Blind test KPA QSC 2xK12 vs Hughes and Kettner Duotone valve amp

  • Blind test: H&K Duotone tube amp 4 x 10 cab vs Kemper 2 x QSC K12

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    So after working for 2 weeks with the Kemper on headphones I tried it with a 1 QSC K12 and I liked it very much. I profiled my H&K Duotone and tweaked it in a way that the sound compared as close as possible to the original amp/cab. I came very close on the Kemper to the original sound and after more tweaking I liked the Kemper / QSC more than the H&K. Then I searched for stock profiles and I found some I liked more than the selfmade HK profiles. I played a lot with it and I began to like the Kemper / QSC sound more and more. I’m not saying Kemper / QSC is better than H&K but I like the sound more and I find it more compelling. When saying this I’m talking about clean, crunch and distorted sounds. I borrowed my friend’s K12 and played 2 K12’s at rehearsel / stage level in my studio. 2 K12’s give a lot more pressure and of course the possibility to hear stereo effects. IMHO it blows the H&K out of the water.

    My brother Henri is stagemanager in 2 bands I play in. He knows my live guitar sound very well and I asked him to do a blind test. I know he is a very good listener and if he doesn’t like a sound he tells me so. He agreed and he didn’t know what I set up in my studio. He knows the H&K amp sound very well and he is familiar with the QSC K 12 sound. So the set up is:
    - H&K duotone 100 watt valve amp head and 4 x 12 cab
    - Kemper out (xlr) straight to 2 X QSC K 12
    - no effects on Kemper and noisegate off (to hear the noise just like the real amp)
    - all sounds volume level equal as possible
    - rehearsel / stage level (full size symfonic rock band)

    I made a playlist containing 13 sounds (7 times Kemper, 6 times H&K). When switching from one sound to the other I made a lot of noise en faking sounds (switches) so it was not obvious what was happening. This is Henri:

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    Blindfolded in the kitchen:
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    On the way to my outdoor studio. ;)

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    There he was placed in a chair and the test begun.

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    I asked Henri to tell me if he thought the sound was Kemper or H&K and to give the sound a rating from 1 (bad) to 10 (the best). Henri had never heard sounds from the Kemper before. The first 5 sounds are clean, then 4 crunch sounds and finally 4 OD sounds. Al sounds played with Fender EC strat, Kinman PU’s. H&K has new tubes (3 months ago).

    Behind the number you'll find the settings of the Kemper or H&K that was played. The item "device" is what Henri thought was played.

    The results:
    1. H&K clean channel (treble 3 ‘o clock):
    Comments Henri: a sharp direct sound. Shrill sounding. A lot of punch.
    Device: I think Kemper
    Rating: 7
    2. Kemper selfmade profile H&K duotone, 4x12 cab, clean channel (treble at 9 ‘o clock)
    Comments Henri: nice sound, more control, less agressive highs, cleaner sound
    Device: I think H&K
    Rating: 7,5
    3. Kemper Fender '65 de Luxe clean Cactus (stockprofile tweaked for K12’s)
    Comments Henri: Nice sound, a lot of pressure/punch
    Device: I think H&K
    Rating: 8
    4. H&K clean channel (treble 9 ‘o clock)
    Comments Henri: nice familiar sound, less pressure/punch, frayed highs
    Device: I think H&K
    Rating: 7,5
    5. Kemper Black Visage Basemen gain zero (stockprofile tweaked for K12’s)
    Comments Henri: great sound!, genuine, real
    Device: Absolute H&K (tubesound!)
    Rating: 8 :)
    6. Kemper selfmade H&K profile OD channel without boost
    Comments Henri: not impressed, reserved/remote sound
    Device: Must be Kemper
    Rating: 6,5
    7. H&K OD channel (no boost)
    Comments Henri: more direct, more drive, a lot of irritating background noise
    Device: At first Kemper, later changed to H&K
    8. Kemper Black Visage Basemen gain zero
    Comments Henri: warmer sound, I like it, less direct, dynamic
    Device: Kemper
    Rating: 8 (7 at first, 8 on second thought) ;)
    9. H&K OD channel (no boost)
    Comments Henri: nice sound but restless in highs
    Device: I think H&K
    Rating 7+
    Comments Roland: This was the same sound as 7 to see how Henri would judge this the second time.
    10. H&K OD channel boost on
    Comments Henri: Nice sound for solo playing
    Device: I think H&K
    Rating: 7,5
    11. Kemper JIM3 - JCA20H stockprofile (tweaked for K12)
    Comments Henri: beautiful sound, I love this one, don’t change it!!!!
    Device: Must be H&K (real tube sound!)
    Rating: 9 :)
    12. Kemper selfmade H&K OD + boost channel profile
    Comments Henri: more pressure/punch and more bass
    Device: I think Kemper
    Rating: 8
    13. H&K OD channel boost on
    Comments Henri: sounds good to me
    Device: I think H&K
    Rating: 8,5
    Comments Roland: This was the same sound as 10 to see how Henri would judge this the second time.

    The sounds with highest ratings for clean, crunch and OD are all Kemper while Henri two times (nr 5 and 11 ) thought it was H&K because of the “tubesound”. Furthermore it was difficult for Henri to choose in most casus which was Kemper or H&K…… And keep in mind we’re comparing a real tube amp with Kemper on FRFR speakers and live on stage there will be a mic for the cabinet! I believe this wil do no good to the PA sound. I believe PA sound through Kemper will sound much and much better than H&K miced cabinet!

    I was glad Henri confirmed my impressions. Bottom line is that Kemper sounds clean, crunch and OD got the highest ratings in a blind test! After the test we analysed the results and I let Henri hear (and this time see :D ) what the Kemper possibilities are. I showed him how effective the noisegate is and let him hear a bunch of profiles. He (just like me) was thrilled! Unbelievable. Henri said he was very surprised that these beautiful sounds came from a digital device. Now I could let him hear sounds with stereo delay and clean sounds with stereo airchorus. Awesome! He asked me: So, what are you going to do with the H&K?

    Well, I’m going to sell my H&K and buy another K12. And I’m cancelling my order for the Axe2 of course! Henri my friend, thanks a lot for your professional judgement and comments!
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  • HAHA I love the pics Henri is a mad man :D Thats a cool story, its good to know The kemper is sounding great through your K12’s. Do you find the dynamics are still there through the K12’s? The only times Ive tried using monitors was with my axe ultra and even after hours of tweaking it sounded very bad and for some reason the dynamics were lost. I'm tempted to try that route again now with the Kemper

  • Of course Henri is a madman! He is my brother :) I've also tried the Ultra with K12 and I was not satisfied with the results indeed after hours of tweaking. Some sounds were reasonable but lacking clarity and punch. Using eq to add highs resulted in thin and shrill sounds..... My (short) experience with KPA is way better! More power, dynamics AND clarity without sounding shrill. Using 2 K12's adds a lot of punch IMHO comparable to the pressure 4 x 12 can make! As you can see in the test some KPA sounds have more punch and dynamics than the H&K tested at stage level....

    Also tried the KPA with the H&K (with and without cab sims). So far I like the Kemper through K12s a lot better!!!!

  • Great job in setting up the test, taking the pictures, pulling the results together and reporting! Thanks!!!!

    Have also a big smile in my face today :D :D :D ...

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