Band Logo in the Display

  • Thought about it the last week. Would be nice if you can load your Bandlogo, Name or your favourite Pinup ;) in the Kemper Display so you can personalize your Kemper (GIF, Jpeg, PNG...).
    It could be used as a kind of "Screensaver" and as soon you hit Button your default screen can be seen.
    Alos helpful if you play with a few more Bands and all are bringing their KEMP´s with them. So you seperate them from each other.
    Just thinking...

  • Thought about it the last week. Would be nice if you can load your Bandlogo, Name or your favourite Pinup ;) in the Kemper Display so you can personalize your Kemper (GIF, Jpeg, PNG...).
    It could be used as a kind of "Screensaver" and as soon you hit Button your default screen can be seen.
    Alos helpful if you play with a few more Bands and all are bringing their KEMP´s with them. So you seperate them from each other.
    Just thinking...

    Kemper's LCD display is capable of displaying two colors at a time. One is background color. Any fonts/shapes are second color.

    I remember that someone asked for a screensaver in form of heartbeat signal, what would be reasonable on head form factor, which resembles some kind of medical device for some...

    [Blocked Image:]

  • You could just name a profile with your band name and choose it between sets. Or if you have a simple setup of five or so profiles that you use in the same order, just put your band name with a number after it ( ex: BANDNAME 1, BANDNAME 2, etc...)