• I spot a Marshall power amp in the rack! What else is in there?

    A Helix, a JMP-1 (gathering dust, but its too nice to sell), a drawer of drive pedals (Freqout, Jemini, Pinnacle 2, Pinnacle 1, Mojomojo, and an empty slot usually a Zendrive clone)) and a Digitech Trio, a drawer of pitch pedals (Hog2, Quintessence, Mimiq, Whammy DT (sometimes a Boss SY-1)), and a drawer with a GR55. There's alot of overlap between my pedals, but I like them. Its really a simple rig. one power switch, one cable in, the Helix does all of the routing&control.

    Anyone needing a cheap studio/home rack - buy 2x Ivar sides and some rack rail - screw the rail to the Ivar, bolt in your gear - instant rack.

    Wheels are optional - but being able to wheel it into the living room to use as a 'headphone amp' is pretty cool.

    Edited 2 times, last by ajbsmirnoff (May 16, 2020 at 11:50 AM).

  • Wow, a studio and a furniture shop in an apartment? You must have very understanding neighbors :). Nice setup.

    LOL Yeah, I mostly record with headphones, then master on the monitors during the day on weekends. Same with anything involving a power tool, I try to get any wood pre-cut a the shop so I minimize any power tool use when I get home.

    I've spoken to all my neighbors and have given them my phone number to text me if I'm ever too loud. 7 years here and not one noise complaint.

    Learned to respect neighbors after getting a noise ordinance ticket for $135 around 1998 or 99, figure in inflation Im sure the fine has gone up a bit, especially in this hoity-toity complex.