stomp mix bug or feature?

  • Hi everyone,
    the sound I get with, say a green screem, with mix at zero is very differnt from using bypass. Am I missing something? Should sound the same IMO!?
    EDIT: still on FW 4.2.2.

    I think there are quite a few bugs on the latest firmware. The SPDIF issue is particularly troubling.

    EDIT: Oh, you're on 4.2.2? No idea why that's the case. I've seen previous threads on this issue before. Perhaps it is not transparent. Are you making any settings on the green scream? What if you just turned it off? If you have some kind of tonal controls, like on my Seymour Duncan tube screamer, it might not be very transparent in the real world either.

  • Thanx for the inputs so far! Yes I'm still on OS 4.2.2 Bummer to hear that the update won't fix that :( I'll open a ticket then..
    I previously used the stomps like in the real world, meaning mix at 100%, but I found some nice ways in post processing on a project I did recently, that I really liked which incorporated using just a touch of tubesreamer to a nice fendry type amp sound. Would LOVE to mimick that on the Kemper, but as of now it's close to unusable as it seems there is a significant level difference but also loss of presence...

    nightlight: It seems the settings on the green scream don't matter (i.e. drive at 10 mix 0 sound the same as drive 1 at mix 0)

  • Thanx for the inputs so far! Yes I'm still on OS 4.2.2 Bummer to hear that the update won't fix that :( I'll open a ticket then..
    I previously used the stomps like in the real world, meaning mix at 100%, but I found some nice ways in post processing on a project I did recently, that I really liked which incorporated using just a touch of tubesreamer to a nice fendry type amp sound. Would LOVE to mimick that on the Kemper, but as of now it's close to unusable as it seems there is a significant level difference but also loss of presence...

    nightlight: It seems the settings on the green scream don't matter (i.e. drive at 10 mix 0 sound the same as drive 1 at mix 0)

    They should definitely look into this then. Not sure why that would be the case, but there are other effects where there is a noticeable impact on tone with mix at 0.

  • I use "mix" to turn the green scream on when morphing...mix at 0 is off and 100 is on obviously, but I have to raise clean sense to +4 to compensate for the loss of gain when mix is 0...

    If it really sounds the same (have not tried yet) with clean sense at 4 with mix at 0, the fix should hopefully be easy to impelement.

  • Hi everyone,
    the sound I get with, say a green screem, with mix at zero is very differnt from using bypass. Am I missing something? Should sound the same IMO!?
    EDIT: still on FW 4.2.2.

    isn't it what happens with a real tube screamer? I don't have it here but as far as I can remember the only way to get rid of the stomp effect is not the mix knob but the press of the on/off which translates in the on/off of the kemper bypass. maybe though I don't remember well since it is years I don't use it

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • isn't it what happens with a real tube screamer? I don't have it here but as far as I can remember the only way to get rid of the stomp effect is not the mix knob but the press of the on/off which translates in the on/off of the kemper bypass. maybe though I don't remember well since it is years I don't use it

    The real tube screamer doesn't have a mix control :)

  • isn't it what happens with a real tube screamer? I don't have it here but as far as I can remember the only way to get rid of the stomp effect is not the mix knob but the press of the on/off which translates in the on/off of the kemper bypass. maybe though I don't remember well since it is years I don't use it

    Well, we could get in to what happens in "the real world"... toppics would be true bypass vs buffered bypass... And we would probably arrieve at true bypass beeing the "gold-Standard"... we could get really funky or shall I say academic and look at what happens to the holy trinity of AC/DC (resistance, capacitance and inductance)... even in a correctly designed true bypass circuit ;-))) If that what you ment?!?

    but as per Michael_dk: The Kemper allows us (among many other things) to do stuff that is (not easily, at least not with further equipment) done in the real world: ie having a mix control on an overdive, fuzz, boost- pedal traditionally used "in series".

    Anyway I think it is save to say, that a sensible design would be to make the associated mixer as transparent sounding as possible, a discipline where digital mixers usually are very good at. So I can only guess that as of now, it's not working as intended ;)

    BTW: I already heard back from the good people Kemper.... can you believe they actually answer emails on weekends???!!! I'm not even sure to applaud that or protest in favour of a well earned weekend ;-))) They did confirm difference in sound, but asked me to do some reamping... Trying to communicate the sense in that, since the behaviour has already been confirmed by them :headscratch:

    Edited once, last by groovekanzler (March 26, 2017 at 9:15 PM).

  • Well, we could get in to what happens in "the real world"... toppics would be true bypass vs buffered bypass... And we would probably arrieve at true bypass beeing the "gold-Standard"... we could get really funky or shall I say academic and look at what happens to the holy trinity of AC/DC (resistance, capacitance and inductance)... even in a correctly designed true bypass circuit ;-))) If that what you ment?!?

    yes...this is what I meant. as mentioned, I didn0t have the scramer in my hands but this was my first thought. then again the k-team will answer more in deep

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Well, the bug tracking idea died quickly (link in post above). I wonder why the discussion was locked, though... Did I violate any of rhe forum-rules? Sorry if I did! But it seems whatever I said was taken the wrong way. Since I cannot PM G String, I feel an answer is necessary, as I don't like to be misunderstood.

    use a release version and you will be able to to do everything you need to do. that's why it is a release version.

    That statement does not make a whole lot of sense to me. That woud imply that "everthing in a release version is always good and well" as is. Hardly realistic for any pice of software on the planet...

    yes, human errors happen but that doesn't mean we have a massive back log of open issues we hide from anybody when we release a new software
    version. our products are designed to be used in a professional
    environment and judging by how many well known users we have, that seems
    to work pretty well.

    Nobody said nor implied there is "a massive back log of open issues". I totally am at a loss how you got that. My aim was just to improve the user experience.

    usually we do not comment of feature requests. in your case i wrote a reply because i wanted to line out what needs to be done in case
    somebody has a problem. it wasn't an invitation to discuss this further.

    I think the aim of discussions in this forum is to exchange point of views and information with each other. Often times to a mutual benefit... I don't get why you would lock such a discussion.

  • Hi everyone,
    the sound I get with, say a green screem, with mix at zero is very differnt from using bypass. Am I missing something? Should sound the same IMO!?
    EDIT: still on FW 4.2.2.

    OS 5.2.0 Beta

    So I took a rig with gain of 1.2 and used bridge humbucker.

    What is weird here: I get more "hairy" sound when I turn off Green Scream STOMP then, when I turn on Green Scream witn Mix at 0%

    Other way around: the rig with Green Scream with Mix 0% sounds cleaner, than the same rig with Green Scream bypassed...

    Edited once, last by skoczy (April 5, 2017 at 7:02 PM).