Duplicate in Rig Pack section of Rig Manager

  • Only one copy here, mwinter, in version 2.0.17 (12839).

    I wonder if it'd be kosher to remove the duplicate from the Application Support folder:

    ~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager/Rig Packs

    If one of the two copies in there has "2" appended to the title, it's obviously the dupe.

    Kemper doesn't want us to alter the ~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager/Local Library folder 'cause it could cause issues after updating or even the loss of Rigs down the track, but there's been no reason to comment on this Rig Pack folder thus far.

    My guess is they'd prefer you to reinstall the app, so take my info as you like. Hope this helps mate.

    Obviously I'm pointing to the Mac OS folder. If you're on Windows, perhaps you can figure out the equivalent one.

  • We always recommend not to make any changes in Application Support (macOS) or AppData (Windows), because files and folders there can change from version to version without notice. However, with Rig Manager 2.0.17 and 2.0.19 it would be safe to remove the duplicate folder.

  • In my %AppData% (I'm on Windows) folders area for RM there was only one folder showing for this duplicated rig pack entry in the rig packs folder. I went into rig manger where it is still showing two and highlighted the first instance of the duplicated rig pack and hit delete. It seems to have removed the duplicate without incident.

    *Edit* Also just noticed that it also duplicated another rig pack - 'Rig Pack for Bass Players' (and I don't even play Bass :) ). I will apply the same methodology to correct this one as well. I guess something odd happened during an update or something. I am on the latest version of RM.

    Edited once, last by mwinter77 (April 6, 2017 at 6:54 PM).

  • We always recommend not to make any changes in Application Support (macOS) or AppData (Windows), because files and folders there can change from version to version without notice. However, with Rig Manager 2.0.17 and 2.0.19 it would be safe to remove the duplicate folder.

    Thank you for the clarification, Arne.

  • We always recommend not to make any changes in Application Support (macOS) or AppData (Windows), because files and folders there can change from version to version without notice. However, with Rig Manager 2.0.17 and 2.0.19 it would be safe to remove the duplicate folder.

    As stated above, I did this (deleted the dupicate in RM) and am now realizing that these duplicates reappear when I close and open RM again. These duplicates are only showing in RM and aren't actually duplicated in the folder data. So all in all this seems to be a real problem, at least for me.

  • I encounter the same problem with Rig Manager Version V2.0.19. I do not have duplicates of the file "OS 5.1 Delay Update.rigpack" in the folders

    "C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Local\Kemper Amps\RigManager\Rig Packs" or
    "C:\Program Files\Kemper Amps\Rig Manager\Rig Packs"

    but i can see them in the "Locations" section of Rig Manager (Rig Packs Folder).

    I found out that i can fix this issue by uninstalling the Rig Manager. After that you have to delete the Kemper Amps Folder from the "C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Local" folder (make sure to backup your local library before that -> for me it worked to just copy the folder "C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Local\Kemper Amps\RigManager\Local Library" before i deleted the Kemper Amps Folder and then copy it back after the reinstall of Rig Manager)
    After reinstalling the Rig Manager it starts with V2.0.17 and everything is just fine. Then the program asks for the update to V2.0.19. If you accept the Update the issue reappears.

    So just stay with V2.0.17. and everything should be fine. Hope this helps. I assume Kemper will fix this issue soon :)


  • it would be interesting to see if the problem re-appears when you update to 2.0.19

    Isn't that what he wrote?
    "Then the program asks for the update to V2.0.19. If you accept the Update the issue reappears."