Clean sense keeps changing on its own

  • Hi all.

    Had my Kemper for nearly a month and so far very happy with it.

    Though I have recently noticed this annoying issue.

    Every time I switch on my Kemper and play, the input light is glowing Red... checking input settings, I notice my Clean Sense has gone right up.

    I have my input settings locked, but this is really annoying.

    It's like a lottery with this unit, what problem you're gonna get with it.

    Any help and advice will be much appreciated


    Edited once, last by JohnL1974 (March 24, 2017 at 8:34 AM).

  • I've never experienced that. Please contact support team at

  • It's like a lottery with this unit, what problem you're gonna get with it.

    Consider that this is the support and troubleshooting forum, essentially, and that there are 33 601 members currently, and probably well over a hundred thousand owners world-wide.

    A thought on your issue: I wonder if creating a default input preset and using that would make any difference. I'd try it and if it solved the issue, revert to your previous M.O. to see if the proper behaviour "sticks".

  • Wow, thanks guys for all your responses and help here! Really appreciated.

    Well, it seems to have rectified itself and not returned since. I unlocked the input settings, then locked again, all been well so far.

    I guess with the lottery thing is, I am a little paranoid at the moment being a new Kemper user, waiting for something to happen. But as you said, out of all the numbers using them, its a very small percentage that have issues.

    Six gigs in and I can really say, this thing is just amazing. my sound engineer commented how so much better it all sounds (I used a Boss GT100 before).... and he has taken all the eq off the desk as he says my sound don't need any eq'ing anymore.

    Again, thanks guys! :)