Not possible with the KPA?

  • Holy Cr*p! No disrespect intended, but just reading the above page, if I could offer a simile, you guys are like fine wine connoisseurs discussing whether or not you can get the hints of 'wet dog on a sunny autumnal afternoon' in a particular year of chardonnay! Me, I just wanna cold beer to get drunk! 8)

    My reasoning for buying a kemper was that it just sounded good, and to my ears it does, so I'm happy! Good luck with the quest, I hope you attain what you're looking for! :thumbup:

    EDIT : 'previous page'

  • Holy Cr*p! No disrespect intended, but just reading the above page, if I could offer a simile, you guys are like fine wine connoisseurs discussing whether or not you can get the hints of 'wet dog on a sunny autumnal afternoon' in a particular year of chardonnay! Me, I just wanna cold beer to get drunk! 8)

    My reasoning for buying a kemper was that it just sounded good, and to my ears it does, so I'm happy! Good luck with the quest, I hope you attain what you're looking for! :thumbup:

    EDIT : 'previous page'

    Have you profiled an amp? Just out of curiosity, because imho that's when issues become clear (if they will at all).

  • I don't mean that towards anyone personally (and certainly not the person who just posted above about wine), but sometimes the attitude here seems to be mere annoyance when someone is still trying to get his tone right with kemper.

    Then every possible justification, cynical dismissals, you name it, come into play. Which is funny because if this was the attitude of someone like Dimebag Darrell.. he wouldn't be Dimebag, to say the least, or have a unique take on the instrument, let alone when it comes to tone.

    Anyway. Profile as per sonic instructions coming up. Kemper profiles the power stage at such a level fine, as well as a maxon 808x, just don't expect the congestion/raspiness issues to be gone -- that seems such an inherent part of the device at this point that I'm not fighting it anymore on that end.

  • If your core tone is in the kemper, it can only be done with two kempers. I profiled some VST Plugins which worked decent. But yeah, you need something to produce the tone thats not the kemper you're using to profile. Either an amp, Plugin or a second kemper.

    Right, you'd undoubtedly need two KPA's if you're already using one in the signal chain to produce the tone, but the issue is how to include the VST's as part of that chain since you're not just profiling the KPA, but also the plugins that are being used in conjunction with it.

  • Here, @SonicExporer

    Studio and direct profile.…VL9CCwKK_a?dl=0

    As you instructed.

    I still prefer the previous, more cranked up profiles though. And doubt this amp will do the tones you like anyway.

    Conclusions from this are...

    1) No problem with maxon in front. In fact, I had a weird feeling the kemper does better WITH the maxon but cannot 100% verify that. For sure no extra issues though.

    2) Power amp saturation is less here, but it's there still. Kemper profiles it very well. No problems.

    3) Congestion/raspyness is still there, on some level, BUT seems lower than when I didn't use the Maxon. Both in built boost and pure amp tone felt more congested/raspy when profiled is my impression.

    Edited once, last by Dimi84 (April 21, 2017 at 1:50 PM).

  • Right, you'd undoubtedly need two KPA's if you're already using one in the signal chain to produce the tone, but the issue is how to include the VST's as part of that chain since you're not just profiling the KPA, but also the plugins that are being used in conjunction with it.

    Rather Easy:
    Since you have a Interface anyways i assume, hook everything up as you would for Recording. Enable the Monitoring in your DAW. After that you hook the second Kemper up through the Guitar input on the one kemper and the Output on your Interface. Like a real amp. But with your Interface out instead of the Microphone in front of the cab.

  • Hi Dimi,

    I apologize if I missed this...

    Is this another profiling session with your Laney Ironheart, or a different amp? Also, a few pages back you were talking about a Torpedo Live reactive load. Is this using the Torpedo, or are you going through a guitar cab. Could you provide some details on the setup.

    Thanks in advance, and thanks for the work and effort, as well as sharing this profile. :thumbup:


  • I still prefer the previous, more cranked up profiles though. And doubt this amp will do the tones you like anyway.

    Hi Dimi,

    I apologize if I missed this...

    Is this another profiling session with your Laney Ironheart, or a different amp? Also, a few pages back you were talking about a Torpedo Live reactive load. Is this using the Torpedo, or are you going through a guitar cab. Could you provide some details on the setup.

    Thanks in advance, and thanks for the work and effort, as well as sharing this profile. :thumbup:


    This is a higher wattage Ironheart (60 watt I think it is, I own the 15 watt version) with some mods to the power section. Using a cab I'm not a fan of though. I think the torpedo would have sounded better in this case. Hence the included direct profile :) I have done profiles using torpedo, using amp's built in cab modelling, using cabs, all similar in regards to the quality of kemper emulation imho. Sonic can use the direct profile and pick whatever cabs he likes.

    I prefer my 15 to this though :D

    But anyway, point of this test was to see what happens with the maxon boost and the level of power tube saturation sonic is after. While I do not even myself like these last profiles much, they got closer to the real amp tone than most profiles I've done. Not to repeat things like a broken clock but it is unfortunate Sonic cannot profile his own amps. There's a relatively high chance the kemper will profile the level of power amp saturation he wants fine... and rarely does the kemper get confused by boost pedals. My maxon has never causes an issue.


