Live setup, is this correct?

  • Hi all,

    As of yesterday, I am the proud owner of a Kemper Powerhead. Tomorrow I am trying out some cabs and the passive Matrix NL12 is looking tempting.

    If I were to get it, would the live setup look like the following?:

    Main outs connected to FOH
    Speaker out to Matrix NL12, or does the Monitor our serve the same/better purpose in this case?

    Also, I read somewhere that you could control your on stage volume independently to the signal feeding FOH. Can anyone shed some light on how to do this please?

    Thanks :)

  • SPEAKER OUT is connected to a Passive cabinet.

    MONITOR OUT is connected to an active cabinet.

    In the Output Menu you can select which Outputs are Linked to the Master Volume knob.

    Unlink Main Outputs from the Master Volume, and set the Main Output to approximately -13db. That will send a suitable signal level to FOH.

    With the Main Output Unlinked, the Master Volume will independently control the level sent to the Speaker Out / Monitor Out.