worth the hype, the kpa is the same - incredible and worth the hype. They serve slightly different purposes, have different form factors and user interfaces and both have potential for further improvement & development.

    I haven't yet decided which road I will follow - again both have pros & cons. Maybe I will stick to my roadking, g-system and a few pedals, recording a demo with a pod. All things concerned the only constant in this universe is "change".

    Exciting times - aren't they !?


    90% of the game is half-mental.

    Edited once, last by bigHF (February 9, 2012 at 12:03 PM).

  • I own both units, to me Kemper sounds better and it was clear right from the early posts mDan wrote on TGP and the few soundclips I heard. I probably won't sell my Axe Fx 2 but the reality is that I play it not as much as I used to do and the problem is not about tweaking or anything like that , it's just the fact that the Kemper gives me a better guitar sound

    You're not deep, you're not an intellectual, you're not an artist, you're not a critic, you're not a just have internet access

  • One thing I will say is that there are are many more AxeFX II users out there than Kemper users. The AxeFX II has had the IR capture feature for a fair few months now and I've seen probably 2 or 3 people sharing them and the few that have been shared have not been to my taste. I've had my Kemper for 4 weeks and there are hundreds of Profiles out there, the majority of them sound great!


  • This really makes me laugh. So the AXEFX guy couldn't come up with this concept on his own, he had to steal the idea from ckemper, but more than this he obviously doesn't know how it's done so he is just pushing out a big doubt in potential buyers minds so it buys him time to figure out how it's done.

    F*cking ugly.

  • Xpenno: Do you realise a difference in the playing feeling between the two products (attack, sponginess, deepness)

    They are both great products and both can achieve great tones. I currently find that KPA easier to tweak for my taste. The words you have used above are not words that I personally use to define guitar tone or feel so I can't comment directly I'm afraid.

  • Next up on the hype machine: Cliff's henchmen *cough* Scott *cough* coming out saying, how they tried the Axe2 profiling mode and how it profiles the sound and feel of an amp at 100% realism. :D :D :D
    The hype machine has been initiated... again

    I haven't posted anything about any of this anywhere.

    Check your facts before you let fly with the accusations. A) You are wrong; B) Back it up with fact.

    This sort of post doesn't shine well on the forum, Kemper or guitarists for that matter.

  • Welcome to the board!
    We'd surely love to hear your opinions on the KPA if you want :)

    Unlike some here - Guitartone in particular - I don't post my opinions of something I have never heard, never used or never touched.

    There's no opinion to be offered by me until I have personal experience; without that sort of context, my opinion is invalid.

    I got emailed about this thread and some of the posts on this forum. Sad to say some of what folks were telling me is right. The Kemper can and should stand on it's own merits; you don't need the sort of character assassination you see prevalent from some members here to make the case for a piece of gear.

  • Unlike some here - Guitartone in particular - I don't post my opinions of something I have never heard, never used or never touched.

    There's no opinion to be offered by me until I have personal experience; without that sort of context, my opinion is invalid.

    I got emailed about this thread and many of the posts on this forum. Sad to say what folks were telling me is right. The Kemper can and should stand on it's own merits; you don't need the sort of character assassination you see prevalent from some members here to make the case for a piece of gear.

    As I said on the Fractal Forums, I'm not one for personal attacks. But the LOLing is understandable because Cliff was strongly disagreeing with profiling and now he's putting it into the Axe II... same as the 11R USB thingy... makes some people wonder where are the Axe's own merits.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • As I said on the Fractal Forums, I'm not one for personal attacks. But the LOLing is understandable because Cliff was strongly disagreeing with profiling and now he's putting it into the Axe II... same as the 11R USB thingy... makes some people wonder where are the Axe's own merits.

    Strawman fallacy. I've been around forums and the Internet a while, I don't fall for such tactics. Your statement is exaggeration and I don't fall for that sort of troll bait.

    I'm not here to debate you or anyone else. I will speak up and call folks out when they attack my character for no reason. It's their right to hold any opinion of me they prefer, but the character assassination is bullshit and I'll call it that every time.

    I'm not here to muddy the waters. Many of the KPA folks here that post on TGP and the Fractal Forum said when and if I ever did come here, folks would treat me with respect the same I do with them. Proof is in the pudding. Let's see how it plays.

  • I don't think I exaggerated by any means, and definitely didn't want to bait or trap or anything. I just said what I've read since the debates on the topic of Kemper vs Axe started.
    Stating again that I'm not one for personal attacks, criticism cannot be considered as an attack IMHO.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.