  • Rather Easy:Since you have a Interface anyways i assume, hook everything up as you would for Recording. Enable the Monitoring in your DAW. After that you hook the second Kemper up through the Guitar input on the one kemper and the Output on your Interface. Like a real amp. But with your Interface out instead of the Microphone in front of the cab.

    That was my thinking after I posted that. I'll have to try it with the Axe FX and see how well it works. I'm actually not too keen on profiling a Kemper, myself. Considering profiles already have a bit more compression and shrillness compared to the real amp, that would only get compounded when profiling another KPA.

  • Dimi, thanks for doing this! I will load the profiles this weekend and check them out. Glad to hear the pedal did not create an obstacle. I think you said the amp is using EL84's, right?

    That was my thinking after I posted that. I'll have to try it with the Axe FX and see how well it works. I'm actually not too keen on profiling a Kemper, myself. Considering profiles already have a bit more compression and shrillness compared to the real amp, that would only get compounded when profiling another KPA.

    Help me understand this...are you guys suggesting using latency monitoring such that the signal is processed "live" by the VST's allowing a 2nd KPA to then be used (pre input and post output all of that so to speak) in order to take a profile? I never run latency monitored as my system is not powerful enough, that's why I'm asking for a clarification so I can follow the discussion.

  • Help me understand this...are you guys suggesting using latency monitoring such that the signal is processed "live" by the VST's allowing a 2nd KPA to then be used (pre input and post output all of that so to speak) in order to take a profile? I never run latency monitored as my system is not powerful enough, that's why I'm asking for a clarification so I can follow the discussion.

    Yes, that's the idea. I can monitor VST's live, but I've never tried profiling the Axe FX in conjunction with them.

  • Yes, that's the idea. I can monitor VST's live, but I've never tried profiling the Axe FX in conjunction with them.

    No, not completely - you don't need a second KPA, you just loop the signal through the DAW (using it like an outboard piece of gear). It does introduce latency, but the Kemper should be able to profile anyway, as it is able to remove/ignore the latency. I don't know if latency will get too high for the profiler, though. Worth a shot.

  • Dimi, thanks for doing this! I will load the profiles this weekend and check them out. Glad to hear the pedal did not create an obstacle. I think you said the amp is using EL84's, right?

    This is a different amp than before, 6l6 I believe. But I don't think it gets the tone you are after IMHO. It just tells me there are no issues with this level of power amp saturation (well in this case none) and external boost (maxon).

  • This is a different amp than before, 6l6 I believe. But I don't think it gets the tone you are after IMHO. It just tells me there are no issues with this level of power amp saturation (well in this case none) and external boost (maxon).

    I will do the same with my own amp. But again, I do not expect any big difference.... maxon will be fine, so will this level of power tube saturation.

  • The point is that these amps (laney ironhearts) I do not think quite do the tone you are after @SonicExporer. And I am soon going torpedo + amps over kemper, kemper is for sale, gone any day now probably. I have orange amps as well, but not in the country I moved to recently. Amps come and go and I may be able to find something more suitable, but still there are so many variables here that may not allow for getting the particular tone you are after. All I can say is that with the laney ironhearts the maxon works fine when profiling, no problems, as does the level of power tube saturation you are after. For me to have issues with amps (orange, mesa) I crank up power amp sections higher than you probably do.

  • No, not completely - you don't need a second KPA, you just loop the signal through the DAW (using it like an outboard piece of gear). It does introduce latency, but the Kemper should be able to profile anyway, as it is able to remove/ignore the latency. I don't know if latency will get too high for the profiler, though. Worth a shot.

    Correct, to profile the Axe FX with VST's you don't need two KPAs, however the context (which is based on an earlier reply) was originally related to profiling the KPA with VST's.

  • I will do the same with my own amp. But again, I do not expect any big difference.... maxon will be fine, so will this level of power tube saturation.

    Thanks, no need to provide profiles using the EL84's since, as you said, not going to yield the tones I'm after. But please do still perform the test to see if the KPA can handle the boost in front as well and still match the real amp sound. And let us know how it worked. All this information is helpful.

  • Thanks, no need to provide profiles using the EL84's since, as you said, not going to yield the tones I'm after. But please do still perform the test to see if the KPA can handle the boost in front as well and still match the real amp sound. And let us know how it worked. All this information is helpful.

    It does. You just get some congestion and raspiness, but that's not due to power stage OR maxon. Works fine. Just did the same with my own El 84 amp.

  • ARGH!!!

    I just discovered I actually had an EQ matching VST all along, I just didn't know it did EQ matching as a sub-feature. :cursing:

    Anyway, I just spent a few hours figuring out how it works, just enough to be dangerous. Hopefully at least that will help save me hoards of time screwing around with manual EQ matching. Still doesn't resolve the structural tone issue but at least it's one more step in the right direction....
