Rig browsing by amp/folder

  • I think it would be really useful to have the option of browsing by folder when selecting rigs.

    Here's the case: I have a few rig packs now, for example say I have a Bognor Shiva and a Tripple Rectifier amongst other packs. Both packs have upwards of 30 profiles each, so when browsing normally by name I have to scroll through 30 Bognor profiles to get to the Tripple Rectifier.

    Now imagine I could use Rig Manager to create a folder on the Kemper for each pack, and then put the profiles in them. Then when I browse on the KPA the single folder would be displayed in the rig pool instead of the 30 profiles for that pack, and one of the soft buttons could open it which would then just display the profiles in that folder with another soft button to step back to the rig pool/folder pool.

  • No possibility to create folders in KPA, even using KPA.
    But to achieve what you want, you can add a character to Bogner rigs at the beginning - for example


    and in case of Rectifier rigs


    then you can jump between those using RIG UP and RIG DOWN arrows - it will jump between a and b letters.

    [Blocked Image: https://s29.postimg.org/7qt24oa9j/asd.jpg]

    Off course, you have to take care of other profiles that have name starting with that letters.

    It's not what you request, but it's a workaround, you could try.

  • Thanks for the suggestion @skoczy, it would work if I only had the rig packs, but I've got loads of one off rigs from the exchange that would get mixed up in between. If you could do folders for an amp you could also put in profiles of the same amp from different profilers where the naming convention is different, and still have all profiles for one amp in one place.

    When I browse rigs my thought process starts with "what amp do I want to play now" and not have to remember the way a rig was named, which is often started by authors name and not the manufacturer or model.

    The KPA is an amazing product, in terms of features there isn't much that I'm personally left wanting at all at this point. In my opinion the only things that really could do with revising now are interface based: this, only displaying fx presets for the load fx type, and being able to filter rigs by additional tags such as studio, merged, DI/DA, guitar only etc.

    Edited 3 times, last by ragingben (February 3, 2017 at 12:03 AM).

  • Thanks for the suggestion @skoczy, it would work if I only had the rig packs, but I've got loads of one off rigs from the exchange that would get mixed up in between. If you could do folders for an amp you could also put in profiles of the same amp from different profilers where the naming convention is different, and still have all profiles for one amp in one place.

    When I browse rigs my thought process starts with "what amp do I want to play now" and not have to remember the way a rig was named, which is often started by authors name and not the manufacturer or model.

    The KPA is an amazing product, in terms of features there isn't much that I'm personally left wanting at all at this point. In my opinion the only things that really could do with revising now are interface based: this, only displaying fx presets for the load fx type, and being able to filter rigs by additional tags such as studio, merged, DI/DA, guitar only etc.

    Filtering fx presets based on chosen effect type has been requested and is indeed missing. It's stupid to jump over distortion presets if you want to set a tremolo. And with over 100 of new delay presets (273 presets in total) it slowly becomes unusable,

    Filtering by merged/DI might be not possible, because simply *.kipr files may not carry that information. That's my guess, but it's been also requested since such kind of profiles became available (3.0) and it isn't available yet.

    As for guitar only rigs, you can use sorting in "Instrument" column in Rig Manager. In KPA you can apply a view (1st soft button) for "Just Bass" rigs.

  • Thanks for you answers!

    Filtering fx presets based on chosen effect type has been requested and is indeed missing. It's stupid to jump over distortion presets if you want to set a tremolo. And with over 100 of new delay presets (273 presets in total) it slowly becomes unusable.

    I agree.

    Filtering by merged/DI might be not possible, because simply *.kipr files may not carry that information. That's my guess, but it's been also requested since such kind of profiles became available (3.0) and it isn't available yet.

    It would be great to get some confirmation of this. To not have included a flag in the profile for this kind of information would be a bit of an oversight though don't you think?

    As for guitar only rigs, you can use sorting in "Instrument" column in Rig Manager. In KPA you can apply a view (1st soft button) for "Just Bass" rigs.

    I know about the "Just Bass" filter, but this doesn't help if you want "Just Guitar" and want to exclude bass rigs.

  • Thanks for you answers!

    I agree.

    It would be great to get some confirmation of this. To not have included a flag in the profile for this kind of information would be a bit of an oversight though don't you think?

    I know about the "Just Bass" filter, but this doesn't help if you want "Just Guitar" and want to exclude bass rigs.

    We have never got official statement about merged/DI rigs and if they are flagged in any way in the binary code of *.kipr files.

    Both options, which you desire were requested before Request: "Direct Amp" folder in the "Views" section...URGENT