Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • I don't quite get the poeple who are running away and canceling their pre-orders.

    I'll be honest, I'd be lieing if I claimed the announcement didn't give me pause and make me reconsider going ahead with my Kemper purchase (at least briefly), but at the same time I'm not too green to know when I'm being played by marketing either and shouldn't just kneejerk react. It was obvious it would happen sooner or later anyway.

    For now I'm going to continue and put my trust in Kemper with the hope that it'll be supported and a success, that it will sound as incredible as I've heard in the clips (and to me it does sound consistently better/more natural than the Axe), and will be improved further at a quick pace.

    I like it's form factor because I like easy to use well designed physical user interfaces as much as software ones. I like that it's cheaper than the Axe. I like that as of tomorrow it'll be available to use rather than another "future" promise to wait for. I like how Access has handled support of the Virus and expect similar for the KPA. Mostly I like how it sounds better to my ears. None of that's changed. At the same time nor does any of that detract from the awesome features of the Axe, both units are incredible, it's just that on balance as things stand right now I still prefer the Kemper option and I'm still just as excited by it as I ever was.

    Edited 2 times, last by Per (February 9, 2012 at 8:17 AM).

  • +1
    Some company leaders really are acting like the bully kid on the playground.

    They dissed profiling in the past as well as they dissed USB and input impedance when 11 Rack came out. Features that the Axe FX II (not Axe FX 11!) then had.

    Agree on this point...not really coming out well...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I think everyone should just relax and wait to hear what Fractal is doing - it could be great or it could be lackluster, but anything anyone says at this point is strictly guesswork. One thing Cliff is not is stupid, so let's just see what happens....there's really no need to 'take sides' - we're all just guitar players in search of a better sound after all...

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Great news, the more competition, the better sound will get (though I don't know how one could improve over the Kemper).
    Let's see if Fractal's profiling can sound as good as Kempers, I doubt it - but we'll see.

    When I still had the Axe2 I tried what Cliff suggested (mentioning the Axe will sound much better than the KPA in this case). Capture an IR of the KPAs Cab and use that with a Axe Amp Modell. I still prefered the KPA by far though.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Great news, the more competition, the better sound will get (though I don't know how one could improve over the Kemper).
    Let's see if Fractal's profiling can sound as good as Kempers, I doubt it - but we'll see.

    When I still had the Axe2 I tried what Cliff suggested (mentioning the Axe will sound much better than the KPA in this case). Capture an IR of the KPAs Cab and use that with a Axe Amp Modell. I still prefered the KPA by far though.

    That's the point they're completely missing, the KPA doesn't sound so good because it can Profile amps, it sounds so good because of how it interprets and what it does with the Profile when converting it into audio.

    That's why a cat chases it's tail, because it thinks it can catch it. :)

  • I think everyone should just relax and wait to hear what Fractal is doing - it could be great or it could be lackluster, but anything anyone says at this point is strictly guesswork. One thing Cliff is not is stupid, so let's just see what happens....there's really no need to 'take sides' - we're all just guitar players in search of a better sound after all...

    This is like telling Roger Water's there was no reason to write "Us & Them"...there was a reason, that's why he wrote it. :thumbup:

    "Up and Down
    And in the end it's only round and round and round
    Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
    The poster bearer cried".

  • This really makes me laugh. So the AXEFX guy couldn't come up with this concept on his own, he had to steal the idea from ckemper, but more than this he obviously doesn't know how it's done so he is just pushing out a big doubt in potential buyers minds so it buys him time to figure out how it's done.

    I wonder if ckemper has any trademarks/patents etc that would prevent Fractal from using the term "profiling"....that would be nice :D

  • Next up on the hype machine: Cliff's henchmen *cough* Scott *cough* coming out saying, how they tried the Axe2 profiling mode and how it profiles the sound and feel of an amp at 100% realism. :D:D:D
    The hype machine has been initiated... again

  • Come on guys, Scott is just an enthusiastic AXE User who loves to post in forums. We are enthusiastic KPA Users, I think that's ok, everyone has its own "baby". There will always be hype, stop slandering, that's not nice.

    Of course it's funny how every new FW on the Axe should be "another ballgame" so you get the impression that prior FWs must have sounded like crap etc. But that's internet :D

    Btw... it's 120%.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Axe Fx needs to get themselves available in Europe. Four to five months minimum lead time is pathetic. Kemper need to get their USA units shipping asap. Don't care which is best - at this level there is no 'best'. I do know that my KPA was about £800 cheaper than an Axe II and I got it on 4 January rather than having to wait till May. I'm not an fx guy, I just want a good sounding amp sound direct to tape and I've got it. I've also got the chance to use my old amps if and when I gig again by leaving them at home and taking the KPA out loaded with their profiles.

    Vintage amp obsessive

  • Come on guys, Scott is just an enthusiastic AXE User who loves to post in forums. We are enthusiastic KPA Users, I think that's ok, everyone has its own "baby".

    In the USA they have a place called the Supreme Court, and of course the Republicans & the Democrats.
    The Supreme Court moderates fairly with no bias. :thumbup: