Price drop across the board!

  • I would love to see a cheaper/smaller rack version that omits profiling functionality. The problem now is that I have to do any profiling I want to do at my studio (for obvious reasons), but I mostly use my Kemper at home (though it is very useful to have at the studio for certain sessions). I've considered buying a second one but it's too expensive of a purchase to justify having two, especially considering it's been out for a while now and it seems likely some new version of some kind will come out in the near future.

    Having a slimmed down rack version that you can use the current remote with makes a lot more sense than having an all-in-one floor version as well.

  • I would love to see a cheaper/smaller rack version that omits profiling functionality. The problem now is that I have to do any profiling I want to do at my studio (for obvious reasons), but I mostly use my Kemper at home (though it is very useful to have at the studio for certain sessions). I've considered buying a second one but it's too expensive of a purchase to justify having two, especially considering it's been out for a while now and it seems likely some new version of some kind will come out in the near future.

    Having a slimmed down rack version that you can use the current remote with makes a lot more sense than having an all-in-one floor version as well.

    I'm sure lots of us bedroom players do not use profiling ability (I used once ago with mediocre results) but this is one of selling points and core idea behind this device.
    In terms of price reduction, I think there isn't much additional hardware doing that, all algorithms IMO work using main DSP.
    But selling a device that has 1/3 of its capabilities turned off (BROWSER, PERFORMANCE, PROFILER) isn't gonna make it 1/3 cheaper. At least it is not desired move from any company's point of view.
    All in all, this is only my opinion - who knows, maybe they'll come out with stomp profile player somewhere along the path - this is a job of product management.
    They may produce cheaper versions just to playback rigs, but how would that affect sales of expensive full package heads and racks?
    Every company on the market has one primary goal - to make money. When it goes along with keeping customers happy, that's even better. But making money above all.

  • Having a slimmed down rack version that you can use the current remote with makes a lot more sense than having an all-in-one floor version as well.

    I fail to see how offering a barely different version of what they already have would make any business sense over a new product design that would directly compete with the current marketplace products like the Helix and AX8.

  • Business ain't everything. Kemper doesn't strike me as the kind of company that is solely driven by profit. From what I understand the current Kemper's are expensive units because of the R&D and all the great free updates, customer service etc. and not because cost of the actual hardware components. Those other costs are things that only Kemper knows, so anyone else can only speculate on what makes sense for them business wise. My opinion is solely based on a user's perspective.

    The way I see it is that something like a small rack unit + remote combo could satisfy both live players and studios/home setups where profiling is not required or even possible. An all-in-one floorboard unit would only really make sense for live players, and even then it's sort of a PITA when you're tweaking stuff, which all of these digital amp boxes require quite bit of.

  • Business ain't everything. Kemper doesn't strike me as the kind of company that is solely driven by profit. From what I understand the current Kemper's are expensive units because of the R&D and all the great free updates, customer service etc. and not because cost of the actual hardware components. Those other costs are things that only Kemper knows, so anyone else can only speculate on what makes sense for them business wise. My opinion is solely based on a user's perspective.

    The way I see it is that something like a small rack unit + remote combo could satisfy both live players and studios/home setups where profiling is not required or even possible. An all-in-one floorboard unit would only really make sense for live players, and even then it's sort of a PITA when you're tweaking stuff, which all of these digital amp boxes require quite bit of.

    Couldn't disagree more. All companies are driven by profit. Kemper offers the FW updates and upgrades because customer satisfaction is very much a part of building a brand and business.

    The smaller rack unit makes no more sense since most people have gone away from racks. And footswitches are both very desired, easily portable, and most definitely not solely for live use. There are plenty of people who use them to record direct, especially since you can plug these devices into a computer and use an editor.

    Consider that a rack unit and a remote is what you already have. You could also have the option of a footswitch with perhaps a built in expression pedal that would include all the capabilities of a rack unit and a remote (and more) for less than the combined cost of a rack and remote (and likely less than the combined cost of a smaller rack unit and remote).

  • I`d love a Kemper Floor unit. Kempers version of the AX8/Helix. Tbh, I am atm selling off my tube gear to get a Kemper. But if I had the choice between the profiling Toaster or a Kemper floor unit... I`d buy the floor unit. Studios need the profiler thing, and I just will not be using that part of the Kemper. If the Kemper could profile from a good pre recorded guitar track though, like the AXE FX can, I`d be interested in that.

  • Couldn't disagree more. All companies are driven by profit. Kemper offers the FW updates and upgrades because customer satisfaction is very much a part of building a brand and business.
    The smaller rack unit makes no more sense since most people have gone away from racks. And footswitches are both very desired, easily portable, and most definitely not solely for live use. There are plenty of people who use them to record direct, especially since you can plug these devices into a computer and use an editor.

    Consider that a rack unit and a remote is what you already have. You could also have the option of a footswitch with perhaps a built in expression pedal that would include all the capabilities of a rack unit and a remote (and more) for less than the combined cost of a rack and remote (and likely less than the combined cost of a smaller rack unit and remote).

