What's the typical turnaround for Kemper repairs?

  • Haven't contacted Kemper. I did contact Anderton's a while ago, and they told me that it would be 4-6 weeks. I just thought they were being excessively pessimistic, and the turnaround would be quicker. With 4 weeks now elapsed maybe their dour outlook had a ring of truth to it. I sold a guitar to a guy in Germany this week. Posted it on Monday, and he was playing it on Tuesday. I know that was the other extreme, with the shipping costs being very high for that level of service, but even so. Looks like the Micro Cube is gonna have to earn it's keep a while longer ;)

  • Well, I'm not overly happy at the outcome. Received the Kemper back today, and alarm bells started ringing the second I powered it up. The profile that was selected prior to sending it out was still displaying, suggesting that little or no parameter adjustments had been made. I know it was the same profile as it the one that I recorded sound samples from to email to Kemper prior to sending the unit. Sure enough, it exhibits the EXACT same problem as before. It sounds absolutely atrocious. Pretty sure that all they've done, if anything, is just reset it. Which doesn't fix the problem.

    Not even sure what to do now. Can't keep it, can't sell it, and Kemper think they've fixed it.... :(

  • Well, I'm not overly happy at the outcome. Received the Kemper back today, and alarm bells started ringing the second I powered it up. The profile that was selected prior to sending it out was still displaying, suggesting that little or no parameter adjustments had been made. I know it was the same profile as it the one that I recorded sound samples from to email to Kemper prior to sending the unit. Sure enough, it exhibits the EXACT same problem as before. It sounds absolutely atrocious. Pretty sure that all they've done, if anything, is just reset it. Which doesn't fix the problem.

    Not even sure what to do now. Can't keep it, can't sell it, and Kemper think they've fixed it.... :(

    Well, this sounds bad. You need to contact support again. I'm curious what they will say?

  • It was Kemper who I contacted initially, and they told me to do it through the retailer. The Kemper still went back to Germany though. Well, it's the weekend now, so I shall fire them an email for Monday. Half tempted to take it, personally, to Anderton's so that they can hear it for themselves. Unfortunately, that is about a 300-mile round trip, so it may not happen.

  • It was Kemper who I contacted initially, and they told me to do it through the retailer. The Kemper still went back to Germany though. Well, it's the weekend now, so I shall fire them an email for Monday. Half tempted to take it, personally, to Anderton's so that they can hear it for themselves. Unfortunately, that is about a 300-mile round trip, so it may not happen.

    Hi Bilbo,

    While I cant be certain, it would make sense that the KPA Service Techs make a system backup prior to doing any work on someone's KPA. Furthermore, once the service has been performed, it wouldn't surprise me if they reinstall / restore the KPA to your original settings with this backup file...which might explain why you received it back in the exact same memory state as when you last turned it off and shipped it out.

    With that said, this explanation certainly doesn't answer the fact that you are still having a technical problem that obviously was not properly solved by KPA Service/Support.

    I agree with @Ingolf, @whippinpost91850, @digbob and @Monkeymann, and immediately (re)contact Kemper Support to explain your dissatisfaction and frustration.
