I opened a ticket, anyone experience this? Issue has been fixed

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  • I have swapped everything, tried different power sources, everything you can think of, this is the second unit from guitar center new stock that's doing this. One minute playing no issue dead quiet, then that noise starts, when I unplug my guitar it keeps going

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  • I just now actually ran into this problem, talk about coincidences! I KNEW I heard this before I just couldn't remember the scenario....

    I'm still not entirely sure what the underlying cause is, but I found an easy way to make it stop.....

    I assume you have a noise gate on (either the global and/or stomp), correct? Simply adjust the gate back a bit and that noise will go away. At least that works for me anyway. On the one profile I am experiencing the noise, if I have the gate(s) totally clamping to complete silence the noise surfaces. (And no, it isn't being masked by noise, it literally surfaces out of nowhere)

    If you hear back from Kemper what exactly the underlying cause is please share.....


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    Yeah man it sounds like an internal feedback. Try lowering the monitor output volume more and see if that works.

  • I'm with support now, i also did try that and no go, and thanks to everyone helping, I know I am saying I tried that and honestly I have, I don't want people thinking i am not trying advice, the one thing is my kemper came from factory with 5.0 so I'm upgrading the os now

  • Mine left Kemper factory less than 6 months ago and it had OS 3.3 So don't worry about the rev meaning anything.

    I don't recall this happening on 3.3 though.....think it may have started after I upgraded to 4.x (which is what I'm on now)

    Sounds like HF interference that isn't getting filtered off. I think it happens once I turn on the computer/DAW but not in stand-alone mode, I'll have to double-check that this weekend....

    Mine is definitely impacted by the amount of gain. f I back off the green scream or gain knob or any other gain-contributor it goes away. And if I back the noise gate down to allow just the smallest amount of signal to bleed through, that stops the noise as well.


    Edited once, last by SonicExporer (April 22, 2017 at 6:14 PM).

  • I emailed, I don't but this reply: I guess, this is normal with your settings. I can reproduce that tone with your Rig. The Volume of the Green Scream is also at max. Somewhere there is a technical limit. I suggest the controls to a level where it works.

    So now I've done green scream at volume 0 still get the sound. I'm really frustrated cause I want to love this product but it seems to be full of limitations. Through headphones the profile sounds fine, through any poweramp cab it doesent have enough gain.

  • I wouldn't say it's "full of limitations"; it's full of possibilities, IMHO.

    It must be the combination of that particular set of parameter values and Rig. It's not as if one cannot dial in a crapload of gain without problems.

    For instance, I created a "Fuzz Doom" Rig for my brother last year 'cause he wanted something with severe, over-the-top distortion, that pumped and breathed and literally sustained for days. Just laying the guitar down on a chair and not touching it caused a kaleidoscope of ever-changing distorted goodness. IIRC I cranked the amp gain to full or very close to it, and also used two fuzz pedals. Play with the main gate if need be 'cause it was set for his Les Paul. I used a free Bogner Ecstacy Profile from the Exchange as a starting point, and credited the original author in the metadata.

    Obviously it's way-over-the-top, but here it is if you'd like to try it just for beer and skittles or to reassure yourself that super-heavy distortion isn't something the Kemper can't do without inducing the unfortunate whistle you're experiencing:

    Frankie Fuzz Doom.zip

  • See that's the thing though, I'm not doing anything different than I do in real life, I use the screamer now limited and have to dial the gain lower than I would use on the real amp. I only gave up on fractal because of the contanstent in the dark tweaking, but that unit is maxed on features and never has a sound quality issue as this. The kemper operates on the same basic chips and stuff with less offerings and had these issues, to me I came to Kemper knowing the limits in fx and even a good software for editing but now you compromise the one thing I care about, a good high gain tone.

    Through my cab and poweramp it sounds so life like but half the gain the amp can actually do in real life