    I said that Kemper doesn't seem to be driven solely by profit, not that it wasn't a factor at all. And last I checked there is plenty of rack gear being made and used these days. Maybe the slant is more towards studio use but it seems like most used digital guitar amps live these days are the AxeFX and KPA, both of which are rack units. The all-in-one floor units seem to be more popular amongst the hobbyist//prosumer/bedroom producer, all of which may not be willing to spend as much as what the KPA or AxeFX cost. To each his own though.

    Edited 2 times, last by esotericmetal (February 1, 2017 at 7:27 AM).

  • I said that Kemper doesn't seem to be driven solely by profit, not that it wasn't a factor at all. And last I checked there is plenty of rack gear being made and used these days. Maybe the slant is more towards studio use but it seems like most used digital guitar amps live these days are the AxeFX and KPA, both of which are rack units. The all-in-one floor units seem to be more popular amongst the hobbyist//prosumer/bedroom producer, all of which may not be willing to spend as much as what the KPA or AxeFX cost. To each his own though.

    The sole purpose of a business is to make a profit. Let's not kid ourselves. Kemper isn't a non-profit or a charity, nor would one expect them to be. It is precisely their motivation. The updates and add-ons are up-sells, much like what Fractal and Line 6 do. It's easier to get repeat business than new ones, so it simultaneously keeps Kemperites happy and willing to buy more Kemper gear while attracting to new consumers. It also keeps them ahead of the game where other digital emulation software may try and usurp them.

    Rack gear is still around, but is it as sought after as it used to be? Not even close. Even the notorious rack unit Axe-FX has turned itself into a floor unit. And don't for a moment think that serious players and serious industry types don't use the AX8 or Helix. A shit ton of them take the floor units on tour. Saves space and has all their favorite gadgets inside.

    I hardly think it's worth Kemper's time or resources to figure out a way to eliminate 2 rack spaces worth with no additional gain or marketplace advantage. A floor unit would be a perfect compliment. We're talking the ability to have 1 lightweight unit to take with you gigging that could fit in a backpack vs 2+ units that would cost more. I know you lose processing power from the Axe-FX II to the AX8, but I'd be willing to lose some of the same from the Kemper to have the worlds best, most portable rig.

  • I said that Kemper doesn't seem to be driven solely by profit, not that it wasn't a factor at all

    I do also think you are right. Listen to Mr. Kemper himself on YT interviews. If you can read between the lines you will asure yourself, that he was sololey interested to solve the digi-tube-sim problem. He was even complaining about customers saying the Kemper can sound better than the real thing. :D His mission was to make it sound the same, *not* better! This is engineers- or problem-solvers-talk, not so much salesman bulls**t. He has to pay his staff, though. And yes, its not charity. But price-value of Kemper stuff is excellent to me...

    with more modern components I guess you could achieve the same result with a tenth of the size... and maybe cheaper too...

    ...and would lose the greatest user interface on a digi amp ever. To me its all about haptics, real knobs with proper spacing.

    What I could imagine though: Dial in the sounds with the toaster and transfer those to a standalone floorboard with just some knobs for volume matching. Would be one piece less to carry around...

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Ughh... I'm just saying what i'd like to see, not what Kemper should do. That's allowed on a discussion board right?

    I do also think you are right. Listen to Mr. Kemper himself on YT interviews. If you can read between the lines you will asure yourself, that he was sololey interested to solve the digi-tube-sim problem. He was even complaining about customers saying the Kemper can sound better than the real thing. :D His mission was to make it sound the same, *not* better! This is engineers- or problem-solvers-talk, not so much salesman bulls**t. He has to pay his staff, though. And yes, its not charity.

    This is pretty much what I meant. I suppose you could say Mr. Kemper is just faking it to help with PR but that would just be your opinion. I personally don't get that impression...

  • Having a slimmed down rack version that you can use the current remote with makes a lot more sense than having an all-in-one floor version as well.

    I was responding to this line of thought more than anything. You're allowed to that opinion, just as I'm reasoning mine, which for me is mutually respectful and constructive.

    I haven't heard anyone complain about the rack units size or the need for a 1U, and the rack is the size that it is because there is no computer editor so the front panel needed to have space for all the UI stuff on the toaster. Even Christoph explained previously that the reason there are no LED lights for the EQ knobs on the rack is there simply was no room. A 1U would have to be entirely operated by an editor, which is coming, but still makes little sense compared to other market solutions they could provide, which include an all-in-one floor unit. I also think a great idea would be a super stripped down preamp the same size and portability as an Atomic Amplifire.

  • I would also love a Kemper floorboard version. It would definitely be something I would consider. I bet if they wanted to, they could get the current functionality of the Profiler into a floorboard concept and not lose any of the features. If they create an editor for computer and or ios/android that could solve the tweaking problem. I'm sure they would come up with a way to tweak from the actual unit as well. They are good at this kind of thing, I'd love to see what they come up with if they try and I will most likely buy it if they do!

  • It could be that they typically actually sell them for those prices when people negotiate. So they are lowering them post Christmas knowing people don't have as much money (it's a looong month for those on a monthly pay check too)

    But if there IS a floor unit, unless it's got something amazing like dynamic multiple profile blending to entice me to switch...

    Now, if it also has laser holographic pedals, COUNT ME IN!! They do it for mouses & keyboards, also at night they are easier to see and it's LITERALLY outside the box!