Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • Guys... we all know the real question, doesn't matter how we want to avoid it, it's there...
    How will the Kemper hold up to the Axe II's versatility if the Axe will very soon be able to do the same + the obviously higher versatility of tweakability and FX?

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Sorry guys, I'm out, :) I've changed my mind about the Kemper, will stick with the Axe II only for now..and see what happens..

    Actually, this whole thing is a very nice tactic, just to achieve what you've just said.
    Think about it... Cliff announces that the Axe II will profile, too... everyone who was in love with the KPA or wanted to order one will step back now and wait... and some will just stick with their Axe II or sell their KPA to get one... never ever underestimate the powers of propaganda...

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • We'll have to hear how it actually sounds first. To my ears every KPA clip I've heard hasn't just sounded more like a specific amp being profiled, but more like real amps in general. It's more important to me that the Axe closes that gap first and foremost over range of FX and routing possibilities.

  • Actually, this whole thing is a very nice tactic, just to achieve what you've just said.
    Think about it... Cliff announces that the Axe II will profile, too... everyone who was in love with the KPA or wanted to order one will step back now and wait... and some will just stick with their Axe II or sell their KPA to get one... never ever underestimate the powers of propaganda...

    I think the problem for KPA was it took a very long time from announcing it at NAMM to delivering, when you do that the "competition" has plenty of time to try to outdo them, also I think the format of the KPA won't help sell it, maybe a 2-3 rack space unit would do much better in my opinion, i've owned AXE from the start (2007) when Cliff announces something like in this case their own profiling, you can bet he knows what he's doing, it's not propaganda.. we'll see what the future brings, for sure the KPA pushes everyone to work even harder to stay on top of the game, and guess what we all win.. :) I wasn't going to replace the Axe anyways just going to add it.

  • I have both....and am unbiased! really!

    What i can tell you is the Kemper has a better feel live than the fractal.
    The Kemper is more responsive to pedals too . The Kemper loves a fuzz pedal
    The instant tweak ability of the Kemper is a real plus too.

  • Dunno 'bout any of that.

    He, the boss of Fractal, wrote this today:

    "I suspect there will be much gnashing of teeth from the anti-Axe-Fx crowd."

    That's just a plain old level of immaturity I can't be bothered with.

  • On a second thought...

    One might find the Axe already too overwhelming in the sense of tweaking and fine-tuning, while the Kemper is almost like a plug and play thing, but still offering you the needed amounts of tweakability, and nothing more or unnecessary. Not to mention it's considerably cheaper than the Axe in Europe. I'm still going to order the KPA as soon as I have the money... I just hope that all the bugs and reliability issues will be fixed and some sweet improvements and new features will come along sooner or later.
    On a third thought...
    It's funny how Fractal Audio is trying to copy profiling immediately... the Kemper really raised the bar on "modeling" equipment, hasn't it? The Axe is nowhere near as innovative in a sense than the KPA.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • Things are gonna get interesting. This can only be a good thing for us guitar players, more competition surely will lead to better products on both sides. For me the Kemper format best suits my needs. I prefer having knobs instead of menus for live situations. but prefer having a computer editor to knobs for studio work. If i was Cliff i would have added a mic input to his hardware plus profiling and called it axe fx 2 ultra. I wouldnt be suprised if Line 6 does profiling at some point too.

  • Things are gonna get interesting. This can only be a good thing for us guitar players, more competition surely will lead to better products on both sides. For me the Kemper format best suits my needs. I prefer having knobs instead of menus for live situations. but prefer having a computer editor to knobs for studio work. If i was Cliff i would have added a mic input to his hardware plus profiling and called it axe fx 2 ultra. I wouldnt be suprised if Line 6 does profiling at some point too.

    Quite sad times for tube amps, eh?:)

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • To use "Vaporware" as a marketing tactic at the exact time that your competitors product is being released in the USA borders on pathetic.

    In the last year I haven't seen one Axe-FX11 user ask Fractal to add Profiling to the Axe-FX...on the contrary, they've dismissed it, they prefer full amp modelling.

    What we have here is an "obsessively proud" cat chasing it's tail, not providing what his "users" want but rather providing what his pride needs.

    Edited once, last by Guitartone (February 9, 2012 at 6:03 AM).

  • No point getting upset about that though. All's fair in love and marketing as they say, and stealing thunder is as old a dirty tactic as it comes there I'm afraid (and it's not as if Profiling was ever going to remain the sole proprietorship of Kemper forever, unless he patented it). Now Kemper just need to up their game to match and start pushing out those updates, after all Kemper actually has that product to market as of right now, not sometime in the future anymore.

  • To use "Vaporware" as a marketing tactic at the exact time that your competitors product is being released in the USA borders on pathetic.

    Some company leaders really are acting like the bully kid on the playground.

    They dissed profiling in the past as well as they dissed USB and input impedance when 11 Rack came out. Features that the Axe FX II (not Axe FX 11!) then had.