Any limit to profile storage ?

  • Hi everybody
    Along with the kemper i got also an usb drive with a lot of profiles.
    Little by little i am storing them on the kemper. I have now stored 999 profiles and am trying to store some more but the kemper says that the new profiles i would like to store are already on the kemper but it is not true....
    Have I reached the storage limit? What should I do ?
    Thank you

  • You've reached the limit.

    Copy the USB stick's contents to a separate folder in Rig Manager. You'll be able to see all the Rigs clearly there and audition and delete those you don't like so much very-easily.

    When you're done you can copy them across to the Kemper. Maybe make sure you first copy the Kemper contents over to that folder too in case some of the Rigs weren't on the USB stick to begin with.

  • Thanks
    I am not sure I got the point.....should I delete some profiles on the kemper? Is 999 the limit of storable profiles? If I am not wrong I read somewhere about someone who stored more than thousands profiles on the kpa but maybe I am wrong...

  • Thanks
    I am not sure I got the point.....should I delete some profiles on the kemper? Is 999 the limit of storable profiles? If I am not wrong I read somewhere about someone who stored more than thousands profiles on the kpa but maybe I am wrong...

    As Paul implied, there used to be a much-higher capacity for Rig storage in Browse mode; perhaps you read comments made around that time.

    I suggested copying what's on the Kemper already to a new folder created in Rig Manager. This was just in case the USB stick with all those Rigs you want to audition didn't contain everything that's already on your Kemper. I suggested dragging the existing Rigs that were on the Kemper from the "My Profiler" folder to the new one, yes, but in addition to copying the USB-stick contents there. This would gather together everything you have on the KPA and stick into one place.

    Another idea might be to create two folders in RM. Copy the contents of the KPA (from the "My Profiler" folder that appears) to one of them, and the USB stick contents (from your computer's desktop or whatever) to the other. That way you'll still have a full representation of everything you have right now, but you'll be able to compare and parse the Kemper's contents and the stick's Rigs without fear of deleting anything important - there's no "undo" function in RM. Make a backup of this using RM's backup facility in the Tools menu first.

    Now you'll have the perfect starting point from which you can pick and choose which Rigs to keep. Heck, instead of deleting the ones you don't like, you could even just copy them to yet another folder for perusal down the track, at which point you might change your mind about some of them. This is one of the beauties of RM - you don't have to throw anything away permanently.

    Hopefully this helps clarify what I said, gfex; good luck mate!

  • Hi everybody
    Along with the kemper i got also an usb drive with a lot of profiles.
    Little by little i am storing them on the kemper. I have now stored 999 profiles and am trying to store some more but the kemper says that the new profiles i would like to store are already on the kemper but it is not true....
    Have I reached the storage limit? What should I do ?
    Thank you

    If it will make you feel any better, I have calculated the following...

    If you were somehow able to take nine hundred and ninety nine (999) actual, physical tube amps, and somehow manage to compress them all down (without changing the mass) into the physical size of the memory chip in the KPA that stores these would actually exceed the Schwarzschild radius.1

    In other words, what this means, is that your KPA would immediately collapse into a black hole.

    So, be thankful for modern technology. :thumbup:

    1For the calculation, i used the average total combined mass of 500 Marshall 1959 SLP heads, and 499 Fender Deluxe Reverb Combos.


    Edited once, last by Tritium (May 2, 2017 at 7:19 AM).

  • That is right john..
    Another question there a chance to cancel profile with the kemper or the only way is to use RM? It would be nice of i could run throught the different profiles and cancel them directly in the kpa of i do not like 'em

  • That is right john..
    Another question there a chance to cancel profile with the kemper or the only way is to use RM? It would be nice of i could run throught the different profiles and cancel them directly in the kpa of i do not like 'em

    Hello gfex79,

    I you mean to ask...can you delete a rig/profile directly on your KPA (without using the Rig Manager), the answer is yes, of course.

    Simply use turn the BROWSE knob to enter the browse pool view of your rigs. Use Soft Button #1 to select the "View All Rigs" option. Then, as use the arrow buttons to scroll through your pool of profiles. If you have checked the "Auto Load" profile box, you do not have to hit enter when you select each new rig/ will automatically load and you can listen to it. Then if you decide you don't like it, and want to delete/erase the rig from your KPA, simply look at the applicable Soft Button along the top of the menu display, and select the "Delete" option.
