Chapper's Kemper winner announced.

  • Chappers announced the winner of the Kemper Christmas Competition.

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    Here was my entry --

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    Congrats to Gary the winner and thanks to Chappers for the competition.

    Soli Deo Gloria,

    Soli Deo Gloria,

  • I remember seeing a video where BEA was at the Hughes and Kettner HQ
    He was doing a plug for them, since BEA worships Nunno B (he saw him as a kid and it ignited the afro)
    i think he wanted to go for that amp(Nunno plays it i think)

    Any how BEA stated, that the kemper does not feel like a real valve amp
    which he was show casing( H&K amp).

    To be fair , i dont think that will be the case for every one. :)
    Dont get me wrong love BEA.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I remember seeing a video where BEA was at the Hughes and Kettner HQ
    He was doing a plug for them, since BEA worships Nunno B (he saw him as a kid and it ignited the afro)
    i think he wanted to go for that amp(Nunno plays it i think)

    Any how BEA stated, that the kemper does not feel like a real valve amp
    which he was show casing( H&K amp).

    To be fair , i dont think that will be the case for every one. :)
    Dont get me wrong love BEA.


    Hello Ash,

    Forgive what may be obvious questions...

    Who the heck is "BEA"? You typed it in all caps, which makes me think it is some sort of acronym, lol.

    I am going to presume (due to your second sentence) that "BEA" refers to the gentlemen in the Anderton's video who has the afro. However, this leads to the second question -- Why would BEA's "worship" of Nuno Bettencourt inspire him to grow an afro? I have been a big Nuno fan since he hit the scene...and I don't ever remember him having a perm, much less an afro. I am just trying to figure out the correlation, here. :P:D

    As far as Nuno and H&K, I do not believe there is any official relationship. He may have fooled around with H&K Triamp, back when he made his first couple of solo albums, but I don't believe he was ever an endorsee. He is, however, officially endorsed by Randall, which builds and sells his signature NB King 100 amp.


    Edited once, last by Tritium (February 16, 2017 at 8:13 AM).

  • I think Ash is saying that seeing him as a kid ignited his interest in playing guitar, John.

    Yeah, Bea is the dude in the video; he works at Andertons and was one of the dudes who Profiled Chappers' amps for that blind test Chappers and the Captain did. He's a member here now and has posted late last year.

    As for the all-capital-letter spelling, well, I'd like to know wassup wit' dat too!

  • I think Ash is saying that seeing him as a kid ignited his interest in playing guitar, John.

    Yeah, Bea is the dude in the video; he works at Andertons and was one of the dudes who Profiled Chappers' amps for that blind test Chappers and the Captain did. He's a member here now and has posted late last year.

    As for the all-capital-letter spelling, well, I'd like to know wassup wit' dat too!

    Thanks for the info, Nicky.

  • HI John /ALL

    Yes some times he also uses "Afro" as describing himself as well as Bea.
    He definitely was inspired by Nunno and that amp if you watch his videos :)

    I think he is great and writes original music, he is also now a devote Vegan for ethical reasons.
    I could not understand why he feels the Kemper wont give him the same feel as his dream H&K
    I would hope he learns/experiments with the kemper and fiddles with it more.

    Bah, love the dude any how.
    I think he certainly contributes ORIGINAL ideas to Djent and ambient stuff like TOSKA.

    For Bea :thumbup:


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • And despite being his publicly embraced nickname, the joke behind "Bea" was that in a British accent it mirrors "beer", which is very Chapman-like.

    The videos that Ash was referring to:

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  • Sorry if this was already posted...

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  • Rabea (Bea, whatever) is a humble, generous teddy bear of a dude and an incredible musician. Well OK, and he lives near my sister in Brighton, UK so I may be biased. Stoked to see him and Rob Chapman on Kemper's!

    If you are not hip to bands like Dorje and Karnivool, you are missing some of the best modern rock out there!

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  • Rabea and Rob make some great groovy riffs and are both super knowledgeable and personable gents, but Rob's voice just doesn't work for me for Dorje.

    The riffs I've heard from Bea's other progressive metal band Toska sounded more my flavor.

  • I agree that Rob is probably not going to win any singing contests but he gets the job done and is a very good guitarist too. A lot of people don't think Steven Wilson is a great singer either - fine, but he is a once in a generation MUSICIAN so that's what matters (IMHO).

  • It took a while for me to appreciate the voice of Jimi Hendrix
    Like Jimi tho, Rob Chappers voice "grew" on me , more i listened.
    He nailed Catalyst (for me) but understand yeah if others dont like it right away.

    Chappers used to get bummed by that, but chappers worked on it
    and to me nailed it eventually. Shows character. :)

    See a smiley face can be serious too 8o
    Since i was on the chopping block !! :D
    I wrote it as "BEA" because thats what was used on the pick LOL

    BEA is probably one of the best profilers too dont forget he fooled some :P
    Also Rob loves natural medicine (my area) and has a great open mind towards the genre too

    For Chappers


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 2 times, last by ashtweth (February 18, 2017 at 5:01 AM).

  • Try this for Chappers the end of the vid, he sounds like a male Janis Joplan man. :D [Great]

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    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I remember seeing it when it first came out. Definitely an improvement, but I think there's just something about the timbre of his voice that I can't get into. It sounds like he's trying really hard instead of it being a really natural fit. In my mind he's a great backup vocalist or better complement than a frontman, but that's just me. Besides that he's a wicked guitarist and you can tell a bloody good chap. The riffs are killer, no denying.

    As for Steven Wilson, I love his solo stuff and Porcupine Tree. I think the music is molded to suit his limitations so I don't mind it at all. That and I'm a shitty vocalist with no range, but Wilson's range I can actually sing along with (privately) and we actually share a lot of similar songwriting inclinations. Funny though, I hate everything I write but quite like his.